01/09/2007 - Special - MinutesPRESENT: KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Fred Chang Robert Geiger Rob Putaansuu City of Port Orchard City Council Study Session Regarding the Downtown Overlay District January 9, 2007 ALSO PRESENT: Public Works Director Abed, Planning Director Long-Woods, Administrative Secretary Gilreath, Assistant City Attorney Jacoby and Greg Rogers (South Kitsap Fire and Rescue). Mayor Abel opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and resumed discussion of the Downtown Overlay District. The sections for discussion at this meeting were: Section 110 Special Amenities Section 120 Design and Building Standards Assistant City Attorney Jacoby stated that the period for written comments has closed. Council Member Clauson asked for verification of the heights established at the study session in November. The maximum height for both the north and south side of Bay Street is proposed at 55 feet. Property may be developed to the full 55 feet only with the inclusion of one of the amenities listed in Section 110. Council Member Geiger expressed concern with taking existing views from existing properties. Minutes of DOD Meeting January 9, 2007 Page 2 of 3 The Council began finalizing special amenity requirements. Proposed language Changes Section 110 (2) (a) Add "marked" after: The feature is located in an area that is accessible, "marked", and visible to the public at all times; Section 110 (2)(b) Add "excluding land value" after "one (1) percent of the building valuation." Section 110 (3) Strike "mid-block access opportunity" and replace with "public access opportunity between buildings." Section 110 (7) Replace "fishing pier" with "public pier" and replace "mean lower low water" with "over the water at low tide." Assistant City Attorney Jacoby and Planning Director Long- Woods will review and modify language based on Shoreline Management Policy. The Council began discussion on how to add language to give developers an incentive to jointly develop an amenity so that the amenity is greater in proportion; i.e., one large water feature vs. 10 small water features. Such as "Nothing shall prohibit two property owners from combining ...... " Add language to several items to encompass this benefit. Additional Options for Section 110 Suggested changes: Section 110 (1) (2) (3) require 75% of the fee IF combining amenity with another property AND placing it on their combined property. Section 110 (1) (2) requires two (2) times the standard amenity fee IF the fee is given to the City to build and maintain an amenity. A review and discussion followed regarding Design and Building Standards. Section 120 Central DOD -Design and Building Standards Section 120 (1) Rooftop Maintenance Equipment Research to determine if it's actually possible to place HVC blowers, etc. somewhere other than the roof. If it's possible, include some language that requires equipment NOT to be visible on the roof. Minutes of DOD Meeting January 9, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Section 120 (5) (c) Change "adjacent to the water" to "water side of the building". Add language regarding "access to the water side". Section 120 (8) (a) Change "above twenty-five (25) feet in height" to "above thirty-nine (39) feet in height". Mayor Abel presented photographs downloaded from the web to illustrate building architecture from the late 19th, early 20th century; especially as relating to structure height modulation. Mayor Abel requested the committee members obtain more examples of this type of structure height modulation for Appendix 1. Assistant City Attorney Jacoby will have a draft of the ordinance available to give the City Council at the next scheduled City Council meeting on January 22, 2007. The ordinance will be offered for Public Comment at the February 12, 2007, City Council Meeting. Adoption will be scheduled for the February 26, 2007, City Council Meeting. Mayor Abel adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Kim E. Abel Mayor