08/29/2007 - Special - MinutesPRESENT: Kim E. Abel, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council 2008 Budget Workshop August 29, 2007 Council Members: Chang, Clauson, Diienno, Powers, Putaansuu, and Wyatt Absent: Council Member Geiger ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, City Clerk Merlino, Planning Director Long- Woods, Public Works Director Abed, and Court Administrator Hunt. Mayor Abel started the meeting by acknowledging three items for discussion, as follows: :• 2008 Budget Workshop "'* Report on Annexation, illustrating potential revenues and expenditures "'* City Reserve Account First Item of Discussion-2008 Budget Workshop Mayor Abel presented the Council with a list of possible items and/or projects suggested for the 2008 budget, attachment "A". This list of 13 items and/or projects was compiled with input from the Department Heads. Mayor Abel gave a brief narrative of each item and/or project and then asked each Council Member for his or her comment. After receiving comments from the Council, it was determined that each Council Member would submit to the City Clerk how they would prioritize the 13 items and/or projects. Council also discussed Impact Fees and recognized the need to schedule a workshop on this topic. Second Item of Discussion -Report on Annexation Mayor Abel advised this topic was discussed at the Council's Retreat in March 2007. Mayor Abel further advised City staff prepared worksheets which depict potential revenue and expenditure projections upon McCormick Woods annexation and Bethel Avenue annexation, attachment "B". Council concurred to move forward with the 75% method for Annexation for the McCormick Woods area. Council asked for a "snapshot" version of what a household could expect after the annexation. Council also requested City Attorney's opinion on what the Council's role is in the annexation process. August 6, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Third Item of Discussion -Reserve Account City Treasurer Tompkins presented the Council with information from other cities on what they use as "Reserve Accounts" and presented estimated 2007 revenues and expenditures based on 1%, 2.50%, 5% and 8%. Council concurred to review the information presented and schedule a study session for more discussion. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm Michelle Merlino, City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor August 29, 2007 Budget Workshop List of Possible Items/Projects for the 2008 Budget Parking Garage Design/Construction Underground Utilities Construction Hearing Examiner Implementation to be Self-Supporting Annexation Bethel Corridor Road Improvements -Roundabout to Lincoln Impact Fee Study Session Sidney/Sedgwick Area Plan for Future Development of Infrastructure Urban Growth Area Management Agreement (UGAMA) -Coordinate with County to adopt City Standards Parks Acquisition RV Park Status Senior Facility on Bethel Property City Beautification Technology-Website/Other Condensed Draft Version 8-22-07 McCormick Woods AV 217,281,487 Population 1 ,930 001 101 102 Revenue Property Tax 451,245.00 Sales Tax 10,000.00 Other Taxes 164,182.22 License & Permits 255,150.00 925.00 Intergovernmental 24,800.00 32,745.00 15,410.00 Charges for Goods & Services 172,900.00 1 '130.00 Fines 9,695.00 Totals 1 ,087,972.22 34,800.00 15,410.00 Expenditures Salaries/Benefits Misc. Administrative 10,361.00 Finance 47,446.53 Municipal Court 18,709.00 Police 138,237.84 Planning 35,389.25 Bldg/Eng/Public Works 94,745.74 Equipment Replacement 55,000.00 Street Overlay 40,000.00 Parks/Street Lights Provided bl the Homeowners Assn. Totals 344,889.36 0.00 95,000.00 Net Revenue W /S 50% Surcharge Removed Addional Considerations: Police, start up costs Other Employees, start up costs Revenue Sharing with County(3 year cost) Widening of Old Clifton/Bethel Per Year??? County Mitigation Funds Totals 451,245.00 10,000.00 164,182.22 256,075.00 72,955.00 174,030.00 9,695.00 1 '138, 182.22 Totals 10,361.00 47,446.53 18,709.00 138,237.84 35,389.25 94,745.74 55,000.00 40,000.00 439,889.36 698,292.86 (252,555.51) 105,000.00 20,000.00 421,391.00 546,391.00 $9M 100,000.00 DRAFT Bethel AV 248,110,320 Population 2,030 001 101 102 Totals 515,270.00 515,270.00 850,000.00 850,000.00 221,540.00 221,540.00 53,500.00 975.00 54,475.00 26,085.00 34,440.00 16,210.00 76,735.00 65,500.00 1,200.00 66,700.00 49,205.00 49,205.00 1,781,100.00 36,615.00 16,210.00 1 ,833,925.00 Salaries/Benefits Misc. Totals 23,316.53 23,316.53 47,446.53 47,446.53 56,127.01 56,127.01 365,064.13 365,064.13 90,845.69 90,845.69 203,921.72 203,921.72 55,000.00 55,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 786,721.61 0.00 115,000.00 901,721.61 932,203.39 Karcher Creek Sewer and Annapolis Water Districts ATTACHMENT '1 8 11 262,500.00 40,000.00 1 ,739,051.00 2,041,551.00 GRID orTBD