02/16/2008 - Retreat - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Council Retreat February 16, 2008 Council Member Fred Olin's Residence Council Members: Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Clerk Merlino, City Attorney Jacoby. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. City Attorney Jacoby advised the purpose of this meeting is for the Council to identify a list of priorities and goals for the City for next year and the next five years. Mr. Jacoby asked each Council Member to present their goals and objectives. Council Member Childs .~ Focus on tourism and marketing Port Orchard ,. Redevelop new logos, letterhead, business cards and signage throughout the City ,i.f, Provide paved trails along City waterfront li$. Develop a town center Council Member Olin '""' More annexations, specifically toward the east boundaries o Start with Sinclair Heights area, then move to East Port Orchard, Parkwood, and Conifer Park areas '~ Avoid annexing Bethel Corridor at this time .~ Redevelopment of downtown through public/private partnerships with Housing Authority, Kitsap Transit and Port of Bremerton '*-Look at constructing a modest/frugal parking structure Council Member Colebank ·*Develop a very brief overall vision and dream statement for Port Orchard ·~Capture 10 goals for the City and focus on the top three goals, until they are accomplished February 16, 2008 Page 2 of 5 Council Member Clauson ,~ Develop a gateway into Port Orchard, such as Bremerton's gateway ,~ Revitalize downtown ,,. Need to build economic base, the City survives on sales tax '~ Parked vehicles should not be seen in the down core, encourage off-site parking, Park-N-Ride lots, or parking surrounded by commercial businesses (middle of donut parking concept) '~ Annexation is important, i.e. McCormick Woods and annexation towards the east boundaries '* Does not agree with Kitsap County's approach to fund the Bethel widening project. ~ Would like City to focus on one goal at a time Council Member Powers City needs to provide for residents as well as tourists, o Better shopping opportunities in downtown core o Promote sma II ferry service Develop stronger relationship with County Look at landfill and secure Brownfield funds or work with Housing Authority Economic Development o What can the City do to help market vacant buildings, such as old K-Mart building '* Annex toward the west boundaries, past Ross Point into Gorst '* Improve streets and sidewalks ,~ Can the City help rebuild neighborhoods that are deteriorating, such as installing sidewalks '*" Encourage park development, however discourage "Tot Lots" and focus on larger parks throughout the City. ··"" Encourage more trees, such as trees along Sidney Avenue ·<~-The area along Pottery Avenue toward Sidney/Sedgwick area needs to be looked at for future growth ,~ Need more music and liveliness in downtown Port Orchard '*-Need to promote the Farmer's Market ''*'" Develop a foundation on behalf of Port Orchard, to help promote tourism Council Member Putaansuu '*" Encourage pedestrian paths in downtown, develop a walkable community ~ Publish the Council's goals and objectives for the citizens to see and make the City accountable for reaching these goals ''*' Undergrounding utilities '*-Develop stormwater utilities '*-Update Comprehensive Plan ·~ Develop plans for Sidney/Sedgwick area '*-Develop Downtown Overlay District Wings ~ Develop plans for Tremont with a phase approach ""' Reduce parking on waterfront February 16, 2008 Page 3 of 5 ~ Relocation of library building with better parking Council Member Chang '"' Establish and publish on the website City's goals '~ Address parking in downtown '* Develop areas and maps for historic home districts ··.1. Develop walking and bicycle paths ·.1. Review and discuss one long-term goal at each Council meeting ·.!. Identify town centers and transportation routes. * Develop more parks, possibly in City right-of-ways ·• Develop standards for tree maintenance .,L Revisit nuisance ordinance, such as eliminate parking on lawns .~ Address issues such as affordable housing vs. rental units. •'*-Consider hotel/motel funds for an in-house economic development/tourism position Mayor Coppola •"'-Economic Development most important issue for City ·'*-Encourage downtown boardwalk on waterfront ·• Encourage outlet malls at Sidney/Sedgwick location .~, Develop new logos and tag line for City ~ Hire an in-house person specifically for marketing .t Move forward with annexations that makes sense financially and geographically .t Attract a upscale hotel for downtown economic development .t Remove parking from waterfront ·• Annex Bethel Avenue towards freeway, through a Bond issue .!. Develop stronger relationship with County 4 Publish Council's goals and make Port Orchard accountable for goals ·>l Develop Sedgwick into five lanes At this time City Attorney Jacoby compiled the Council's top goals and provided the following lists for discussion: Short term and long term goals: ·'*-Economic Revitalization * Growth through Annexation 4 Promote City/tourism 4 Improve neighborhood streets and sidewalks .!. Establish waterfront trails 4 Downtown parking Current to-do-list and short term goals: 4 Update Comprehensive Plan .!. Stormwater utilities 4 Undergrounding utilities .,. Tremont Street Widening February 16, 2008 Page 4 of 5 ~ Master plan for Sidney/Sedgwick Area ,;,~.. Downtown Overlay District Wings ,,. Overlay paving projects <il-Website development <il-Relocation of library ·* Better communication with the public Council voted and discussed their top long term goals: Economic Revitalization <il-Revitalize downtown Port Orchard, with a plan for a town center. <il-Discuss what downtown should look like, such as street lights, signage, etc. Growth through Annexation '*-Council recommends staff review and determine what annexation area makes the most economical and geographical sense to pursue. Establish Waterfront Trails Place sewer infustructure under the waterfront boardwalk '*-Seek grants for funding opportunities ;J.. Finish Comprehensive Plan Update Promote City/Tourism ;J.. Develop new marketing strategies, though new street signs, street lights that fit the era of the City ~ Prepare marketing packages for perspective buyers and/or companies interested in development in Port Orchard Library Relocation I Development ·~ Short term goal, potentially move to Givens Community Center ·• Long term goal, partner with Port of Bremerton and rebuild library on waterfront park area, with a garage underground for parking Council voted and discussed their top short term goals: Sidney Sedgwick Planning ,;,~.. Plan for roads and infrastructure on Pottery Avenue to Sedgwick area Downtown Parking Council suggested the following issues be discussed at a Work Study Session: 1. Determine location, 2. Determine design, 3. Develop costs and estimates for project, i.e., grant opportunities 4. Establish park-n-rides, and routes February 16, 2008 Page 5 of 5 Downtown Overlay Districts Council recommends the Planning Commission review this project within three months and also provide design standards. Council recommends Public Works Director and City Development Director prepare a one page summary on the Council's top three short term goals, i.e. what are land use issues and how to achieve these goals. Council recommended a Study Session on Impact Fees relating to transportation and School impact fees. Council discussed better communication with the public, such as: '*-Update City webpage ,. Update City newsletter design ""' Increase public notice boundaries • More public surveys ·J. Acknowledgement of public comments At 3:48 pm the Council Retreat adjourned. f1l .Q. rY\_~,_Q,"-.~<J Michelle Merlino City Clerk La~y" / or