09/17/2008 - Retreat - MinutesCity of Port Orchard City Council Budget Retreat Session September 17, 2008 PRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor Councilmembers: Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: Police Chief Townsend, Court Administrator Hunt, City Treasurer Tompkins, Development Director Weaver, Public W arks Director Dorsey, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, and Deputy Clerk Rinearson. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. City Treasurer Tompkins briefed the new Councilmembers and staff on the budget process, noting the City's budget for 2009 is 8 million dollars. Mayor Coppola asked the Councilmembers and staff to state their 2009 budget goals. Councilmember Clauson; • Council to focus on one or two projects at a time • Complete Tremont and the re-development of downtown, which would include a parking garage • Annexations • Wastewater taking over the Port's sewer system and focus on including the leachate work with Waste Management • Well 10 finalized Councilmember Chang; • Library redone or a new building Councilmember Colebank; • Annexation of Fred Meyers to generate revenue • City Hall windows, leaks, and general maintenance • Downtown parking, which would be the next step to revitalize the downtown • Boardwalk with a waterfront trail • Paul Powers Park updated • Library redone or a new building Councilmember Childs; • Start redeveloping downtown • Annexation of McCormick • Improve Library September 17. 2008 Budget Work Study Session Page l of 5 • Boardwalk extensions of park vistas • Senior Center Councilmember Putaansuu; • Redevelopment of downtown, to include the library • Finish Utility Undergrounding • Parking garage • Finish Tremont Corridor and pursue funding • Bethel Corridor annexation and setup maintenance funds for future road improvements • McCormick Woods Annexation Councilmember Olin; • Citizens of Port Orchard and City employees keeping them happy • Not to redevelop the downtown • Parking garage • Annexation of all the Urban Growth Area (UGA) Councilmember Powers; • Continue with Tremont Corridor • Downtown parking • Impact fees • Improve parks, maybe include a pocket park and/or boardwalks • Library • Utility Undergrounding • Annexation City Mayor; • Customer service and safety training for all front counter staff • Fix -up City Hall • Put up a big display board to show the City's goals and priorities of City Hall • Give the Department heads the tools they need to do their job • E-mail list of all residents to send out City information • Accept credit card payments • Hire an in-house graphic person, instead of outsourcing • Landscape more of downtown, maybe include a "Welcome to Marina District" stgn, more t1ower baskets and standardize the light poles/fixtures • Increase travel budget and education funds for the Mayor and Council • Increase Mayor budget to full-time City Clerk Kirkpatrick; • Keep current budget level of staff • Outsource Municipal Code • Maintain travel education budget • Clerk would like to attend IIMC annual conference, dependent upon scholarships • Hire a records management clerk • Part-time office assistant if Mayor becomes full-time September 17, 2008 Budget Work Study Session Page 2 of 5 Human Resource; • Same budget • Training courses for WPELLA and FMLA • Expand Springbook software to include HR functions to interface • Full-time assistant for filing City Treasure Tompkins; • Keep current budget level of staff • New computer reports binders • Reconfigure two office locations • Training for staff to be up to date on all areas of the finance department • File cabinets • Shelves to put in closet for more storage space • Accounting clerk to assist with billing • Project management Springbook software • Billing supervisor • Two additional accounting staff • Car for Finance, IT, and Clerks office to share • Video monitoring system for various department • Bike racks • Ergonomic desks • Employee parking IT Department; • New computers and updated software for staff • Computer Equipment and printers • Full-time Tech Assistant • Rewire Council Chambers for EOC • Upgrade Chimes • Multifunction 44" scanner/plotter • Document camera for Council chamber • Cisco Firewall hardware for PUD fiber • Direct fiber from City Hall to shop • Micro phones for Council Chambers • Online bill pay capabilities for website • Remote site (PW Shop) capable of supporting critical operations in emergency • Upgrade telephone system to VOIP with Exchanger interface • Microsoft training for all office personnel Court Administrator Hnnt; • Keep same budget • Phone in the Court's entryway for interpreter services as required by Title 6 • Upgrade intercom system • New desk for the Judge • New carpet or tile September 17, 2008 Budget Work Study Session Page 3 of 5 • Part-time file clerk • Recording system and audio recorder upgrade • Color copier to scan Court documents • Walk thru security medal detector • Security camera system upgrade for Courtroom • Divider wall for the Courtroom • Expand Court Clerk's office space • Electronic filing system for Court documents • Automatic calling system to remind citizen's of Court dates • Electronic calendar board showing the Court's calendar Police Chief Townsend; • Technology, training, and equipment for officers • Hire replacement for Officer McFann • Maintain car maintenance and routing schedule • Parking scooter • Boat training • Bigger police station Development Director Weaver; • Full-time Hearing Examiner Clerk/Annexation Coordinator/Planning & Building Department Administrative Assistant • Shoreline Update Plan • Multifunction 44" plotter replacement • Part-time Assistant Plan Checker/Building Department Assistant Inspector • Sidney/Sedgwick Sub-Area Plan (Outside Consultant Contract) • Redistricting Planning, Mapping, and Public Outreach • Urban Growth Area Annexation Efforts • McCormick Woods Annexation 2009 efforts • Grant support and preparation • Storm Water Enterprise Support • Parks and Facilities Division (1 Planner/Grants, 2 Facilities, I Admin) • Economic Development Division (I Specialist/] Admin) Public Works Director Dorsey; • Keep current 2008 levels with unfinished projects shifting to 2009 with some adjustments (Seawall, Tremont St. Design & Property Acquisition, & WelllO Design) • Blackjack Creek Mitigation/Water • Well #5/W ater • McCormick Pump Station #2 -Odor Problem • Marina Lift Station/Sanitary Sewer • CAD Tech/Plan Review/SWM Position+ Workstation (Combined Funding) • Developer's Handbook (Sewer, Water, Storm, Roads, Street Lights) • Software Upgrades • Paint Striping machine September 17,2008 Budget Work Study Session Page 4 of 5 • Reroof the Library • South Shop Generator • Training/Conference Fees • Dekalb Street Pier (Designed and Permitted) • Copier/Scanner/Printer/Fax (Color) • Large Scale plan copier/scanner/printer • Well #4 Capped • 4 workstations (Public Works) • Meter reading equipment (Electronic) • Repaint the interior and exterior of building • Street Sweeper • Pick -up Truck • 4 new staff positions (Shop) • Proposed purchase for sand storage • Well # 10 Transmission Construction/Upgrades including Perry Avenue, Storm, Well #6 Upgrades • Building modifications for space • Excavator & Lowboy • Vac Truck • Gateway (Tremont Corridor) Phase II Design • Carpet at City Hall • Laptop • South End (Glenwood JPA) Water System Improvements-Intertie, Well, Reservoir • New Police Station • Public Works Vehicle September 17,2008 Budget Work Study Session Page 5 of 5