04/15/2008 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Work Study Session April 15, 2008 Council Members: Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Development Director Weaver, Public Works Director Abed, City Attorney Jacoby, and Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Tremont Intersection a. Benefit of having a Roundabout vs Signal Intersections This item was tabled to the May 20, 2008, work study meeting. b. Status of Consultant Work Mayor Coppola explained that staff was working to bring the Consultant's cost down to below $200,000. Currently, the Consultant had reduced their original price to $216,000 and work has been temporarily halted on the project until this matter was resolved. After a brief discussion, the Council directed the Mayor to continue negotiations and to have the Consultant proceed with the project. Discussion Regarding McCormick Woods Development Director Weaver provided a brief update on the McCormick West Master Plan and Preliminary Plat, noting that Condition for Approval item 85 stated that future annexations of McCormick Woods West shall sign an Annexation Agreement by all applicable owners and delivered to the City of Port Orchard and Kitsap County prior to final plat approval. This would mean that the Council could extend the boundaries to include areas in the North and West. The City has already committed sewer services in the North and West through a Letter of Commitment. Ray McGovern spoke against including McCormick West as he did not feel there was any value to the City as it was still raw land and preferred that the City stay focused on the existing residents. In response to Development Director Weaver, Council Members Clauson, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu expressed an interest to attend the McCormick Woods Homeowners Association meeting on Wednesday, April 16, 2008. After a brief discussion, City Attorney Jacoby explained that in order to satisfy the meeting noticing requirements, the Clerk's office would need to issue a press release first thing in the Work Study Session March 18, 2008 Page 2 of 4 morning. The Council directed that the Deputy Clerk issue a press release advising that Council Members would be attending the McCormick Woods meeting on Wednesday, April 17th. a. Communication/Marketing Ideas Council Members discussed the benefits of forming a Council committee to address marketing and communication issues. In addition, the Council discussed providing funding to help offset costs of announcements. The Council directed the formation of the "Friends of McCormick Woods Committee," to include Jerry Childs, Chair, Rob Putaansuu and Fred Olin; Development Director Weaver would provide staff support. In addition, the Finance Committee would look for extra funding to provide annexation information to the residents of McCormick Woods. Dick Davis voiced concern with impact fees and schools, noting that this was a sticking point for McCormick Woods' residents regardless if they would be affected by them and urged the Council to begin educating the residents on what impact fees are and how they would or would not affect the residents upon annexation into the City. Delinquent fee notice on water/sewer utility bills Council Member Chang provided a brief overview of his concerns that the utility bills did not show the late fee surcharge. He explained that staff had determined the late fee could be printed on the bill directly at no extra charge and were in the process of making those changes. Council directed that the Utilities Committee review the 10% late fee surcharge. Additional Audience Comments at the end of the Regular City Council Meeting Mayor Coppola advised that several community members had expressed an interest in being allowed to make a public comment at the end of the meeting. Gerry Harmon favored adding audience comments to the end of the meeting, which would allow the public an opportunity to comment on items discussed rather than having to wait till the next meeting date. After a brief discussion, the Council directed the Clerk's office to add a second Audience Comments to the agenda after Report of Department Heads. Further, staff was to include that comments would be limited to 3 minutes and that the audience would not be allowed to speak twice on the same issue. 2008 Asphalt Overlay Proiect Council Members directed staff to provide the street listing showing the worst to best and to put this item on the May 20, 2008, work session agenda. Work Study Session March 18, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Grants a. Parks Council Member Powers advised that there are grant funds available for Parks; however, the City must apply by May 1st of this year as the grants are only available every other year and she did not want to have to wait till 2009 to begin working on fixing City parks. The Council held a brief discussion on the pros and cons of moving forward with the Parks grants as it would involve updating the Parks Plan and put the Comprehensive Plan on hold while staff works through the Parks grant process with Grant Solutions in order to meet the May 1, 2008, deadline. Council directed staff to determine the minimum requirements needed for the grant, modify the Parks Plan to meet those requirements, do a public hearing notice for the April 22nd meeting, and place the item on the April 22nd agenda for adoption. b. Grant Solutions Contract City Treasurer Tompkins provided an overview of Grant Solutions contract, noting that Ms. Barrantes received a monthly retainer of $500, in addition to receiving project fees and award bonus for all grants. Project fees were paid regardless if the grant was awarded. In addition, if the City was awarded a contract, regardless of whether or not the City accepted the funds, Ms. Barrantes would still receive the award bonus. The Council directed that staff should look at doing smaller grants in- house and then review larger grants on a case by case basis, with Ms. Barrantes doing a presentation on the benefits of the grant to the Council prior to moving forward. Impact Fees City Attorney Jacoby provided a brief update on impact fees and explained that the fees are charges assessed against newly-developing property and to pay for system improvements needed to serve new growth and development. The fees must be reasonably related to the new development that creates additional demand and need for the system improvements. The improvements must reasonably benefit the new development. Impact fees cannot exceed the development's proportionate share of the cost of the system improvements. System improvements are public facilities that are included in the capital facilities plan and are designed to provide service to service areas within the community at large; in contrast to project improvements that are property- specific. Impact fees cannot be used to pay for improvements to correct existing deficiencies. City Attorney Jacoby further explained that impact fees are calculated as follows: • Local government defines a service area (usually city limits). • Identifies the public facilities that require improvement during the designated planning period, such as roads and intersections that will be impacted by growth and are listed on the six-year transportation improvement plan (TIP). • Prepares a fee schedule taking into account the type and size of the development as well as the type of public facility being funded. Work Study Session March 18, 2008 Page 4 of 4 • Calculations are applied on an average basis for the entire transportation system, rather than a project by project basis as is done when SEPA mitigation fees are calculated. • Collected fees are placed into special interest-bearing accounts. Separate accounts are maintained for each type of public facility for which the fee is collected, e.g. schools, parks, roads and streets. • If impact fees are not used or encumbered within six years of receipt, they must be returned to the current owner of the property on which the impact fee was paid. The Council discussed the benefits of having impact fees. Staff was directed to work with the School District on determining a reasonable fee to help offset future school costs and to bring this item back in August 2008. Peninsula Regional Transportation Organization (PRTOl The Council directed staff to obtain a calendar of PRTO scheduled meetings in order to determine who would be available to represent the City. The item was moved to the May 20, 2008, work study session agenda for an update. Downtown Parking Garages At 9:33 p.m. the Council moved into Executive Session for 20-minutes for the purpose of discussing real estate acquisition and potential litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1). Mayor Coppola announced no action would be taken as a result of the executive session. The City Attorney and Development Director Weaver were invited to attend the Executive Session. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, May 20, 2008 At 10:05 pm the meeting adjourned.