05/13/2008 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard
Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting of May 13, 2008
PRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor
Council Members: Mayor Pro-Tem Clauson, Chang, Childs, Colebank, Olin,
Powers, and Putaansuu
ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Development Director Weaver, Assistant
City Engineer Archer, City Clerk Merlino, Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick, and City Attorney
Larry Curies led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
John Aflootini read into the record a letter regarding encroachment of noxious weeds,
specifically ivy, growing on trees in the downtown area. He urged the Council to begin
eradicating ivy from trees in the downtown area to reduce further damage.
Gerry Harmon, 906 Kitsap Street, opposed the proposed water rate increases, noting
that the rates do not reward those using the least amount of water.
Diane McConaghy, 924 Sidney Road, voiced appreciation to the Council and
Development Director Weaver for responding to her letter, noting the City has some
great laws that she had previously been unaware of. She urged the Council to consider
during its 2009 budget cycle a waiver of home business permit fees for those wishing to
operate on a part-time and/or short-term basis a home business that has no employees,
no signs, and is not open to the public, which would help keep costs down.
Mayor Coppola introduced the new Assistant City Engineer Andrea Archer.
The following item was removed from the Agenda:
• Request for RV Parking Exemption
The following items were added to Business Items:
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• Approval of Mayor to Sign Berger/Abam Supplement No. 5 Relating to Additional
Tremont Right-of-Way Support Services
• Discussion: Water Leak Resolution
• Home Business on Flower Street
A ten-minute Executive Session regarding real estate and personnel matters would
follow business items.
Council Member Chang moved and Council Member Olin seconded the motion
approving the Agenda as amended. Upon vote, the motion passed
Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Putaansuu seconded
the motion approving the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed
A. Approval of Claim Warrants #49690 through 49818 totaling $634,845.83,
Payroll #141418 through 141508 totaling $403,286.01 & Treasurer's
check book in the amount of $1,456,239.41
B. Approval of the April 15, 2008, Work Study Session Minutes
C. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Professional Service Agreement for
Property Manager at 213 & 215 Prospect Street
D. Approval of 2008 Public Event Application -Festival by the Bay and
Fathoms O'Fun Parade
Commissioner Jerry Lundberg of West Sound Utility District introduced Commissioners
Jim Hart and Susan Way and presented the Department of Ecology's 2007 Joint
Wastewater Treatment Facility (JWWTF) Outstanding Performance Award to the City
Council. Commissioner Lundberg explained that during the 2007 flood the JWWTF
treated 12 million gallons and at no time did the water bypass the plant and go into the
ocean. In addition, the JWWTF was one of 83 out of 100 plants to meet all of the
Department of Ecology's requirements in 2007.
Council Member Clauson thanked the Commissioners for the award, noting that the real
credit goes to West Sound and John Poppe for the outstanding work they do at the
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Approval of the April 22, 2008, City Council Minutes
Council Member Putaansuu moved and Council Member Chang seconded the
motion to approve the April 22, 2008, City Council Minutes. Upon vote, the
motion passed with six affirmative votes and one abstention. Council
Member Clauson abstained from voting.
Adopt Ordinance No. 014-08, Amending POMC Title 10, Regarding Commute
Trip Reduction and Implementing Measures as Required by RCW 70.94.527
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting that the Commute Trip
Reduction program is a cost-effective program that addresses a number of issues in
Port Orchard and the program continues to grow and expand as solutions are needed
for complex transportation and environmental issues. Further, Ordinance No. 014-08,
was prepared in accordance with the CTR Board's revisions to Chapter 70.94 RCW to
bring the City into full compliance.
Council Member Chang moved and Council Member Childs seconded the
motion to adopt Ordinance No. 014-08, Amending Port Orchard Municipal
Code Chapter 10.86 "Commute Trip Reduction" (CTR) pursuant to Chapter
70.94 RCW and the Guidelines established by the CTR Board.
Council Member Clauson removed himself from the discussion and vote due to his
employment with Kitsap Transit and his direct involvement with the Commute Trip
Reduction Program.
In response to Council Member Chang, Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick explained that there
were several employees who use a commute alternative, especially during the spring
and summer; however, none of the employees have actually joined the CTR program.
Upon vote, the motion passed with six affirmative votes and one abstention.
Council Member Clauson abstained from voting.
