01/20/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of January 20, 2009 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL PRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor Councilmembers: Mayor Pro-Tem Powers, Clauson, Chang, Childs, Colebank, Olin, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Chief Townsend, Public Works Director Dorsey, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby. Update: McCormick Woods Development Director Weaver met with the Kitsap County Assessor to discuss the certification process and resolve any potential signature and data tabulation issues. Staff has begun scanning petitions and collecting information from the County Auditor to confirm each signature from the approximately 350 petitions collected. The total valuation collected for the annexation area has been tabulated at $331,405,860. The commitment for urban service of sewer and water would be provided with the requirement that an annexation no-protest agreement be issued and signed at the time of sewer extension. To date, the sewer extension and signed no-protest agreements only include the Ridge development. The valuation of all parcels with signed no-protest agreements is 6.68% of the total valuation. Dick Davis, McCormick Woods Annexation Committee provided a brief presentation on their petition drive, noting Kitsap County Assessor’s office provided them with a spreadsheet of all owners, addresses, and property valuations. This has allowed the Committee to keep track of who has signed the petition and who has not. At this point the main concern is the property owned by developers. They have asked the City to help in obtaining the signatures of the remaining developers and help clear up some miscellaneous parcels to verify if they are already annexed and/or who are the actual property owners. Update: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey met with Department of Transportation which was productive and may have an opportunity for funding in 2011. He has scheduled another meeting with Berger Abam to discuss their proposal and reduction of the original estimate. January 20, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 3 Update: Hi-Joy Lease The Council discussed the owners of Hi-Joy Bowl’s proposal to purchase a portion of the City’s right-of-way fronting the Bethel roundabout. Council directed staff to determine the costs to have a certified engineer draw plans for expanding the roundabout to two lanes. This would show what portion of the right-of-way the City needs to retain for future expansion and what portion could be sold to the Myers family. Further, the City Attorney would continue discussions with the Myers’ attorney, Gary Chrey, to settle the easement issue in order to obtain funds from FEMA. Discussion: South Kitsap Skate Park Endorsement Letter Councilmember Colebank asked the Council to endorse a resolution supporting a grant opportunity for the South Kitsap Skate Park Association. Council directed staff to provide a supporting resolution for the January 27, 2009, Council meeting agenda. Discussion: Tourism Banners and Signs Councilmember Childs reported the Tourism Committee is looking into purchasing banners to announce various community events and directional signs to help navigate around the City. He announced there would be a South Kitsap Helpline fundraiser at Hi- Joy Bowl and encouraged the Council and staff’s participation. Planning Department Docket for 2009 Development Director Weaver provided a brief report on the Planning Department’s 2008 accomplishments and their 2009 goals as follows:  Update the Land Use Regulatory Code  Review and update Department’s fee structure  Bethel Corridor annexation and review/update Bethel Corridor Plan  Prepare Sidney/Pottery Corridor Sub-Area/Master Plan  Prepare and adopt Capitol Facilities Plans  Update Port Orchard Shoreline Management Plan  Manage and secure Port Orchard Town Center Revitalization: phase 1 funding  Prepare and adopt the 2009 Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan updates  Process multiple annexations  Pursue grant and funding applications Master Plan for Road District Councilmember Chang voiced concern that staff is unable to enforce what rules are in place and wanted to amend short plats to include sidewalks and allow short plats to be contiguous. Council directed the Planning Director to amend the short plat ordinance to allow for contiguous short plats. Additional discussion, if any, would take place during impact fees at the February 17, 2009, Work Study Session. January 20, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 3 Discussion: Mitchell Avenue Property Mayor Coppola discussed an option to purchase the Mitchell property back from Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Authority as a means to supply storage for the Public Works Department provided the City can monitor the Brownsfield grant. Council directed staff to look into possibly obtaining the grant to clean up the property and bring back to the Council at a future Work Study Session. Discussion: City Fees The Planning and Public Works Departments provided a proposed fee increase, which were based on current work and looking at surrounding jurisdictional fees. Transportation Policy Committee Councilmember Powers voiced concern with how to vote on various issues facing Puget Sound Regional Council later this week and asked the Council for direction, noting she would also be voting for Poulsbo and Bainbridge Island. The Council encouraged her to vote “no” on the proposed ferry alternatives. Next Work Study Session- Tuesday, February 17, 2009 At 9:53 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. Patricia J. Kirkpatrick, City Clerk Lary Coppola, Mayor