03/18/2008 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Work Study Session March 18, 2008 Council Members: Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, City Development Director Weaver, Public Works Director Abed, City Attorney Jacoby, LAN Technician/IT Manager Tucker and Office Assistant Stephens. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Waterfront Parking Enforcement Council Member Chang advised the he had received complaints from citizens, who have received parking tickets at the waterfront parking lots, although they had paid for parking. Council Member Chang suggested that new signage be posted at the payment box, to make the parking/payment instructions more clear to citizens. Chief Townsend reported that the Police Department is looking into changing the size of the envelopes to fit better in the slots and will look at posting one sign, as opposed to the two that are currently in place. Perrv Avenue Speeders/Road Closure Public Works Director Abed reported that Perry Avenue has been reduced to one-way traffic only, due to speeders and safety concerns reported by residents. Public Works Director Abed asked for approval from the Council to close Perry Avenue at Mitchell Avenue per the residents' requests. Council would like to see the residents petition and what the precise request in the petition stated. Council concurred that this item should be brought to Council at a regular Council meeting. At this time, Council discussed scheduling a separate Work Study Session specifically for Tremont Avenue Intersection. It was decided by the Council, to see if there was time in this study session for the discussion, if not, a separate Study Session would be considered. Council Member Colebank, suggested that the McCormick Woods item of the agenda be moved up, due to McCormick Woods representatives present. Council agreed to discuss the McCormick Woods Annexation Analysis next. Work Study Session March 18, 2008 Page 2 of 4 McCormick Woods Annexation Analysis City Development Director Weaver presented an overview of infrastructure costs and issues, maps and the potential financial responsibilities of the City, if McCormick Woods were to be annexed. The Council discussed the City assuming the impact fees collected by Kitsap County for McCormick Woods. Council Member Putaansuu inquired if it was an appropriate time to have a round table discussion with Kitsap County representatives to discuss the agreement between Kitsap County and the City of Port Orchard. Dick Davis, representing McCormick Woods residents, stated that the residents feel annexation is a good idea, however Mr. Davis does not think they have the 75% approval of the residents for the annexation to go through. Mr. Davis suggested that petition and election methods of annexing be explored and whether state funds would be available to investigate annexation. City Attorney will provide annexation information and the role the Mayor and Council can take in the annexation process. Both the Council and McCormick Woods representatives would like to move forward, and include Kitsap County with the annexation discussion. Council Member Clauson suggested that this topic be included on each Work Study Session agenda to continue progress. Kit-Net Interlocal Agreement LAN Technician/IT Manager Tucker presented the Kit-Net Service and how it would incorporate all municipalities and local agencies, in the event of an emergency. Chief Townsend explained that the $1000 per year cost would allow the City to participate in the decision and building process, and also includes administrative needs (i.e. attending meetings, someone take care of network and setting up the standards and rules.) City Attorney Jacoby advised that the members of Kit-Net will be required to pay future costs involving building the infrastructure and purchasing suitable equipment. City Treasurer Tompkins advised the Council that this item would be on the April 8th agenda, which would include the actual agreement for the Council to take formal action on. Wi-Fi Access LAN Technician/IT Manager Tucker advised that Wave Cable provided two options for providing Wi-Fi service to City Hall. Option #1, would be to expand secure Wi-Fi signal to the entire building for staff and official visitor use, at no cost. Option #2, would include a 2nd Wi-Fi signal for the general public use, at no cost. Wave Cable is willing to perform both options. It was also recommended, that the City utilize a user monitoring service, at a cost of $85 per year. Council Member Chang stated he would be willing to cover the cost to get the service up and running. The Council unanimously agreed to approve both options. Downtown Utilities Undergroundinq Public Works Director Abed introduced Andrew Larson and Tom Barton from the Washington State Department of Transportation. They stated a decision needs to be made by March 21st whether the City would like