Confirmation of Mayor's Appointment of Mark Dorsey as Public Works
Director effective May 28, 2008
Council Member Colebank moved and Council Member Olin seconded the
motion to confirm Mayor Coppola's appointment of Mark Dorsey as City
Engineer, effective May 28, 2008. Upon vote, the motion passed
Mark Dorsey looks forward to starting work on May 281h and commended Development
Director Weaver and his staff for stepping up and covering for the Public Works
Director/City Engineer and it would allow for a smooth transition.
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Approval of 2008 Public Event Application -Fathoms O'Fun Carnival
City Clerk Merlino provided the staff report, noting that the Tourism Committee and City
staff met with AI Mahaney of Fathoms O'Fun to discuss the amount of waterfront
parking lot being requested for use during the Carnival. Two options were presented:
Option A: Fathoms O'Fun would use the parking lot up to and including directly in
front of Amy's on the Bay Restaurant.
Option B: The use of all the parking areas, inclusive of the parking lot in front of
Amy's on the Bay Restaurant and the parking lot area adjacent to the Library
The Tourism Committee recommended approval of the application for Public Event with
the condition of Option A.
Council Member Colebank moved and Council Member Childs seconded the
motion to approve the Fathoms O'Fun Carnival application for public event
with the condition of Option A. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Meeting with Initiating Parties Regarding Notice of Intent to Petition for
Annexation of the McCormick Woods Properties
Development Director Weaver provided the staff report, noting that the property
owners of McCormick Woods and The Ridge, et al submitted a Notice of Intent to
Petition for Annexation of approximately 871 parcels totaling approximately 1,297 acres
contiguous to City limits. Eighty property owners signed the petition, which constituted
over 11% of the combined valuation. RCW 35.13.125 requires the Council to determine
whether it will accept, reject, or geographically modify the proposed annexation,
whether it will require the simultaneous adoption of a comprehensive plan, and whether
it will require the assumption of all or any portion of existing city indebtedness by the
area to be annexed. Staff recommended that the Council allow a petition to be
circulated for annexation of the property described in the Notice of Intent and to require
the simultaneous adoption of comprehensive plan and zoning designations, and the
assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed.
Council Members briefly discussed the following items:
• Redrawing the annexation boundary to include McCormick West
• Whether or not Kitsap County completed preliminary approval of McCormick
• Timelines for the petition process
Development Director Weaver explained that the McCormick West developers were not
interested in being a part of the preliminary annexation proposal at this time.
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City Attorney Jacoby would review the petition process timelines and report back to the
Council, and noted that by moving forward with the petition process, the Council was
not bound to annex McCormick Woods into the City.
Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Putaansuu seconded the
motion to allow the applicant to circulate a petition for annexation of the
property described in the Notice of Intent and to require the simultaneous
adoption of comprehensive plan and zoning designations, and the
assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Upon
vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Official City Newspaper
City Clerk Merlino provided the staff report, noting that bids were received from the Port
Orchard Independent and the Kitsap Sun as follows:
Port Orchard Independent:
$2.95 per classified column inch on a ten-column format
Legal notices will appear in the A-section
Legal notices will be placed on their website free of charge
Kitsap Sun:
$3.17 per classified column inch on a ten-column format
$7.00 for placement of ad on their website
The bids were reviewed by the Finance Committee on April 29, 2008, with the
recommendation of designating the Port Orchard Independent as the official City
Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Childs seconded the
motion to confirm Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 1.16, designating the
Port Orchard Independent as the City's official newspaper. Upon vote, the
motion passed unanimously.
Approval of the Bav Street Undergroundinq Proiect Relating to Sidney
Avenue Intersection
Development Director Weaver provided the staff report, noting that the City has been
working to underground the franchise utilities throughout the downtown corridor for the
last two years. On April 22, 2008, City Council recommended Caseco Associates move
forward with the proposed figures for Frederick Avenue and Orchard Avenue for the
downtown utility undergrounding. Additionally, the Council recommended that Caseco
proceed with bidding on Sidney Avenue for review and consideration at this meeting.
The Utilities Committee met on Thursday, May 8, 2008, and reviewed the proposed
costs and contract specifications provided by Caseco Associates for the Sidney Avenue
utility undergrounding portion. In addition, Caseco provided the costs to do additional
work to cover the traffic signal controller south to the existing power pole as shown on
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the West Sound drawing for an additional cost of $27,800. The total costs for the
Sidney Avenue utility undergrounding portion is $162,800, plus sales tax.
Council Member Putaansuu stated the project is proceeding forward in order to meet
the State's overlay deadlines and staff would continue try to find costs savings within
the project.
