08/13/2007 - Regular - MinutesPRESENT: Kim E. Abel, Mayor City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of August 13, 2007 Council Members: Mayor Pro-Tem Wyatt, Chang, Clauson, Dilenno, Geiger, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Director Abed, Planning Director Long-Woods, City Clerk Merlino, Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick, and Assistant City Attorney Jacoby. 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Mr. Glen Schmidt led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATION Boy Scout Day Camp Mr. Glen Schmidt, past District Chairman for South Kitsap County Boy Scouts, presented the Council with a plaque thanking the City for allowing the Boy Scouts to use Van Zee Park for a two-week camp during July. He noted that over 200 kids attended the camp and he appreciated the City staff's assistance in setting up the entrances and helping to keep the kids safe. Bethel Corridor Update Eric Baker, Kitsap County Commission's office, provided a brief presentation on the Bethel Corridor and proposed financing plan on how to pay for the $43 million project. There were two alternatives the County was looking at: 1) funded by a County Road Improvement District (CRID), which would likely replace impact fees; and 2) funded by a Transportation Benefit District (TBD), which would require a supermajority vote and would not be paid by CRID property owners. The TBD could be funded by property taxes or motor vehicle license fees, which would be assessed per vehicle. The County's next steps would be to hold public meetings to get citizens input on the alternatives presented, obtain a joint resolution of support from the City of Port Orchard, and refine the TBD and CRID boundaries. Kitsap County Commissioner Jan Angel noted this issue was being brought forward to the Council for its input and explained the County would do survey work to find out what the citizens think about the options. She further explained that if the community does not support the project it will not happen and would affect future development of the Bethel Corridor area. Minutes of August 13, 2007 Page 2 of 8 The Council directed staff to place this item on their agenda for the budget planning session and in the meantime present the options to the community through its Citizen's Update Newsletter. Mayor Abel called for a five-minute break and reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Proposed Storm Water Ed Wiltsie, representing Morrissette & Associates, provided a power point presentation on the proposed Storm Water Management Plan. Mr. Wiltsie reviewed compliance requirements, state and federal deadlines, penalties, and costs for the next six years. Further, it was recommended that the City look at funding the project through a utility rate district similar to Bremerton and Poulsbo. Future work included meeting with the Council's Utility Committee to finalize rate structure, revise City ordinances, and hold public hearings on the revised ordinance and report. Council Member Wyatt moved and Council Member Chang seconded the motion to send the proposed Storm Water Management Plan to the Utility Committee for further review. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing Petition for Annexation: Walden, Tanner & Lingerfeldt Properties Planning Director Long-Woods presented the staff report, noting the request contained six parcels totaling 115.89 acres contiguous to the City limits. The parcels were recently added to the City's Urban Growth Area through Kitsap County's Comprehensive Plan, 10-year update approved in December 2006. The Lingerfeldt property was designated "Urban Low Density Residential" and the Tanner/Walden properties were designated "Urban High Intensity Commercial/Mixed Use" in the County's Comprehensive Plan. The applicant for Lingerfeldt property has requested the designation of "Medium Density Residential" in the City's Comprehensive Plan, which would allow for future residential zoning. The applicants for Tanner/Walden properties requested "High Density Residential" designation to allow for future mixed use of the properties. The Council held a brief discussion on ownership of the road and Assistant City Attorney Jacoby explained that the City could not ask that the road be included in the annexation at this time, as the Boundary Review Board had already approved the request. At 8:53 p.m. Mayor Abel opened the Public Hearing. Michelle McFadden, representing property owners of the 5 acres adjacent to the proposed annexed properties, expressed concern with zoning and requirements for buffer against rural property. She suggested consideration of a nuisance clause or other form of protection for those property owners who own horses. Minutes of August 13, 2007 Page 3 of 8 Ms. Gerry Harmon, 906 Kitsap Street, voiced concern with an increase in sewer bill, runoff and erosion, and whether or not a plan was being formulated for preserving as many trees as possible during future development of the proposed annexation parcels. Mr. Gil Michael, 228 Seattle Avenue, urged the Council to develop an area-wide comprehensive master plan before proceeding further with development in the Sidney/Sedgwick areas. Mr. Dave Walden, representing Quadrant Homes, spoke about Quadrant Homes' pride in being a good neighbor, noting Quadrant will propose trails and a two and one-half acre park. Quadrant remains committed to being a good neighbor and keeping the community informed of future development plans of the area. There were no further public comments. At 9:00 p.m. Mayor Abel closed the Public Hearing. Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Powers seconded the motion to accept and approve the petition for annexation of approximately 115.89 acres owned by Walden, Tanner, and Lingerfeldt and require the simultaneous adoption of comprehensive plan designations of High Density Residential for the Walden/Tanner property and Medium Density for the Lingerfeldt properties, and the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following Consent Item was removed from the Consent agenda and placed under Business Item 7C: • Approval of Mayor's Recommendation of Appointment of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Members The following Business Items were removed from the Agenda: • Approval of Public Event Application for the Spirit of Truth Fellowship's "Free Family Movies in the Park" • Discussion: GUM POD A 10-minute Executive Session for discussion of real estate acquisition was added to the agenda. Minutes of August 13, 2007 Page 4 of 8 AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Tom Kruse, Vice-President of Planning and Business Development of Harrison Medical Center, introduced himself and provided a brief update on future development of a 24-hour urgent care facility in Port Orchard and its benefit to the community. Mr. Gil Michaels, 228 Seattle Avenue, urged the Council to consider amending the current City Code in regards to political signs due to the State moving the date of the primary from September to August. Specifically, he asked that City Code allow general election candidates to begin posting political signs after the primary. Those candidates not moving forward in the general election should be required to remove all political signs within seven days after the primary. Mr. Fred Olin, 219 Tracy, encouraged the Council to require those not moving forward in the general election to remove their signs within one week after the primary and/or general election. Mr. Olin did not believe any other changes were necessary to the Code. Mr. Larry Coppola voiced concern with current City Code requiring primary winners to remove signs within one week after the primary only to have to put them back up for the general election. After a brief discussion, the Council referred the issue of revising the Political Signs code section to the Street Committee. In addition, the Street Committee was asked to review political sign placement and/or abolishing all political signs within the City limits. Gerry Harmon, 906 Kitsap Street, voiced concern with the Downtown Overlay District (DOD) rules and regulations, specifically whether other communities' rules and regulations contained flaws and whether the Council was taking those flaws into consideration during their review process. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Chang moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded the motion approving the Consent Agenda as amended. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. A. Approval of Claim Warrants 48130-48239 totaling $395,452.67 and July Payroll Warrants #140856-140910 and Direct Deposits in the amount of $378,687.25. B. Minutes of the July 23, 2007 City Council Meeting C. Approval of Public Event Application for the Chamber of Commerce's "2nd Annual Murder Mystery Weekend" 9r Approval of ~1ayor's Recommendation of Appointment of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee ~1embers Minutes of August 13, 2007 Page 5 of 8 BUSINESS ITEMS: Adoption of Ordinance No. 024-07 Approving the Annexation Reguest for Walden, Tanner & Lingerfeldt Properties Council Member Dilenno moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded the motion to approve Ordinance No. 024-07 for the petition for annexation of approximately 115.89 acres owned by Walden, Tanner, and Lingerfeldt and require the simultaneous adoption of comprehensive plan designations, and the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. At 9:33 p.m. the Council moved into a 10-minute executive session for discussion of real estate acquisition. Mayor's Recommendation of Appointment of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Members Council Member Wyatt moved and Council Member Geiger seconded a motion to approve the Mayor's recommendation to appoint representatives from the Vista Motel, Comfort Inn, and Days Inn, along with representatives from Kitsap Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau, Bay Street Association, and Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce. Upon vote, motion passed unanimously. Minutes of the July 17, 2007 Special Study Session -Development Regulations Meeting Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded the motion to approve the July 17, 2007 Special Study Session -Development Regulations Meeting as presented. Upon vote, motion passed with six affirmative votes and one abstention. Council Member Putaansuu abstained from voting due to nonattendance at the meeting. Minutes of the July 27, 2007 DOD Meeting Council Member Putaansuu moved and Council Member Wyatt seconded the motion to approve the July 25, 2007 Downtown Overlay District Meeting as presented. Upon vote, motion passed with five affirmative votes and two abstentions. Council Members Clauson and