08/04/2008 - Special - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Special Work Study Session with Kitsap County Commissioners August 4, 2008 Councilmembers: Chang, Childs, Clauson, Powers, and Putaansuu; and County Commissioners Angel and Bauer ABSENT: Councilmembers Colebank and Olin and County Commissioner Brown ALSO PRESENT: Development Director Weaver, Public Works Director Dorsey, and City Clerk Kirkpatrick. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. McCormick Woods Annexation Development Director Weaver reported staff had met with Eric Baker and Shelly Kneip regarding the annexation for McCormick Woods and several issues remained unresolved: • Revenue sharing agreement • Impact fees • Transportation and Parks • Timeline for the City is August l, 2009 Commissioner Angel advised this issue has not come before the Board of Commissioners and encouraged staff to try to resolve as many of the issues as possible. Bethel Road Annexation Eric Baker, Special Projects Manager for Kitsap County, provided an update on Bethel Avenue, noting the County was pursing widening the roadway to four lanes with two roundabouts, bike lanes and sidewalks. However, due to escalating costs of right of way acquisitions and asp halting, the project has increased beyond the funding capabilities of the County and City. If bonded could be $43 million over the life of the bond in 2007 dollars. The County was looking into other funding options such as forming a road improvement district and/or a vehicle licensing surcharge to help offset the costs. Currently, Kitsap County is doing an online and telephone poll regmding the Bethel Corridor and hoped to have the results by the end of August or early September. Kitsap County Commissioner Angel explained the public's perception is that there is money to improve Bethel Avenue; however, the reality is that there are no funds for the project. The Council and Commissioners discussed: • Phased approach-Dedicating a portion of sales tax to the bonding • Work together with revenue sharing agreement • Create a method to accelerate the transition of sales tax • Save money through redesign Work Study Session May 20,2008 Page 2 of 2 Both agreed to continue to work together on this much needed project Givens Center/Veteran's Memorial Park Commissioner Angel explained that the County was trying to determine if the City was interested in purchasing the Givens Center, perhaps for relocation of the Library. City Councilmembers voiced concern with costs associated with maintaining building and whether or not the Library wanted to move from the downtown area. The County was interested in turning the Veteran's Memorial Park over to the City and the parties discussed the pros/cons of the City's costs of maintaining the park, noting the City does not have a Parks Department, which the County expressed a desire to help with maintenance until the City has its own Parks department or a Metropolitan Parks District was created. The Council requested the opportunity to review and discuss the County's offers before committing. South Kitsap Industrial Area (SKIA) Mayor Coppola explained the City's position, noting that based upon the Interlocal Agreement, the City of Port Orchard has moved forward to providing sewer service to SKIA through expansion of the wastewater treatment facility plant The City was working with the Port of Bremerton to have the City provide sewer for SKIA regardless if it is annexed into the City of Bremerton. Suppm·ting the Positive Relationship Between City/Countv Commissioner Angel thanked the City Council for taking time to meet with them and hoped to continue working together on various issues. She noted parking was still a major problem and looked forward to partnering with the City on finding an equitable solution. :18 p.m. the meeting adjourned. 1--::tr--.( . ""··· .-1/:...,.,r--h-