02/17/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of February 17, 2009 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL PRESENT: Lary Coppola, Mayor Councilmembers: Mayor Pro-Tern Powers, Clauson, Chang, Childs, Colebank, Olin, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Police Chief Townsend, Public Works Director Dorsey, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby. Presentation: Parking Garage-Art Anderson and Associates Public Works Director Dorsey introduced Dennis Kirkpatrick with Art Anderson Associates who presented to the Council a conceptual design of the chosen site for the proposed parking garage on the Prospect Street site. Mr. Kirkpatrick provided the following information: • Proposed selected site; • View portions of the parking garage structure, which may block views if not in the correct location; • Entrance and exits of the parking garage; • Possible relocation of utilities such as power, sewer and water; • Main level which could be considered as part of Phase II of the project in order to implement a second stmy to service the library, retail, or office space; • Open courtyard that could house the Farmer's Market or outdoor concerts with access to downtown; • The boring tests came back with good results; Councilmember Childs voiced concern this was not the vision he had originally expressed. The architect, Dennis Kirkpatrick explained that this is conceptual only and the City can ask that items, such as the library, be relocated; however, he felt this was the best use of the land, assuming all property owners agreed. Development Director Weaver reported on his meeting with the Sidney Art Museum and advised he would continue to meet with the group on a quarterly basis in order to keep them apprised of the parking garage project. Discussion: Town Meeting on the Parking Garage Councilmembers discussed ways to obtain input from citizens regarding City projects. A town meeting concept was discussed and the Council directed staff to organize a Town Meeting for citizens to attend and ask questions or address concerns on various City projects. February 17, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 Update: McCormick Woods Development Director Weaver and City Attorney Jacoby met with Kitsap County and their attorney to negotiate and/ or resolve issues of the Inter Local Agreement (ILA) between the City, County and McCormick Woods. The McCormick Woods Annexation Committee reported they have received 68% of the 75% petitions that is needed. The City Attorney and staff would continue to work on finalizing the terms and conditions of the ILA. Update: School Impact Fees Development Director Weaver explained staff was waiting for the South Kitsap School District to release their Capital Facilities Plan in order for impact fees to be determined. Update: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey met with Berger Abam at the end of January and the conceptual redesign has been completed and will be presented at the March 17, 2009, Work Study Session. The conceptual redesign includes all comments received, including the Fire Chief and Police Chiefs concerns. Draft Resolution to transfer Building Department to the Planning Department Development Director Weaver requested the Building Department be moved under the Planning Department, which would impact one position, the Building Inspector, and would not impose on the office or the secretarial positions. Development Director Weaver proposed to draft a resolution in coordination v.,ith Public Works, Human Resources, and the Finance Departments to transfer the Building Department from Public Works to Planning, with several items added to the job description. The Committee directed staff to bring the resolution forward on the March 24, 2009, meeting agenda. Financial Report City Treasurer Tompkins provided information regarding beginning cash balances, current cash flow, sales tax collections, commitments for Real Estate Excise Tax (REET), and admission tax funds. She explained that the amount of expenditures is out pacing the revenues and she is keeping a close eye on the current expense cash balance. The commitments for REET funds included the City Hall loan payment, police range, underground utilities downtown, and parking garage design. Councilmember Clauson advised that the Finance Committee has directed that an unofficial hiring freeze be in effect until the Committee and Treasurer determine what the full financial impacts will be for 2009. February 17, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 3 Trail Grant Opportunity Development Director Weaver advised the Council of a potential trail grant opportunity if we choose to extend the trail from Westbay to the behind KFC and down along Blackjack Creek. Council directed staff to bring the grant information forward for approval and requested the City Attorney determine the status of the easement with Westbay. Discussion: Foot Ferry Service Councilmember Chang expressed his concern that the City of Port Orchard has no Sunday ferry service and will close an hour early on Saturdays and was wondering if the City was interested in contracting with the private company to provide Sunday ferry service. Councilmember Clauson advised the costs to operate the ferry would be approximately $150 per hour, with a minimum of four hours for Sunday service and that the contractor was interested in pursuing this relationship. The Council directed Mayor Coppola to contact the City of Bremerton to determine if they would be willing to participate in providing half of the funding in order to keep the Sunday service . Discussion: Annexation of Urban Growth Boundary Mayor Coppola advised the Council on his plan for annexing the Bethel Corridor first, and then to look at annexing the entire Urban Growth Area (UGA). When speaking with Kitsap County, they are willing to move forward with the City's assurance we v.rill take all the UGA, which includes the residential areas. Mayor Coppola announced the Council would meet for a Retreat to discuss goals and objectives on Friday, February 20, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, March 17, 2009 At 9:20 a .m. the meeting was adjourned.