07/15/2008 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Work Study Session Minutes July 15, 2008 Councilmembers Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, and Putaansuu ABSENT: Councilmember Powers ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Development Director Weaver, Public Works Director Dorsey, IT Manager Tucker, Police Chief Townsend, City Attorney Jacoby, and City Clerk Kirkpatrick. Mayor Pro-Tem Clauson called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Request for Proposal: Citv Website Redesign IT Manager Tucker provided a breakdown of the responses received to the City's Request for Proposal for Website Redesign, noting that tbree proposals were within the budgeted funds of $5,000. Of the three proposals, staff recommended moving forward with Dreamscape Multimedia who would allow each department control of their own web page and had solid content management system. Mayor Coppola arrived at 7:15p.m. Councilmember Chang stated that the review committee wanted to go local; however, the local businesses were higher in price. Mayor Coppola inquired why Sun Graphics was not listed on the bid sheet, stating he had received that email from them and felt they met the requirements. Councilmember Chang noted that there were specific requirements to the bid package, one of them being an original hard copy of the documents, which had not been received. Councilmembers directed staff to determine the best qualified applicant and the Mayor could negotiate the contract so long as the amount stayed within the budget of $5,000. If the amount exceeded the budgeted $5,000, the contract would require Council approval. The Mayor and Councilmembers thanked Councilmember Chang and IT Manager Tucker for their assistance in sorting out a less than clear package to present to Council. Update: McCormick Woods Annexation Development Director Weaver provided an update on the McCormick Woods Annexation status, noting the following: Work Study Session June 17, 2008 Page 2 of 4 • Kitsap County is obligated to pay $330,000 for the proportional share of constructing the Glenwood Connector road as a regional system improvement. The resulting net impact fee transfer to an annexing municipality would be negligible. • Kitsap County has not collected any Parks Impact Fees, but do anticipate collection of $643,742 for development of McCormick Village Parle The actual design, planning, and construction costs have not been calculated. Annual maintenance costs were estimated at $115,000 per year and were undetermined regarding responsibility of maintenance. Dick Davis indicated that the Horneowners Association cuiTently rnaintains all of McCon11ick Woods' parks and trail system. • Storm water agreements for regional storm water pond capacity dedication with the South Kitsap School District would be proposed to be maintained through pre-annexation agreement. • The Kitsap County Commissioners and the City Council would meet on August 4, 2008, at 6:30p.m. at City Hall to discuss a range of topics including McCormick Woods. • The Planning staff has been preparing maps, parcel lists, and signature pages for use during the annexation process and in assistance to the McCormick Woods Annexation Committee. The documents should be completed and forwarded to the Committee in August. • McCormick West has given verbal "no protest" agreement for the McCormick West parcels. Additionally the City-owned existing tank farm parcel in McCormick Woods was annexed into the City in 2001. • The School District wanted to present their Capital Facilities Plan for new impact fees to be imposed by the School District. As soon as the School District has finalized their Capital Facilities Plan they will schedule a time to present to the Council. Update: Parks Grant Development Director Weaver invited Councilmembers to the final Paul Powers Park grant application meeting on Tuesday, July 22"d, in Olympia, 1111 Washington Street, Second Floor. The meeting begins at 2:20 p.m. and the City has 12 minutes to make its presentation for the grant funds. In response to Councilmember Clauson, Development Director Weaver will have his department contact the Local MOMs Club and invite them to the meeting on July 22nd. Additionally, he would look into a van to allow Councilmembers and the Local MOMs Club members to car pool to the meeting. Update on Tremont as it relates to the Bethany Lutheran School Police Chief Townsend proposed to force vehicles to make a right turn from Tremont to Port Orchard Boulevard in an effort to reduce speeders and increase pedestrian safety, which would be similar to the right turn only lane at South Kitsap Boulevard coming from the freeway. The Council directed staff to install the appropriate signs and street painting. Discussion: Change to POMC 5.60 Safe and Sane Fireworks Greg Rogers, South Kitsap Fire and Rescue requested the Council revise Port Orchard Municipal Code 5.60 to be more in compliance with other cities in Kitsap County. Proposed changes were: • Increasing the permit fee to $1 00 Work Study Session June 17, 2008 Page 3 of 4 • No longer allowing the sale of fireworks in December for the New Year's Eve Holiday Period • No longer allowing the use or explosion of any fireworks within the City on New Year's Eve • Streamlining the permit process to be the same as the State's regulations The Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance with the proposed changes as outlined by Greg Rogers, South Kitsap Fire and Rescue and to increase the insurance requirements to $1 million. Alternatives for Bed &Breakfast Sewer Rates Public Works Director Dorsey explained that staff had reviewed the B&B Sewer Rates m1d had come up with four options: • Option I: Maintain existing sewer Class 4 at $72 base plus $18/Unit Bimonthly • Option 2: New Sewer Class at $72 base plus 0.5 ERU/5 rooms Bimonthly • Option 3: New Sewer Class at $72 base plus $7.5/per unit Bimonthly • Option 4: New Sewer Class at $72 base with NO unit surcharge After review and discussion the Council directed staff to prepare m1 ordinance with Option 3 in accordance with the table provided by the City Treasurer, including a credit retroactive to August 2007. Gerry Harmon, 906 Kitsap Street, urged the Cotmcil to look at creating a sewer credit to Bed and Breakfast businesses during the first year as part of their startup costs. Executive Session At 9:00 p.m. Mayor Coppola adjourned the meeting for a 30-minute executive session regarding potential litigation per RCW 42.30. City Attorney Jacoby, Development Director Weaver, and Public Works Director Dorsey were invited to attend the Executive Session. City Attorney Jacoby announced no action would be taken as a result of the executive session. At 9:29 p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the Work Study Session. At 9:29p.m. Mayor Coppola passed the gavel to Mayor Pro-Tem Clauson and left the meeting. Presentation: Surface Water Management Program by Dave Tucker of Kitsap County Dave Tncker, Kitsap County Public Works provided a presentation on the final National Pollutm1t Discharge Elimination System Storm water Phase II Permit by the State Department of Ecology (NPDES) and provided guidelines on implementation of the plan and urged the Council to consider being partners with the County, Poulsbo, Bremerton, and possibly Gig Harbor. Council referred the matter to the Utility Committer for further review of the guidelines and implementation process. Discussion: General Parking/Parking Garage Due to time, this item was deferred to the August 19, 2008, Work Study Session. Work Study Session June 17, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Councilmember Olin asked the Council to consider forming a committee to make a recommendation on whether or not to divide the City into three districts and two cow1cil positions in each district with one position "at large." The Council directed the City Attorney to provide an update on the process to divide the City into districts. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, August 19,2008 At 10:10 p.m. the mee ing was adjourned. / ~·