01/04/2008 - Retreat - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor City of Port Orchard City Council 2008 Council Retreat January 4, 2008 At Gino's Restaurant Council Members: Chang, Childs, Clauson, Colebank, Olin, Powers, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, City Clerk Merlino, Planning Director Long- Woods, Public Works Director Abed, Police Chief Townsend, Court Administrator Hunt, LAN Tech/IT Manager Tucker, and Deputy Clerk Kirkpatrick. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. Information Technology Presentation. Vince Tucker, LAN Tech/IT Manager, provided a brief overview of his duties and presented his 2008 goals and objectives as follows: a. Continue serving on the KitNet Advisory group b. Implement COPS grant including new laptops for all new police vehicles. Includes integrated GPS system in police cruisers and working with CenCom. c. Train in Archival Policy and procedures and how to implement within the various city departments. d. Locate and set up remote site for Disaster Recovery IT Manager Tucker answered the following Council Members questions: a. Does the City have high speed internet or is it behind Poulsbo. It is his understanding that the City of Poulsbo is behind Port Orchard and they are trying to catch up. b. Who controls the Chimes music. IT Manager Tucker explained that he sets the chimes and music at the direction of the City Council and/or the Mayor. c. Would Council Members have access to City records from home computer and did that involve additional work to gain that access. Mr. Tucker explained that each Council Member will be given an email account. In addition, there was discussion on surplus older laptops to Council Members for their use while in office. d. Council expressed a concern that the cameras were constantly being zoomed and/or panned from member to member. Council would rather see the entire Council bench without all the panning/scanning/zooming. Staff will look at camera placement and picture quality. January 4, 2008 Page 2 of 6 Fire District 7 Presentation. Dan Olsen, Deputy Fire Chief provided a brief overview of the services provided to the City and provided a handout to the Council Members and Mayor. Deputy Chief Olsen will provide Council Members with a breakdown of the percentage of Emergency Response for the Jail, Juvenile facilities and retirement homes. See *below for final discussion of fire services to the City. Congressman Norm Dicks. At 9:40 a.m. Congressman Norm Dicks addressed the Mayor and Council and discussed the various goals and objectives as follows: • Redevelopment of downtown Port Orchard and funding opportunities for developers, i.e. grants and/or rate reductions. • Downtown Parking Structure. Council Members advised the City is looking at eliminating the waterfront parking and turning that into green space and is working with Kitsap Transit on locating funding to build a parking structure. Congressman Dicks stated his office would be willing to assist the City in finding federal funding and urged the City to contact Senator Patty Murray who is the Chair of Transportation. • Underground Utilities • Street Improvements • Storm Water Improvements • Historic Restoration of the Carlilse II • Indoor firing range In addition Congressman Dicks urged the Mayor and Council to consider hiring a person who would be in charge of finding Federal/State and Local grant monies to help offset some of the costs of future infrastructure needs. Congressman Dicks further advised this person could work with his office, Senator Murray and the Governor to obtain grant funds through EDA, Rural Development and HUD. *Fire District 7 Presentation (continued). Deputy Chief Olsen answered the following Council Members questions: a. Fire rating for insurance. South Kitsap Fire and Rescue is rated Class IV for insurance purposes of homes and businesses. The lower the number the better insurance rate. b. Regional Fire Authority. An evaluation was being conducted on the efficient operation of South Kitsap, Bremerton, Kitsap fire departments and whether there is a better way to conduct business. c. Response time. Fire Commissioners will be asking for an increase in the EMS levy due to: *Increased growth in the Manchester area *Transports from residences to hospitals. The fire department is working with private ambulance companies to educate the public on when to call 911 versus private ambulance companies transporting patients from a nursing home to hospital. d. Roundabouts. The fire department's main concern is congestion during peak times which could reduce their response time. January 4, 2008 Page 3 of 6 Police Chief. Chief Alan Townsend provided a brief overview of his department and some of their current issues and short-term planning, such as: • Related late night problems • Per capita violent crime rates • Recruiting and retention of current employees. • Evidence storage space issues • McCormick Woods annexation and potential for recruiting/hiring additional officers Public Works Director. Public Works Director Abed provided a brief overview of his department and spoke briefly on the following issues: • Complete the Stormwater Management Plan and establish new stormwater utility rates • Revisions to the Developers Handbook providing up to date engineering standards • Review and adjust sewer rates if McCormick Woods is annexed into the City • Complete right of way projects for Tremont Street • Complete the construction work on Cedar Heights Jr. High School sidewalk project • Complete the undergrounding utilities project • Contract with an engineering firm to design the well house and water main intertie for Well #10 at Mitchell Point • Coordinate with McCormick Land Company on the construction of the New City 1.1 MGD Reservoir at McCormick Woods Subdivision Planning Director. Planning Director Long-Woods provided a brief overview of her department and discussed the following issues: • Update the Comprehensive Plan and Critical Areas Ordinance • Hire a Hearings Examiner • Amend the fee schedule • Amend the Ordinance for Comp Plan Update schedule • Amend the Land Use Development Regulations • Hire additional staff to help with processing area wide annexations • Assist in organizing a Parks Citizen Advisory Committee • Update the Wetlands Inventory The Planning Director also provided: • Breakdown of the Planning Department's Permits/Plans/Review/Responsibilities • Chart of the Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation showing the process • Spreadsheet of Planning Department's assignments • Spreadsheet of active/inactive permits • Colored Comprehensive map of the City of Port Orchard Council Member Clauson announced that he would need to leave the meeting at 2:00 p.m. and asked that the Council meet with Mr. Weaver regarding the reorganization of the Public Works, Planning, Engineering, and Building & Zoning departments following the Executive Session regarding personnel matters. January 4, 2008 Page 4 of 6 At 12:05 Mayor Coppola adjourned the Study Session into Executive Session for 35 minutes regarding personnel matters. At 12:40 pm Kathleen Byrnes-Barrantes of Grant Solutions presented a power point illustration on grant funding opportunities and strategies for the City. Ms. Byrnes- Barrantes advised the City can partner with other agencies working together to achieve grant eligibility. City Attorney Jacoby advised the City's Comprehensive Plan is not in compliance with the Growth Management Act, and this needs to be the City's top priority. At 1:30 pm Mayor Coppola asked for Council's consensus regarding the changing the date of the regular scheduled Council meetings to Wednesday, which would coincide with other Kitsap County City Council meetings. Mayor Coppola further advised Kitsap County Commissioners meet on Monday, as this will allow our Council to attend the Commissioners meetings. After Council discussion the Council concurred to change the regular scheduled City Council meetings to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. The Mayor and Council also discussed the order of the City Council agendas and concurred with modifications to the agenda. City Attorney Jacoby advised he will revise POMC 2.04 to reflect these changes. Mayor Coppola advised he is working on a Roberts Rule of Order class for the City Council and Planning Commission. It was suggested the class be scheduled for either a Saturday or week night evening. At 2:00 pm Council Member John Clauson left the meeting. At 2:05 pm Gil Michael, Planning Commissions Chair, distributed a handout illustrating the projects the Planning Commission is currently working that were directed from the City Council: • Bed and Breakfast regulations • East and West Wings of the Downtown Overlay District • Development Regulations Planning Commissioner Michael asked that a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and City council be scheduled. Planning Commissioner Michael asked what does the Council want the Planning Commission do when the Hearings Examiner is hired. The Council requested the Planning commission focus on the Tremont Corridor Plan, GUM POD and review of the Development Regulations. At 2:15 PM City Treasurer, Kris Tompkins, presented an update and overview of the City Treasurer's Department. City Treasurer Tompkins discussed the following issues: • Change order authorization amounts, • Cost for on-line banking, and January 4, 2008 Page 5 of 6 • Credit card payments. Council Member Powers asked City Treasurer Tompkins to explain G.O Bonds and Revenue Bonds for the new Council Members. At 2:45 PM City Clerk, Michelle Merlino, presented an update and overview of the City Clerk's department and distributed a handout of the City Clerk's Department goals for 2008, highlighting the following issues: • Finalizing Personnel Policies • Records Management Policies and Electronic Records Management Policies • Archiving and Purging City Clerk records • Streamlining HR Functions and looking at software for next year's budget At 3:15pm the Council started discussion on the reorganization of Council committees. After discussion the Council concurred on streamlining the current Council committees as follows: • Finance Committee • Public Property Committee • Tourism Committee, which will include Hotel/Motel & Chimes and Lights • Utilities Committee to include Sewer Advisory Committee (SAC) The Council further concurred to have a monthly general Study Session for all other items of City business. City Attorney Jacoby advised he will prepare a resolution to incorporate the changes the Council has made to the Council committees. At 4:10 the Council started their open forum discussion on the following topics: "' Mayor Coppola commented the McCormick Woods Annexation Boundary Committee met to discuss the boundaries of the annexation. Mayor Coppola advised the boundaries will include all of McCormick Woods, The Ridge, however McCormick Woods West will not be a part of this annexation, as they currently have agreements with Kitsap County that needs to be worked through before annexation can proceed . .f' The Council concurred to have City staff review the cost effectiveness of the annexation of Bethel Avenue to Wai-Mart. "' The Council discussed the idea of Council Districts. "' The Council discussed impact fees and concurred with impact fees for transportation and parks. "' The Council concurred with developing a Master Plan and infrastructure at the retail area of Sedgwick and Sidney Avenue. January 4, 2008 Page 6 of 6 " Mayor Coppola advised he is not in favor of letting the developers decide on where and what the amenities should be in the Downtown Overlay District. The Council concurred the City Council should decide, what and where the amenities should be placed. This item will be revisited at a later date. " The Council and concurred the Planning Commission should start review of the Downtown Overlay District wings, Critical Areas Ordinance and the Tremont Corridor Plan. " The Council disucssed the Tremont Roundabout needs to be studied further. The Council further concurred to talk to the State Legislature to determine if the City could retool the plan and keep the funding as an alternative plan. " The council concurred to move forward to increase bike racks in the downtown area. " The Council discussed sidewalks in residential areas and suggested having an open house to explain the process of ULID's. " The Council concurred to have a Study Session regarding parking garages in the Downtown core area. " Mayor Coppola advised he and the Kitsap County Sheriff are working together to develop a plan for uniform release time for County prisoners. " The Council concurred to have the Police Chief develop an on-line Slog. " Council Member Colebank advised he will start working on a Process Study within the Planning and Engineering Department and in the future meet with all City Departments. At 5:10pm the Council Retreat adjourned. J1C:(/k~ f1uJL~ Michelle Merlino City Clerk Lar{ Copp_o!a //;>: Mayor /