03/11/2008 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard
Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting of March 11, 2008
PRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor
Council Members: Mayor Pro-Tem Clauson, Chang, Childs, Colebank, Olin,
Powers, and Putaansuu
ALSO PRESENT: Police Chief Townsend, City Treasurer Tompkins, Public Works
Director Abed, Associate Planner Haro, City Clerk Merlino, Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick, and
City Attorney Jacoby.
Judy Oke led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance
Sheila Cronan, 250 Flower Meadows opposed to allowing a hair salon business to
continue to operate during the City's permitting process. She voiced concern with the
high volume of traffic and that the City was allowing this person to operate in violation
of City Code.
Development Director Weaver stated the Code Enforcement Officer has gone out and
identified the issues and the applicant has a permit pending. The public hearing would
be set shortly to address the issues and other neighboring residents can present their
arguments at that time. Further, the City has not issued any permits to allow the
applicant to operate a business out of her home.
Mayor Coppola stated that he would meet with the Development Director and the City
Attorney and then would follow up with Ms. Cronin later this week.
Lauren Keehn, 300 Flower Meadows, spoke in favor of allowing the applicant to operate
a hair salon out of home, noting that there is a daycare in the neighborhood.
Dick Davis, 7009 Killeen Place, requested an opportunity to meet with the City Council
and McCormick Woods residents to discuss where annexation is going and provide
information in order for the residents to make an informed decision.
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Gerry Harmon, 906 Kitsap Street, requested an update on the status of the property
across from the Post Office that was cleared.
Development Director Weaver explained that there is a code enforcement action on that
parcel and he is working with the City Attorney on the legal ramifications of the
property owner's failure in not following the tree retention plan on file with the City.
Kathy Michael, 228 Seattle Avenue, requested that the new changes in the sewer bills
for Bed and Breakfasts be added to a future Council agenda.
Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Powers seconded the
motion to approve the agenda as amended.
Item 4E, 4G2 and 4H were moved to Business.
The following Consent Items were removed from the Consent agenda and placed under
Business Items:
• Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Petition of Support of the New Life Business
• Approval of 2008 Public Event Applications -Cub Scout Day Camp
• Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Contract for Lawn Maintenance
Upon vote, the motion as amended passed unanimously.
Council Member Olin moved and Council Member Putaansuu seconded the
motion approving the Consent Agenda as amended. Upon vote, the motion
passed unanimously.
A. Approval of Claim Warrants, Payroll & Treasurer's check book
B. Minutes of the February 16, 2008, City Council Retreat
C. Minutes of the February 26, 2008, City Council Meeting
D. Approval of a Job-Share Position between the Planning Department and
Engineering/Building Department
E. Authorization for the P1ayor to Sign Petition of Support of the Ne.v Life
Business Incubator
F. Adoption of Resolution No. 018-08, Repealing Resolution No. 010-08, in
its Entirety, and Providing the Public Works Director and Mayor with
Change Order Authority
G. Approval of 2008 Public Event Applications
1. Farmer's Market
;:!-; Cub Scout Day Camp
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3. Rock Around the Block
H. Authori:cation for the ~4ayor to Sign Contract for Lawn ~4aintenance
Superior Court Judge Jav Roof Regarding Kitsap Drug Court
Superior Court Judge Roof provided a brief program overview of the Kitsap Drug Court,
noting the Drug Court has been a successful program for the past 9 years and ensures
that Drug Court clients are following the Court's orders. This is a judicially supervised
treatment and currently there are 100 people in the program and another 20 on the
waiting list. Drug Court lost some of its funding, which resulted in the loss of the person
who went into the community to individually check to ensure program participants were
complying with the Court's order.
The Mayor and Council Members complimented the Judge on the innovative program
and voiced support of the program, noting it provided a good return on investment.
Judy Oke
Judy Oke provided a brief presentation on renaming the new Narrows bridge the "Bob
Oke Bridge" and asked for the Council's support in the form of a resolution that they
could take to the Washington State Transportation Committee.
Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Powers seconded the
motion to add a resolution renaming of the new Narrows Bridge to the next
Council meeting agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Street Vacation Regarding Unnamed Alley Adjacent to Sidney Avenue
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting that Chuck Childress of
Blue Cascade Construction submitted a request on behalf of three owners of the real
property abutting an unnamed alley adjacent to Sidney Avenue to vacate a portion of
that alleyway. A certified check in the amount of $2,400 for the appraised value of the
requested vacated area was received in the City Clerk's office. The request is for a
trapezoidal shaped area approximately 20 feet wide by 40 feet long and 806 square feet
in an area diagonally across the alley right of way that would allow Mystery Lane to
cross the undeveloped alley as a private drive to access homes east of the alley. The
alley was platted as part of Sweaney's 2nd Addition to Sidney and has never been
improved. The applicant has built a few homes that are accessed off Sidney via a
private drive known as Mystery Lane. Vacation of this portion of the right-of-way would
prevent the City from doing construction of improvements in the future. However,
topography and sensitive areas in the vicinity may prove unlikely for future City
improvements. In addition, the Planning Department recommends the proposed
vacation be redefined as a complete vacation of the unnamed alleyway extending from
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the east side of the right-of-way at Lots 17, 18, & 19 to the west side of the right-of-
way at Lots 24, 25, & 26. An approximate calculation of the redefined area of the
vacation would be 75 feet length by 20 feet alley width at an approximate area of 1,500
square feet. The appraised value of $3.00 per square foot as submitted by the applicant
would be redefined as a total value of $4,500. The recommended area of vacation
would require a revised legal description and an additional submission of funds to the
City at the appraised rate. Redefining the vacation will result in each of the affected lots
owning to the center line of the alley. The additional fees and documentation have been
provided by the applicant.
Mayor Coppola opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m.
Chuck Childress, 510 Cedar Canyon Place, sought approval to vacate the entire alley as
presented by the Planning Department staff.
The Council briefly discussed the development of the area, noting the following
• appeared some grading had been done;
• potential for hammerhead at end of the road rather than a cul-de-sac;
• safety of the slope; and
• the need for future access
City Attorney Jacoby explained that failure to approve the vacation does not stop the
project, rather it stops the developer from being able to develop a road across the right-
of-way. Further, the issue before the Council is whether or not they want to vacate the
area. Their approval did not give Mr. Childress the authority to move forward with
future development until all permitting issues have been resolved.
Public Works Director Abed stated the City has no plans to open the alley due to the
steep slopes and the City would have to grade and lay asphalt in order to build the ally
to standard.
Gil Michael noted two concerns:
• Splitting the vacation down the middle could allow for the vacated area to be
deeded to one entity; and
• The Planning Commission usually takes a site visit of areas where the applicant's
intent is not clear.
There being no further testimony, Mayor Coppola closed the public hearing at 8:10p.m.
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Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Colebank seconded the
motion to authorize the vacation.
Council Member Clauson noted it was hard to separate the two issues-vacation versus
development problems and urged the Council to focus on the issue of vacating the
Council Member Putaansuu voiced support of the vacation request and trusted that staff
would deal with the code enforcement issues and permitting requirements.
Council Member Chang urged staff to keep a close watch on the future development of
this property. Public Works Director Abed stated Mr. Childress would need to submit site
development and drainage plans to the City Engineer prior to moving forward with
Council Member Olin moved and Council Member Powers seconded the
motion to amend, directed staff to prepare an ordinance for adoption at the
next council meeting to approve the vacation of a portion of an unnamed
alley adjacent to Sidney Avenue, subject to: 1) redefinition of the vacated
area as 75 feet by 20 feet between the west side of the right-of-way at Lots
17, 18, & 19 to the east side of the right-of-way at Lots 24, 25, & 26; 2)
submission of a new legal description for the redefined area; and 3)
submission of additional funds pertaining to the redefined vacated area at
the appraised value of $3.00 per square foot. Upon vote, the motion to
amend passed unanimously.
Upon vote, the main motion as amended passed unanimously.
John Grice Multi-Family Rezone. Case No. R-1170
City Attorney Jacoby reminded Council that while they normally operate in a legislative
capacity, during this Public Hearing the Council is acting as a quasi-judicial body. City
Attorney Jacoby asked if any Council Member had any ex parte communication with
anyone regarding this application. There was no response from any Council Member.