Diienno abstained from voting due to their nonattendance at the meeting. Safer Boating Grant Mayor Abel presented the staff report, noting the Police Department was awarded a grant of $5,823 from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission in order to conduct marine patrol operations. The grant funds must be used for personnel costs Minutes of August 13, 2007 Page 6 of 8 related to marine patrol and safety only and cannot be used to supplement existing programs or to purchase equipment and/or repairs. Council Member Diienno moved and Council Member Powers seconded the motion to accept the Safer Boating -Boating Activities Program Grant from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission for the Police Department. Upon vote the motion passed unanimously. Approval of Public Event Application for Spirit of Truth Fellowship's "Free Family Movies in the Park" This item was removed from the agenda for further review. Continued Discussion Item: Wi-Fi in Citv Hall Mayor Abel presented the staff report and reminded the Council that the main motion, "Proceeding with Alternative 1 to provide Wi-Fi within City Hall and refer Alternative 2 to the Finance Committee" was before the Council for consideration. Council Member Clauson reported on inter-meeting discussions on this issue and noted that Wave Broadband had sent a letter advising their willingness to do a no-charge engineering survey of city hall to determine equipment requirements for Wi-Fi within the city hall building. Council Members discussed whether the low cost proposal of Alternative 1 was the preferred alternative and whether or not to accept Wave Broadband's offer to do a free engineering survey of city hall. Concerns were voiced in regards to user control, staff time to trouble shoot Internet access problems, and whether or not the City wanted to limit access similar to the Kitsap County's program. Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Clauson seconded the motion to extend the meeting an additional 15 minutes. Upon vote motion passed with five affirmative votes and two dissenting votes. Council Members Diienno and Wyatt cast the two dissenting votes. Council Member Putaansuu voiced concern with what Wave Broadband's intended use of the free signal was for, i.e. solely for City use or public use. He was unclear on whether the current agreement adequately addressed this issue and was in favor of Wave Broadband completing the free study of City Hall. Assistant City Attorney Jacoby explained that the franchise agreement was clear in that Wave Broadband agreed to provide complimentary Internet and wireless services within City Hall. Minutes of August 13, 2007 Page 7 of 8 Council Member Clauson moved to amend the main motion and Council Member Chang seconded the amendment to read, "proceed with Alternative 1 to provide Wi-Fi within City Hall, to have Wave Broadband provide a no- charge engineering survey of the City Hall building to determine equipment requirements, and refer Alternative 2 to the Finance Committee. Upon vote, the amended motion passed unanimously. Upon vote, the main motion as amended passed unanimously. Discussion: GUMPOD This item was moved to a future council meeting. Discussion: Admissions Tax Mayor Abel presented the staff report and explained that State law allows for a 5% tax on admissions. Should cities located in a county choose to not impose an admissions tax, the county can collect that tax within the corporate limits. The theater on Mile Hill worked with the City to institute a fairer tax for the small business owner. In March 2007, the City received a letter from one of the original owners of the South Sound Cinema 10 and advised the theater was sold to Regal Cinemas and the new owners price tickets in Port Orchard the same as other locations that are under a 4 or 5% admission tax. The Finance Committee has discussed whether to increase the admissions tax and if so, to what level or leave the tax at the current level of one-tenth of one percent. If the tax were increased to one percent the estimated annual increase would be $15,000. If the tax were increased to five percent the estimated annual increase would be $83,000. Council Member Geiger expressed concern with increasing the admissions tax, noting it was unfair and burdensome to tax only the two theaters. At 10:19 p.m., Mayor Abel took a one-minute break. Council Member Chang moved and Council Member Powers seconded the motion to extend the meeting an additional 10 minutes. Upon vote, motion passed with four affirmative votes and three dissenting votes. Council Members Diienno, Geiger, and Wyatt cast the three dissenting votes. Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Diienno seconded the motion to direct staff to prepare an ordinance increasing the City of Port Orchard's Admission Tax to 5°/o to become effective January 1, 2008. Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Putaansuu seconded the motion to continue discussion of this item at the August 27, 2007 meeting. Minutes of August 13, 2007 Page 8 of 8 Upon vote, motion passed with five affirmative votes and two dissenting votes. Council Member Diienno and Clauson cast the two dissenting votes. Discussion: Parking Feasibility Study This item was moved to a future Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT At 10:25 p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting. Kim E. Abel, Mayor