05/20/2008 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard City Council Work Study Session May 20,2008 PRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor Council Members: Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Development Director Weaver, Commander Marti, City Attorney Jacoby and Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Peninsula Regional Transportation Organization Council Member Colebank would be the City's representative on the Peninsula Regional Transportation Organization Board. Update: McCormick Woods Development Director Weaver provided a brief update, noting the Petition for Annexation had been approved and staff would be meeting with Kitsap County, their attorney, and special project manager next week to go over jurisdiction in regards to the Petition for Annexation. City Attorney Jacoby reminded the Council that the petition requires 75% by value of property to qualify and explained that the clock starts running from the date of the first signature and has to be submitted to the City within six months of that signature date. Once the petition is received by the City, the clock stops running and the City has no time limit on when to request the Notice of Sufficiency from Kitsap County. Council Members discussed the process for: • Final date to accept petition from McCormick Woods residents • Timeline for County approval and final approval by the City • August 1st is the date when boundaries of a city is set for purposes of the following year's property tax levies. In order to get property taxes for an annexed area in 2009, final approval needs to take place before August 1, 2008. • Letter to the residents regarding the City's marketing approach to notify McCormick Woods residents of facts and issues regarding annexation, including school impact fees • Ways to generate the required signatures Work Study Session May 20, 2008 Page 2 of 3 City Attorney Jacoby would provide a timeline of the dates and when each portion of the process needs to be completed and by whom. Mayor Coppola will draft a letter to the residents of McCormick Woods addressing school impact fees and annexation issues. BKAT Broadcast of Council Work Studv Session Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick explained that the cities of Bremerton and Poulsbo do not broadcast their work sessions; however, Bainbridge Island does through a Public Access Agreement with Bainbridge Island Television. The additional costs to begin broadcasting work sessions were $322.75 per work study sessions or $1,936.50 to the end of the year. She further explained that work study sessions were for the Council to meet with staff and to provide direction on various items. After a brief discussion, the Council decided to not broadcast work study sessions at this time. Update of Bay Street Utility Undergrounding-Sidney Avenue City Treasurer Tompkins distributed a current spreadsheet on cost estimates on the total project. Council Member Putaansuu advised that the notice to proceed for Orchard Avenue and Frederick Avenue was done and work would commence next week. Sidney Avenue would proceed three weeks later. The Utility Committee and staff were continuing to identify cost savings to the project and would continue to keep the Council advised of any future savings. Review of Ordinance No. 019-07, Relating to Undergrounding of Utilities After a brief discussion, Council directed the City Attorney to bring forward an ordinance regarding the tie-in to underground utilities and/or design standards for developers to camouflage above-ground transformers through landscaping or placement inside the building. Parks Grant Review Council Member Powers reported that the Public Property Committee had met with Kathleen Barrantes, Grant Solutions, regarding the Parks Grants, and that the first technical review of the Parks Grants would be on June 5, 2008, in Olympia. Depending upon the outcome of that meeting, the Public Property Committee would hold a subsequent meeting to discuss the next step and solicit input from the local MOM's Club. Further, the Committee looked at expanding the parking area at the Paul Powers Park and obtaining a CAD drawing for the technical review meeting on June 5, 2008. Council directed staff to place a resolution on the agenda authorizing the Mayor to spend up to $200 for CAD drawings to support the Parks Grant Applications. Discussion: Water Rates and Fee Schedule City Treasurer Tompkins distributed the 2007 water/sewer operating statements, which reflected a loss and supports the need for a rate increase. She provided an overview of Work Study Session May 20, 2008 Page 3 of 3 the water rate increases, noting that PACE Engineers performed the study and recommended the proposed increases. She explained that the South Kitsap Fire and Rescue had submitted a letter indicating they were unable to support a residential sprinkler incentive at this time. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to remove the language supporting a residential sprinkler incentive, and use the proposed rate increase and change the onnection fee figures back to those provided by PACE Engineers, to be effective July 1, 2008. Funding for Municipal Facilities Council discussed funding for the next component of the parking garage, noting that it would be beneficial to have a design to share with future funding partners and estimated the drawings to cost approximately $50,000. City Treasurer Tompkins explained that there were adequate funds in the Street Fund to cover the proposed costs. Council directed staff to bring forward an ordinance amending the budget to reflect the use of the Street Fund unencumbered fund balance. Tremont Intersection Benefit of having a Roundabout vs Signal Intersections and Funding Update City Treasurer Tompkins provided a brief update on the costs for the roundabout versus signalization, noting that roundabout costs were $65,000 more and signalization was $17,000 more. However, maintenance costs for signalization over 20 years is approximately $212,000 or $10,000 per year. She was concerned with the $150,000 costs for changes to the engineering design and had been unable to quantify how much was really needed for the redesign from roundabout to signalization. After a brief discussion, the Council directed that the new City Engineer review the project materials to determine the true costs of redesign and what work has been performed and/or paid. Council further directed that the June 10, 2008, agenda be kept to a minimum in order to allow for a short work study session regarding Tremont Widening to follow the regular meeting. Update: Bethel Avenue Sinkhole Development Director Weaver explained that the project was moving forward and expected to have final FEMA approval within five days, with the start of the project to begin in three weeks. Patricia J. Kifkpatric , Deputy Clerk