City Attorney Jacoby further asked if any Council Member had any financial interest in
this property, with the applicant or representative of the applicant, either directly or
indirectly relating to the property involved. There was no response from any Council
Member. City Attorney Jacoby asked if any Council Member had any reason to believe
they would not be able to render a fair and impartial decision based on the information
they receive today. There was no response from any Council Member. City Attorney
Jacoby asked if any member of the audience felt any of the Council Members should
not participate in the hearing. There was no response from any audience member.
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Associate Planner Haro presented the staff report, noting the proposal is for a site-
specific rezone of a parcel from Residential 8 (RB) to Residential 20 (R20) to allow for
the construction of four new residential units totaling approximately 7,400 square feet
on a total of .19 acres. The property is designated High-density Residential in the
Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission heard testimony at its February 19,
2008 meeting, and recommends approving the John Grice Multi-family Rezone request
with the conditions as set forth in the Planning Commission Resolution No. 002-08, with
one additional condition regarding a survey as there was some question as to the
location of the property line.
Mayor Coppola opened the public hearing at 8:21 p.m.
Nels Rosendahl, agent for the applicant stated his availability to answer any questions
regarding the rezone request.
There being no further testimony, Mayor Coppola closed the public hearing at 8:29 p.m.
Council Member Olin moved and Council Member Chang seconded the motion
to approve the requested Site-Specific Rezone, Case No. R-1170 for John
Grice and direct staff to submit an ordinance for review at the next regularly
scheduled Council meeting. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Rejection of Bay Street Utility Undergrounding Project Bids
Public Works Director Abed presented the staff report, noting that the original project
had been scaled down to address the main thoroughfares to keep costs down. The
project bidding was closed on February 29, 2008, and six bids were received with the
lowest bidder being Ceccanti for $473,000.93, including sales tax. The Engineer's
estimate was projected at $299,973.31. The project bid came in higher than was
projected by the Engineer's estimate and was for only the contractor's costs for items
such as digging trenches, installing PSE and Quest conduits and does not include the
additional costs for the design, PSE construction cost, library overhead power
conversion and street illumination. The overall project costs will increase substantially in
an approximate amount from $610,876.67 to $680,067.67, making this an expensive
endeavor for the City. The City Finance Committee reviewed this issue and has
recommended that the Council reject all bids and refer the matter to the Utilities
Committee for project scope modification.
Council Member Putaansuu explained the Utilities Committee worked on breaking the
project up into three phases in order to stay within budget and supported the rejection
of the bids.
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Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Powers seconded the
motion to authorize the Mayor to reject all bids for the Bay Street Utility
Undergrounding Project and to refer the project to the Utilities Committee
for project scope modification.
In response to Council Members concerns, Public Works Director Abed explained that
the engineer's estimate was prepared by West Sound Engineers and he would work
with them and the Utilities Committee to determine the discrepancy between the
engineer's estimate and the bid amounts received. Further, he would contact Grant
Solutions to pursue infrastructure grants to help offset project costs.
Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Coppola recessed the meeting for a five-minute break and reconvened at 8:47
Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Professional Services Agreement with
Ted Hunter for Hearings Examiner Service
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting that on December 19,
2007, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 047-07, creating a Hearings Examiner position
for certain land use matters. Staff solicited for a Hearing Examiner Service through a
Request for Statement of Qualifications. Two proposals were received: 1) Mart Kask,
Kask Consulting; and 2) Ted Hunter, Sound Law Center. Interviews were conducted on
February 25, 2008, and after a careful review and reference checks, the interview panel
recommends Ted Hunter with Sound Law Center for Hearings Examiner Services.
Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Putaansuu seconded the
motion to authorize. the Mayor to sign the Professional Services Agreement
for Hearings Examiner with Ted Hunter, Sound Law Center. Upon vote, the
motion passed unanimously.
Adoption of Resolution No. 019-08. Relating to Hearings Examiner Fee
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting that with the
establishment of a Hearings Examiner, the creation of a fee schedule was necessary.
Planning and Development Department staff prepared the proposed fee schedule,
which was reviewed by the Finance Committee and recommended that the Council
implement the pilot project for one year and then reevaluate the fees as outlined in
Resolution No. 019-08.
