02/05/2008 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council Work Study Session February 5, 2008 Council Members: Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, City Clerk Merlino, City Development Director Weaver, Public Works Director Abed and LAN/GIS Technician Tucker. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Coppola introduced James Weaver, City Development Director, who started employment with the City on February 4, 2008. Mayor Coppola asked for Council's concurrence allowing him to write a letter on behalf of the City supporting the baccalaureate program at Olympic College. The Council concurred with supporting the baccalaureate program at Olympic College. At this time Council started addressing items listed on the Work Study Session agenda. Visitor and Convention Bureau building located on Bravo Terrace Mayor Coppola asked if the Council was interested in purchasing this building. After discussion the majority of the Council concurred they were not interested in pursuing the purchase of this building. Appointment of the Design Review Board The Council determined by consensus the Design Review Board Membership should consist of five member positions, three positions shall be lay members and two shall be professional members. Council further concurred the membership should consist of at least five members and not more than seven members, allowing for flexibility due to potential annexations. The Council also determined members may reside within the Port Orchard Urban Growth Areas as well as owners of businesses within the City are eligible for the professional position. Council directed staff to prepare the necessary ordinance amending membership of the Design Review Board. Work Study Session February 5, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Computer Securitv City Attorney Jacoby advised two issues have come to the forefront regarding City Hall computer security. 1) Email into City Hall is a public record and the City Clerk has a responsibility to track these emails and respond to the public records requests. 2) City Attorney Jacoby advised that although automatic forwarding is not illegal, it poses an increased liability and risk factor for the City. City Attorney Jacoby recommends the City at this time not institute the practice of auto forwarding City Hall email. The Council recommended the City develop policies and procedures for emails that are sent and received through the City email system. The Council reviewed PDA's and Blackberry platforms and discussed the possibility of purchasing these devices for department heads and Council Members. The Council concurred they did not have any need for these computer devices, however if Department Heads found it necessary to perform their jobs, then it would be appropriate to provide for them. The majority of the Council concurred to use the City web email system for receiving and sending emails. Update on Tremont Corridor Public Works Director Abed presented a handout illustrating the funding of the Tremont Street Widening Project and options available to the City through Federal/State Funding. The majority of the Council concurred Tremont Street needs to be widened. The first choice of the Council would be to avoid doing the construction in phases. Representatives from Berger/Abam Engineering firm presented Supplemental No. 5, illustrating additional funding for the Out-of-Scope Engineering Effort, in the amount of $251,395.00. Council Member Colebank asked for a schematic illustrating the difference between roundabout intersections vs. signal intersections. Council concurred more discussion is necessary to determine what would be the best type of intersection for the area. Mayor Coppola advised he will provide comments from the Fire Department and Police Department indicating their displeasure of roundabout intersections. The Council instructed Public Works Director Abed to provide cost comparisons for both concepts. Berger/Abam Engineering firm will provide total cost associated with design, construction and maintenance of roundabout intersections vs. signal intersections and the cost associated with switching to a signal intersection project at this time. Work Study Session February 5, 2008 Page 3 of 4 City Attorney Jacoby discussed the Relocation Assistance Program, for those properties that could potentially be displaced due to the Tremont Widening Project. Mr. Jacoby advised the City needs to have an appeal process in place if the property owner is not satisfied with the decision. The Council determined by consensus the City Council will hear appeals on those involved in the Relocation Assistance Program. City Attorney Jacoby asked for further clarification regarding right-of-way acquisitions that are less than $10,000. Mr. Jacoby recommended to the City those property acquisitions over $10,000 the City would provide title insurance and those under $10,000 the City would not have to provide this type of insurance. The Council concurred to not provide title insurance to those property acquisitions under $10,000. Representative for Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Council Member Colebank volunteered to become the City representative for Kitsap Economic Development Alliance. McCormick Woods Annexation City Clerk Merlino presented a handout regarding the Pros and Cons for annexation, developed by the City Department Heads. Mayor Coppola informed the Council that a group of City representatives will meet with Kitsap County representatives to discuss the agreements between McCormick Woods and Kitsap County and the impact upon the City. Council directed City Clerk to contact Dick Davis, representative for McCormick Woods Annexation Group to determine if they are interested in speaking to the Council at the February 26, 2008 Council meeting. Hearings Examiner Process Update, including Fee Structure City Clerk Merlino reported that two professionals had submitted proposals to the Hearings Examiner RFP. The City Attorney asked for Council consensus if the fee structure should be incorporated into an existing land use fee schedule or adopt a separate resolution reflecting the Hearings Examiner Fees. Council directed staff to prepare the draft resolution for the next scheduled meeting. Council also placed the selection and interview process into the Finance Committee for review. Discussion of 213 & 215 Prospect Street Propertv City Treasurer Tompkins distributed a handout illustrating the annual revenue and expenses projected for the property located at 213 and 215 Prospect Street. Council unanimously concurred to hire a property manager for these rental units and allow the current rentals to transition over to month-to-month leases. Work Study Session February 5, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Parking Enforcement Mayor Coppola asked for Council's consensus on allowing members of the public who sit on Kitsap County boards and/or commissions the ability to secure parking passes for use around the Kitsap County Courthouse on an annual basis. The Council concurred with Mayor Coppola's recommendation and the expiration of the parking passes at the end of 2008. land Swap Issues for Future Pedestrian Path and/or Park Council Member Childs asked that this item be removed from this agenda. Communitv Contest and Award This item will be placed on the next Work Study Session agenda. Next Work Studv Session -Tuesday, March 18, 2008 At 10:27 pm the meeting adjourned. Michelle Merlino City Clerk