In response to Council Members concerns, City Treasurer Tompkins explained that the
funds for the Bay Street Utility Undergrounding Project would come from the 2008
budget in the amount of $250,000, with the balance to come from Cumulative Reserve
for Municipal Facilities Fund. A budget amendment would be brought forward at the
next Council meeting addressing the use of this fund to cover the balance of the
Council Member Olin moved and Council Member Clauson seconded the
motion to award Contract 006-08, for the Sidney portion of the Bay Street
Utility Undergrounding project in an amount not to exceed $180,000,
including sales tax. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of the Bethel Avenue Sinkhole Improvements
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting that the staff has
prepared the plans for repair of the sinkhole on Bethel Avenue and the replacement of
the existing sub-standard storm pipe. City staff has received preliminary FEMA approval
for the award of this project, provided that FEMA's conditions would be added to the
contract provisions. The low bid received was from Northern Con-Agg, Inc. in an
amount of $296,737. West Sound provided engineering and one change order was
absorbed into the existing contract to redesign the storm pipe and move it out along the
sinkhole alignment to avoid potential oil contamination and conflict with the property
owner's plan to place another building on the site. The project is pending final State and
FEMA approval of the change order and project funding. Staff recommends awarding
the contract with Con-Agg, Inc. for the bid amount of $296,737. FEMA's portion of the
costs equates to $259,644.88 or 87.5%, and the City's portion of the costs equates to
$37,092.13 or 12.5%.
Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Powers seconded the
motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the Northern Con-Agg, Inc. agreement
to construct the repairs on Bethel Avenue per the engineering plan and
specifications, upon receipt of approval from FEMA, and with the
understanding that 87.5% of the repair costs will be paid by FEMA and the
City will pay 12.5% of the repair costs in an amount not to exceed $296,737.
Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
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Adopt Resolution No. 024-08. Authorizing the Mayor to Sign Contract with
Geo Science Management, Inc for Groundwater Sampling
City Attorney Jacoby explained that the City formerly owned the property at 514 Bay
Street and used it for its Public Works Shop. Over the years, the soil and groundwater
became contaminated by City-owned underground storage tanks and from
contamination that migrated from leaking fuel tanks that were located on the adjacent
Marina Mart property. When the City sold the property at 514 Bay Street to Vlist Motors
in 1999, the City agreed to pay for all cleanup costs associated with the City's
underground storage tanks. The City has been working with its consultant, Howard
Small, for several years to remediate the contaminated soil and groundwater. In 2004,
the Council approved the installation of 7 groundwater monitoring wells and they are
sampled twice a year; once by the City and once by the prior owner of the Marina Mart.
Resolution No. 024-08, authorizes the Mayor to enter into a professional services
contract with Howard Small of Geo Science Management, Inc. for two rounds of
groundwater sampling at a cost not to exceed $11,109.
Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Olin seconded the
motion to adopt Resolution No. 024-08, authorizing the Mayor to enter into a
professional services contract with Geo Science Management, Inc. for two
rounds of groundwater sampling at 514 Bay Street, at a cost not to exceed
$11,109. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of the Mayor to Sign Berger/Abam Supplemental No.5. Relating to
Additional Tremont Right-of-Way Support Services
Mayor Coppola clarified that in order to keep the Tremont Street Widening Project
moving forward, he recommended Council approve the supplemental agreement for
additional Tremont right-of-way support services. This would include 55 legal
descriptions to be written prior to moving forward with offers along the Tremont
Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Clauson seconded the
motion to authorize the Mayor to sign Supplemental Agreement No. 5 for
additional Tremont right-of-way support services with Berger 1 Abam
Engineers, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $55,013.
City Attorney Jacoby did not see a conflict at this time; however, Council Member
Colebank, who owns property on Tremont Street, excused himself from the discussion
and abstained from voting on the motion.
Upon vote, the motion passed with six affirmative votes and one abstention.
Council Member Colebank abstained from voting.
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Discussion: Water leak
The Mayor and Council received a letter from a water/sewer customer asking for an
additional amount on their water leak credit. Council Member Putaansuu stated the
Utilities Committee held a discussion on the water leak resolution currently in place,
which allows for a credit up to $100 to a customer's water bill if a leak occurs. The
Committee was concerned as to whether or not the current credit was sufficient.
After a brief discussion, the Council directed the matter to the Utility Committee to
review the resolution and make a recommendation on whether or not to revise the
water leak credit amount.
Discussion: Home Business on Flower Street
Council Member Chang voiced concern that Ms. Cronin did not have any confidence in
City staff to ensure the Hearing Examiner's conditions would be enforced.
