08/19/2008 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor
City of Port Orchard City Council
Work Study Session Minutes
August 19, 2008
Councilmembers Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, and Putaansuu
ABSENT: Councilmember Powers
ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Development Director Weaver, Public Works
Director Dorsey, Police Chief Townsend, City Attorney Jacoby, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, and
Deputy Clerk Rinearson.
Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and noted Development Director
Weaver would arrive late due to a meeting in Bremerton.
Revenue Sources
City Treasurer Tompkins discussed different revenue sources that are available to the City and
provided a report to Council. The report showed historical data and possible future revenues.
Treasurer Tompkins requested the Council send their questions to her prior to the September
Budget Retreat.
Development Director Weaver arrived at 7:07p.m.
Employee of the Year Parking Space
Mayor Coppola explained that an Employee of the Quarter program had been implemented to
help improve employee morale. Employee of the Quarter received a certificate of appreciation
and lunch with the Mayor. A plague with their name and picture is located on the second floor
lobby for public viewing. Additionally, staff would like to implement an Employee of the Year
who would be selected by Department Heads from the four Employee of the Quarter honorees.
In addition to a certificate of appreciation and lunch with the Mayor, it was recommended that
the Employee of the Year be awarded a parking space in the City Hall parking lot. The only cost
would be a sign indicating the space was reserved for the Employee of the Year.
After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to proceed with an Employee of the Year
parking space in the City Hall parking lot.
Utility Committee
Package Plants
Public Works Director Dorsey explained that the West Sound Utility District (WSUD)
Commissioners adopted a policy that disallows the use of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Package
Plants within the Urban Growth Area (UGA) of their sanitary sewer service area; WSUD was
requesting the City adopt a similar policy.
Work Study Session
August 19, 2008
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Council discussed the following areas of concern:
• Loss of revenue from connection fees
• Ownership of the treatment plant
• Associated cost
• Setting too strong of a City standard
• Water/sewer rates may increase
• Ways to dispose of waste
The Council determined it would remain neutral in regards to the issue at this time.
Water Reclamation with West Sound Utility District (WSUD)
West Sound Utility District (WSUD) received a $474,000 grant from Washington DOE to pump
Class A reclaimed water from the Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility (JWWTF) to the
Veteran's Memorial Park on Retsil Road for irrigation purposes and to replenish the low base
flow for Karcher Creek.
Council discussed the following areas of concern:
• JWWTF is a joint plant and the benefits and expenses should be shared
• May make water more available on Bay Street for contractors and will be able to
provide a filling station
• Still working on resolving Well No. 5 issues and then will concentrate on bringing
Well No. 10 on line
The Council would like to participate in the project and recommended the matter be taken back
to the Sewer Advisory Committee (SAC) for further discussion.
Storm Water Utility Update
Jerome W. Morrisette & Associates, Inc. was hired to assist the City with creating a storm water
utility system, which included public education and outreach. On June I, 2006, the City of Port
Orchard secured a $75,000 grant and in order for the City to obtain NPDES II permit compliance
Jerome W. Morrisette recommended the City work with the County on community outreach and
education. Jerome W. Morrisette will provide an update at the September 16, 2008 Work Study
Session. Public Works Director Dorsey stated he would like the City to enter into an interlocal
agreement with Kitsap County to provide the education and outreach for the City, which would
cost approximate $5,000.
The Council directed staff to pursue an interlocal agreement with Kitsap County for community
outreach and education in regards to storm water utilities.
McCormick Woods Update
Development Director Weaver provided an update on McCormick Woods Annexation, noting
the following:
• Planning Department will provide up-to-date information on SKIA and annexations
on the City's website.
• A copy of the City of Bremerton's Land Use Map, which shows all the Urban Growth
Areas within Kitsap County.
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August 19, 200R
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• Councilmembers will be working to provide information to McCormick Woods'
residents and maybe do a door-to-door petition, which will include a kick-off
• Mayor Coppola asked Dick Davis to write a letter stating McCormick residents would
rather be in Port Orchard than Bremerton.
• Mayor Coppola will meet with Kitsap County Commissioners regarding the status of
At 8:42 p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the meeting after a five-minute break.
2009 Budget Issues
Retreat in September to discuss
The Council directed staff to prepare and notice for a budget retreat to be held on Wednesday,
September 17, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall.
Lobbyist for Ferry
Mayor Coppola explained that the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) has been
meeting to discuss the State ferry systems. Part of the discussion has been to hire a lobbyist for
the next legislative session to push forward the need for sustainable ferry systems. KRCC is
proposing a partnership with all ferry dependent communities to share in the cost of a ferry
lobbyist. Mayor Coppola brought the matter before the Finance Committee who recommended
moving forward with participating in KRCC' s ferry lobbyist efforts so long as the funding
remains proportionate per impacted city.
Lobbyist for City of Port Orchard
Mayor Coppola explained the benefits of the City having its own lobbyist. The Council
concurred and directed the Mayor to determine the costs of a lobbyist and whether or not to share
a lobbyist with other cities. Funding for the lobbyist would be discussed during the 2009 budget
Marketing/Economic Development
Mayor Coppola is meeting with Careen Haydock-Johnson, Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director, regarding downtown revitalization and making downtown a destination
location to improve overall tourism and benefiting the City.
Councilmembers discussed funding and distribution of 2009 Hotel/Motel Tax dollars:
• Creating a Marketing/Economic Director position similar to Gig Harbor
• Reevaluate funding provided to various organizations
• Notify Hotel/Motel applicants that they may not receive full funding in 2009
Mayor's Position
Mayor Coppola advised he would be asking for full-time pay in the 2009 budget discussions and
asked that this item be placed on the budget retreat agenda.
Travel Budget
Mayor Coppola stated this item would be on the budget retreat agenda, noting that
Councilmember travel funds were not enough overall and/or per person and encouraged the
Council to consider increasing their travel budget to $2,000 per member.
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August 19, 2008
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Formation of Ward/Districts Committee
Councilman Olin requested the Council form a Ward/Districting Committee to determine if
redistricting was timely due to pending annexations. Councilmembers Olin, Clauson, and
Colebank volunteered to serve on this committee.
Executive Session -Parking Garage
At 9:53 p.m. Mayor Coppola adjourned the meeting for a 30-minute executive session regarding
discussions on real estate matters -parking garage. At 10: 17 p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened
the meeting.
Patricia J. Kir