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Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Clauson seconded the
motion to authorize staff to present a resolution with the conditions outlined
in the staff report at the March 25, 2008 meeting.
Council directed staff to include in the resolution, an additional condition of returning
the applicant's fees if the applicant wins on appeal.
Michelle McFadden stated that when she submitted her application on February 4, 2008,
she was unaware that additional fees for the hearings examiner would be due.
Development Director Weaver explained that the pre-application letter included a
disclaimer for the hearings examiner fees and described the process for the fees to be
put in place.
Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Payment Expenditure to Kitsap Drug Court
Police Chief Townsend presented the staff report, noting that the Drug Court had lost
some of its funding due to a grant not being renewed. The loss of funding resulted in
the elimination of the Drug Court's probation officer who goes out and checks to ensure
the Drug Court clients are following the orders of the Court, which is a critical
component of the program. The Drug Court, through the KRCC, has asked each
jurisdiction to put in funding to help retain the probation officer position. Chief
Townsend recommended that funding from the Serious Habitual Offender Community
Action Program (SHOCAP), which is no longer in existence be applied towards the Drug
Court in the amount of $900.
Council Member Clauson moved and Council Member Powers seconded the
motion to authorize the expenditure of $900 from criminal justice funds to
Kitsap County Drug Court and to authorize the replacement of SHOCAP with
Kitsap County Drug Court for future funding from this criminal justice
program account up to $2,000 per year. Upon vote, the motion passed
Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Petition of Support of the New life
Business Incubator
Mayor Coppola explained he received a request that the Emmanuel Apostolic Church
was trying to establish a business incubator program and was asking for show of
support only.
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Council Member Powers moved and Council Members Clauson seconded the
motion to authorize the Mayor to Sign the Petition of Support of the New Life
Business Incubator. Upon vote/ the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of 2008 Public Event Application -Cub Scout Day Camp
In response to Council Member Powers, City Clerk Merlino explained that the
confirmation letters included in the packet were drafts and would go out to the
applicants upon passage by the Council.
Council Member Powers moved and Council Member Childs seconded the
motion to approve the Public Event Application for Cub Scout Day Camp.
Upon vote/ the motion passed unanimously.
Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Contract for Lawn Maintenance
Public Works Director Abed provided the staff report, noting the total cost for the lawn
maintenance contract is $6,247.66, including sales tax; that the Library park
maintenance be removed, and the contractor provided photos of the areas to be
Council Members discussed that fertilization was not included in the revised contact and
asked that the following items be clearly stated in the new contract after the Public
Works Director rebid for fertilization:
• Roundabout-maintained
• Etta Turner Park-maintained
• Grassy areas in front of the marina -maintained
• All the islands in the water front park-maintained
• In front of the Marina office, behind Myhre's, to the east of the library, and in
front of Amy's Restaurant, but not the Port's park area at the eastern end of the
parking lot-maintained
• Prospect Street properties-maintained
• Contract to include:
o Everything, including fertilization, mowing, weeding, etc.
o Does not include watering, which will be done by public works staff
City Attorney Jacoby explained that this did not have to go through the formal bid
process and staff would be able to obtain the information in a relatively short time-
frame. Staff would bring the contract back at the next meeting with the properly
identified sites and scope of work as outlined above.
Council Member Colebank reported on the South Kitsap Skateboard organization, and
provided handouts regarding their next meeting date and fundraising efforts. The
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Skateboard group was looking at putting in a skate park at the corner of Jackson and
Lund where it would be visible to passersby.
The Finance Committee would meet on Monday, March 24, 2008, at 7:30 a.m. at
Myhre's. The Finance Committee would meet with Grant Solutions to discuss future
Parks grants.
Mayor Coppola thanked Council Member Powers for putting together the public property
tours, noting the tour was very informative. In addition, the Mayor stated the Local
MOMS club had expressed an interest in working with the City to improve the City's
City Attorney Jacoby invited the Council and staff to its annual St. Paddy Day's party at
the Law Offices of McGavick and Graves.
Utilities Committee would meet on Wednesday, March 12, 2008, at 8:00 a.m. at
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) would meet on Wednesday, March 12, 2008,
at 3:30 p.m. at City Hall.
At 9:36 p.m. Mayor Coppola adjourned the meeting.