Development Director Weaver explained that all of the conditions set forth in the
Hearing Examiner's Decision have been and will continue to be enforced. Further, staff
has documented all the steps and responses to ensure the business owner is in
Council Members commended Development Director Weaver for:
• Securing $267,000 for the Tremont Corridor project from the Transportation
• Assistance with the Bay Street Utility Undergrounding project
Council Member Childs stated the Friends of McCormick Woods committee met with
Dick Davis and moving forward with annexation, noting many ideas were discussed on
how to get information out to the McCormick Woods residents.
Council Member Childs announced the Tourism Committee would be meeting on
Wednesday, May 14th at 2:00 p.m. and the next Festival of Chimes and Lights would be
meeting on Monday, June 2nd at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Council Member Clauson reported that he and Mayor Coppola had met with State
Transportation representatives regarding funding of the Bay Street sidewalk and staff
has come up with a nice plan and solution that will be relatively quick to install and cost
effective. Development Director Weaver commended his staff for all their assistance
with getting information and projects out in a timely manner.
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Mayor Coppola provided a brief update on:
• 28 bids were received on the Website Redesign Request for Proposal and staff
would begin the process of selecting a new web designer.
• Commander Marti posted the language for landlords to insert into their leased
and/or contracts regarding drug activity on the City's website.
Mayor Coppola commended the Planning Department staff on a good compromise for a
local business at the South Kitsap Mall, which allowed them to stay in business and
remain in compliance with City codes.
Discussion: Conditional Use Permit Fees for Hearing Examiner
Development Director Weaver provided an update on Conditional Use Permit Fees and
stated the City had responded to a letter received from Diane McConaghy regarding
department fees for processing Home Occupation Conditional Use Permits. The City
fees for a Home Occupation Conditional Use Permit (CUP) are $600 and $700 for the
Hearings Examiner. These fees and this land use process were set by Ordinance No.
026-07 and 046-07, and Resolution No. 019-08. Development Director Weaver further
explained that the time to provide the review of plans and code, provide public notice,
respond to public comments, and write staff reports associated with the CUP process far
exceeds the fees collected to process the permits. In the past all the costs associated
with CUP fees had not been tracked and staff is now able to clearly identify all of the
costs for inclusion in the 2009 budget discussions.
City Treasurer Tompkins advised the next Utility Committee's meeting had been moved
from May 21, 2008, to June 11, 2008, at 8:00 a.m. at Myhre's.
Update on Admission Tax
City Treasurer Tompkins provided a brief update on Admissions Tax, noting that at the
December 19, 2007, meeting Council approved an ordinance increasing the admissions
tax from one tenth of one percent to five percent and providing a lower one percent
admission tax for new businesses during their first year of operation. Further, the
Council directed staff to have the revenue go into a "designated unreserved fund
balance-recreation enhancement" account. Regional Cinemas is currently paying 5% on
a monthly basis and Orchard Cinemas paid 1% after the first quarter; however, they
averaged more than $100 per month and staff has requested they begin paying
monthly. It is anticipated the City will collect $81,780 in total admission tax revenue for
2008. Staff recommended the Council have a discussion on ideas for programs, projects
or items they would like to use these funds that have been designated for recreation
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The Council held a brief discussion on:
• Meeting with the Local MOM's club for their ideas and input
• Determine if matching funds would be needed for the recent parks grant
• Begin thinking about using funds to purchase new equipment or starting a
recreation program
At 9:00 p.m. the Council moved into Executive Session for 10-minutes for the purpose
of discussing real estate and personnel matters per RCW 42.30.110(1). The City
Attorney was invited to attend the Executive Session and announced that no action
would be taken as a result of the Executive Session. At 9:10 p.m. the Mayor extended
the Executive Session for additional 20-minutes.
At 9:30 p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the regular meeting.
Gerry Harmon, 906 Kitsap Street, voiced concern that a former employee of the City is
now working for a contractor and whether that would take business away from the City.
She encouraged the Council to look at instilling a non-compete clause for separating
employees in order to eliminate the potential loss of business.
Brian Petro voiced appreciation to the Council for its efforts regarding:
• The South Kitsap Industrial Area (SKIA)
• The foresight to build a sewage treatment plant that would allow for future
growth and expansion
• Ivy growth on trees, noting that he should be able to grow anything he wants on
his own property
• Home businesses, noting the City should encourage home businesses so long as
they are not a nuisance
• Support of Fathoms O'Fun, noting it is a historical event and good for the kids
and community
• Annexation, noting that the City should annex everything that comes their way.
Terry Cousins commended the City on hiring new staff and noted things were running
more smoothly.