09/16/2008 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Work Study Session Minutes September 16, 2008 Councilmembers: Mayor Pro-Tern Clauson, Chang, Childs, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Development Director Weaver, Public Works Director Dorsey, Police Chief Townsend, City Attorney Jacoby, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, Assistant City Engineer Archer, and IT Manager Tucker. Mayor Pro-Tern Clauson called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Policy for Free Public Wi-Fi with Wave Broadband IT Manger Tucker advised he was ready to proceed with free Wi-Fi access to the public at City Hall. He explained each time someone accessed the Internet at City Hall, they would be required to agree to a user policy agreement, which had been approved by the City Attorney. Mayor Coppola arrived at 7:04p.m. Public Records Request Draft Ordinance City Clerk Kirkpatrick advised that pursuant to RCW 42.56, the City is required to provide rules of procedure for the guidance of the public in making requests for the inspection of or copying of public records, and to publicly identify a public records officer. This new section of the Port Orchard Municipal Code will help streamline the process for staff and the general public in requesting and responding to requests for City documents. Council directed the ordinance be placed on the September 23, 2008, agenda. Storm Water Management Plan JWM&A Ed Wiltsie, Senior Project Engineer Associate of Jerome W. Morrissette & Associates provided an overview of the Storm water Management Plan with the following points: • Work to satisfy the Federal and State regnlations in preserving the water quality and environmental quality; • The elements of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance includes ordinance development, public education and outreach, public participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction runoff control, post construction runoff control, pollution prevention and good housekeeping, and utility administration; • Action priorities that are put into place would be facility maintenance and housekeeping, as·-built facilities mapping, new construction monitoring/inspections, upgrade urban September, 16 2008 Work Study Session Pagel of 4 center conveyance systems, outfall consolidation, existing facilities inventory and maintenance program, and major outfall reconstruction; • Maintenance and housekeeping should include streets like Sidney Avenue, Kitsap Street, Cline Avenue and Taylor Street for improving the road conditions; • Construction runoff control would include construction on Farragut Avenue, Melcher Street, and Tacoma A venue; • Major outfall reconstruction, including Ross Creek and Arnold Avenue; • Ordinance development to include revisions to the stormwater, critical areas, and zoning ordinance; • Public education and outreach program is being coordinated with Kitsap County; • Illicit discharge detection and elimination is part of the Kitsap County Health District grant program which includes stormwater system mapping, illicit discharge detection, and commercial properties inspection program; • Post-construction runoff control to include revisions to the stormwater manual, facility design and maintenance, street cleaning, catch basin vactor cleaning, and street side parking for grooming and signing; • Set up program administration for billing set-up and annual operations; • Establish Impervious Surface Unit (ISU) for each resident housing and commercial building. The Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance establishing the stormwater utility and the fund for the October 14, 2008, meeting. Sarah Davenport-Smith, Deportment of Ecology, Municipal Stormwater Specialist-Water Quality Program, recommended the City establish a program for City-owned stormwater ponds, noting they must comply with stormwater regulations. The City is ultimately responsible to ensure all storm water ponds are maintained and that City code should clearly state who owns and maintains each pond located within the City limits. Options would be to take ownership of all the stormwater ponds and bill each homeowner's association for the yearly maintenance, or provide a maintenance check list for privately owned stormwater ponds, with mandated annual inspections. In response to Mayor Coppola, Ms. Davenport-Smith explained the State can fine up to $10,000 per day per violation, which could result in the loss of future grants and/or loan funding. Assistant City Engineer Archer stated staff was seeking an Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County to provide the City's public outreach and education portion of the NPDES process. At 9:06p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the meeting after a five-minute recess. Parking Garage-Site Locations Councilmembers reviewed six proposed parking garage sites and determined site number three, Prospect/Kitsap/Sidney, as the preferred site. Council directed staff to determine the costs to bore a hole at the preferred site to determine its viability to sustain a parking garage. September, 16 2008 Work Study Session Page 2 of 4 Discussion: Council Committees Councilmember Powers noted the Property Committee was willing to absorb the former Street Committee duties in order to assist in street related issues, and the Council continued this item to the October 21, 2008, Work Study Session. McCormick Woods Status Update Development Director Weaver provided an update on McCormick Woods Annexation, noting the following: • The draft Comprehensive Plan is completed and formal presentation will be held at the September 23, 2008 Council meeting. • Continuing discussion with the County regarding future annexations and long-term goals including transportation and land use analysis. • A new page has been added to the City's website specific to McCormick Woods' Annexation. • The McCormick Woods' annexation kick-off meeting will be held on October 15, 2008, at 7:00p.m. This is a meeting for all homeowners to ask questions and get a brief update on the annexation. A letter from Mayor Coppola, a flyer regarding the advantages of annexation, and the petition will go out in the City's water/sewer bills at the end of September. Council directed staff to place on the consent agenda approval to spend $500 for the meeting room at the McCormick Woods' Clubhouse for the October 15, 2008, meeting. November 11th Meeting-Move meeting date due to Veteran's Day City Clerk Kirkpatrick announced November 11, 2008, is Veteran's Day and that according to Port Orchard Municipal Code 2.04.010, the Council meeting would be moved to Wednesday, November 12, 2008, at 7:00p.m. at City Hall. City Hall closure for day after Christmas and New Year's The Council directed staff to prepare a resolution authorizing City Hall to be closed on Friday, December 26, 2008, and Friday, January 2, 2009, as staff anticipated minimal public use of City services on either Friday due to the Holidays. Staff could either work those days, take a personal or floating holiday, use accmed vacation leave or comp time. Councilmembers Missing More than Four Meetings City Clerk Kirkpatrick advised that Port Orchard Municipal Code 2.60.030(1) and 2.60.030(2) were unclear regarding excused absences and asked for clarification from Council. The Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance amending section 2.60.030 as follows: (A) With the exception of missing a regular meeting because of an unavoidable primary employment schedule, a council member will not be compensated for non-attendance of such regular meetings unless excused by a majority vote of the City Council and no single council member may be excused for more than 4 consecutive meetings per calendar year (not to include illness and job conflict non-attendance). Acceptable excuses shall be: 1. Vacation 2. Jllness 3. Bereavement September. 16 2008 Work Study Session Page 3 of 4 4. Unusual or un-foreseen circumstances such as serious illness in the family, accident or transportation carrier delay. (B) In the event of three uaexcu:;ed four consecutive absences, the Mayor shall appoint a committee of three Councilmembers to meet with the subject councilmember to discuss that member's ability to perform the duties of that office and then return a recommendation to the whole Council as to the continued retention of that member in the Council. Hotel/Motel Funding Due to time, this item was deferred to the October 21, 2008, Work Study Session. Ferry Impact Phase 1 Due to time, this item was deferred to the October 21, 2008, Work Study Session. Council Districts Due to time, this item was deferred to the September 23, 2008, Council Meeting. City Fees Due to time, this item was deferred to the October 21,2008, Work Study Session. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, October 21, 2008 September, 16 2008 Work Study Session Page 4 of 4