have standard or decorative poles on Bay Street, which the City would be responsible for the additional cost of the decorative Work Study Session March 18, 2008 Page 3 of 4 poles over and above the approximate $12,000 per standard pole the DOT pays. Council concurred to go with the decorative poles. Council Member Putaansuu advised that the Utilities Committee had discussed and recommends that the Bay Street Utilities Undergrounding project be separated into three segments. One phase would include laying conduit at three street crossings, ahead of the DOT paving Bay Street, which the Utilities Committee is recommending at a minimum. West Sound Engineering would need take the current specifications and break them into three separate segments, for a cost of $7800. A decision, whether the Council agrees to move forward with segmenting the project, is needed promptly due to the fact that DOT will be paving in June. The Council unanimously concurred to authorize the project to be separated into three segments. Review of Significant Tree Ordinance Council Member Chang proposed that additions be made to the Significant Tree Ordinance to include the option of clustering a certain percentage of trees of the entire parcel (similar to Bainbridge Island) instead of tree counts and to increase the penalties for illegal cutting. Mayor Coppola suggested that this be included with the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, the Council concurred. 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update City Development Director Weaver reported that the Planning Department plans to have the draft Comprehensive Plan done by the end of July and the final Comprehensive Plan done by the end of 2008. Communitv Contest and Award Council Member Olin suggested that the City do more for the winners of the Holiday Good Neighbor awards (i.e. photo opportunity with the Mayor, forward photos to local newspapers and framed awards) to encourage more citizens to participate. Mayor Coppola agreed, as did the Council. Council Member Powers suggested that the Tremont Intersection be removed from the agenda due to time constraints. The Council concurred to move Tremont Intersection discussion to the next Work Study Session. Water Rate Study/Water Use Efficiency Public Works Director Abed reported that the Utilities Committee had drafted a new Water Rate Schedule Ordinance. A Public Workshop will be held prior to the Ordinance being presented to the Council for approval. Council Member Clauson highlighted the changes in water rates and connection charges in the Ordinance. Council Member Colebank recommended that the water usage history and tiered rate structure be Work Study Session March 18, 2008 Page 4 of 4 included on the billing statements. City Treasurer Tompkins advised that for a cost, the history could be included on the bills. Public Works Director Abed also explained the Water Use Efficiency plan to educate and encourage citizens to conserve water. Mayor Coppola advised that he had a few items to discuss with the Council that are not included on the agenda. Coalition for a Drug Free Port Orchard Grant Mayor Coppola informed the Council that Kathleen Byrne-Barrantes, Grant Solutions, has been preparing a grant application for the City to fund a Coalition for a Drug Free Port Orchard, which would address prevention/intervention for youths, grades 3-9. This grant would provide $112,000 in federal participation annually for five years. The coalition would consist of The Port Orchard Police Department along with other Community partners, which have already agreed to be participants. The application needs to be submitted by March 21, 2008. City Attorney Jacoby advised that the Council needs to be in agreement to allow Mayor Coppola to sign the application. The funds from the grant would cover the workspace, a grant administrator/staff and associated expenses. The Council approved the Mayor to sign the grant application. Possible annexation of Fred Meyer and adjacent property Mayor Coppola advised that he was approached by a developer, which indicated that Fred Meyer would like to be annexed into the City, as well as two properties adjacent to Fred Meyer and the City's well site, on the corner of Sedgwick Road and Bethel Avenue. Mayor Coppola asked for consensus from the Council that they would be interested in having these sites annexed, the Council concurred. Annual Stormwater report Public Works Director Abed requested that the Council allow Mayor Coppola to sign the Annual Stormwater report, due March 31, 2008. The City does not currently have a Stormwater rate in place, therefore there is no rate data included in the report. The Council approved Mayor Coppola to sign the Annual Stormwater report. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, April 15. 2008 At 10:11 pm the meeting adjourned. l . / tlL etJDzl.ltip/cc_fl_J./ Nicole Stephens ' Office Assistant II