12/16/2008 - Work Study - MinutesPRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor
City of Port Orchard City Council
Work Study Session Minutes
December 16, 2008
Councilmembers: Mayor Pro-Tem Clauson, Chang, Childs, Colebank, Powers,
and Putaansuu
ABSENT: Councilmember Olin
ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Development Director Weaver, Public Works
Director Dorsey, City Attorney Jacoby, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, and Deputy Clerk Rinearson.
Update: McCormick Woods
Development Director Weaver met with Jim Avery, Kitsap County Assessor's office to discuss
the process to evaluate the petitions consistency and validation of property values of petitions
received to date. The City staff will move forward in verifying each petition parcel number and
move closer to annexation.
Dates for 2009 Council Retreat
After a brief discussion, the Council determined it will hold a Retreat on Saturday, January 10,
2009, at 10:00 a.m. at Sweeny's Place, across the street from the Port Orchard Yacht Club, in
order to set goals for the upcoming year.
Newspaper Contract
City Clerk Kirkpatrick announced the Port Orchard Independent will be going to one publication
a week, which may cause a conflict with the timing of SEP A and land use actions.
In response to Councilmember Clauson's request, Development Director Weaver will keep track
of any issues that may arise with the result of reduction in publications.
Citv Fiber-Optic Update:
City Treasurer Tompkins noted that Kitsap County wanted to extend the Fiber-optic from City
Hall to the Child Protection Agency building. The current arrangement with the County has
allowed City stati to utilize Municipal Court video anaignment, advanced firewall protection,
high speed internet, block of IP address, and web-based programs. The upgrade of the system
will be at the County's cost and will allow the City and County to continue a strong working
Police Department G1·ant Money:
City Treasurer Tompkins noted unspent Homeland Security funds were returned to Washington
State Patrol, which in turn made additional funds available to the City. We will purchase
stabilizing binoculars for the Police Boat, which cost approximately $1,200.
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Public Defender Contract
City Clerk Kirkpatrick noted Todd Buskirk of Buskirk Law Firm, PLLP was the interview
panel's top choice and the Mayor negotiated a monthly rate not to exceed $6,400. The Council
directed staff to place the contract on the December 23, 2008, Consent Agenda.
Update: Comprehensive Plan
Development Director Weaver noted the final ordinance for the Comprehensive Plan has been
updated and ready for signature. The GIS map will be ordered and ready for distribution prior to
the end of the year.
Executive Session to Discuss Potential Litigation in Accordance with RCW 42.30.11 0(1)
At 7:44 p.m. Mayor Coppola recessed the meeting for a 40-minute executive session regarding
potential litigation in accordance with RCW 42.30.110(l)(a) and announced no action will be
taken as a result of the executive session.
At 8:37p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the meeting after a five-minute recess.
Park and Facilities Division
Public Works Director Dorsey voiced the need to have a Parks and Facility Department in order
to keep up with the annexations of McCormick Woods and Bethel Corridor and suggested the
Council begin considering formation of a Parks and Facility Department during the 2009-2010
budget cycles.
BHC Consultants Change Order No.1
Public Works Director Dorsey noted that there was additional work in the total contract amount,
which was budgeted for $55,000, but the contract only showed $50,000. Change Order No. I
will increase the contract by $5,000, as originally budgeted for and would be on the December
23, 2008, agenda.
Tremont Medica12-Way Turn Lane
Public Works Directory Dorsey advised the Tremont Medical Center 2-way turn lane is a
temporary fix and documents the City's prior commitment. Once Tremont is widened, the City
will renegotiate the turn lane. The Public Property Committee discussed the turn lane and
recommended the Council accept the proposed solution.
Tremont Widening Project
Public Works Director Dorsey will be meeting with the State and Local Programs Coordinator to
review the proposed project and stated that the City will possibly request new bids in January
2009, for engineering. The Council directed that Tremont Widening be on future work study
agendas for project updates.
Park Impact Fees
The Council directed staff to prepare a comparison of what other jurisdictions have implemented
for all impact fees and to draft an ordinance for review at the January 20, 2009, Work Study
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Fiscal Plan for Bethel Avenue
Councilmember Putaansuu explained that with the proposed annexation of Bethel Road, it was
timely to consider implementing a road improvements plan utilizing a portion of sales tax
revenue to help the City invest in the future. This item would be discussed in more detail at
future Work Study Sessions.
Blackjack Terrace
In response to Development Director Weaver's request as to whether or not the Council will
consider the rezone request, the Council directed staff to prepare a comparison of the number of
houses versus apartments in the City within this proposed area.
Zoning Tables for R-20
After a brief discussion, the Council did not see a need to pursue this matter fnrther as it would
be handled as part of the Conditional Use Permit process.
Update HVAC:
Public Works Director Dorsey explained that the low bidder was a company in Bothe! and staff
would be recommending the Council award to the low bidder at the December 23, 2008,
Dekalb Street Right-of-Way:
Public Works Director Dorsey explained that the previous City Engineer allowed the owner of
410 Cline to build a rockery in the City's right-of-way and requested direction on how to
proceed. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to place this item on the December
23, 2008, consent agenda.
Council Policv and Procedures
City Clerk Kirkpatrick explained that at a previous request of the Council, her office was
preparing a policy and procedures manual for Council's review at their retreat.
Next Work Study Session-Tuesdav, January 20,2009
At 9:57p.m. the meeting was adjourned.
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