04/21/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of April 21, 2009 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL PRESENT: Laty Coppola, Mayor Councilmembers: Mayor Pro-Tern Powers Clauson, Chang, Childs, Colebank, Olin, and Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Public Works Director Dorsey, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby. Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver reported staff sent out 514 letters and petitions to annex the individual parcels of Bethel North Corridor. Currently, staff has collected 2% of the 10% needed to start the annexation process. With new legislation in effect, staff will advise residents that only 60% of the assessed value is needed in order to annex into the City. Development Director Weaver reported that the City had hosted the annual APA Olympic Planners Forum in April, noting the group discussed common issues with other jurisdictions. Update: Storm Drainage Billing City Treasurer Tompkins advised that the storm drainage utility has been billed for Januaty, February, and March, noting that to date staff has processed 15 adjustments aud approximately 20% of the customers paying their utilil:jr bill have paid short by the Storm Drainage amount. The cash balance is $48,651.24, which means that at the end of April the City will be able to repay the inter-fund loan that provided the start up funds for the storm drainage utility. Discussion: City of Bremerton Easement at McCormick Reservoir Site Public Works Director Dorsey explained that staff was keeping an eye on the moving of the McCormick Wood's new reservoir, noting there are no engineering issues at this point; however he would continue to monitor and provide an update at the May 19, 2009, Work Study Session. Discussion: Melcher Street Pump Station Public Works Director Dorsey reported that a property survey was needed of the Melcher pump station, which appears to be partially on the adjacent property. The survey costs would be approximately $5,500 to $6,900 and at the direction of the Council staff would obtain two quotes for the survey. April 21, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 Discussion: Open Space Development Director Weaver stated the City has received an application to request two parcels be designated as Open Space. Kitsap County forwarded the application to the City for approval and he noted that this was the first time Pott Orchard has received this type of application. The Council directed the Finance Committee to review the matter and have staff contact the propetty owner to discuss options. The property owner stated that she was interested in pursuing donating a pottion of the property to be used as a park to be dedicated in memory of her deceased husband. Discussion: Residential Parking Permits City Clerk Kirkpatrick stated the AGAPE treatment program located on Bay Street houses up to six temporary residents as well as an in-house person to monitor the residents. She requested the Council allow her office to issue a set number of parking permits each year to the program manager for monitoring of the permits instead of issuing regular residential parking permits. After a brief discussion, Council directed staff to provide six transient parking permits for a limit of one year to AGAPE for their program manager to monitor throughout the year. Kitsap County Administrative Parking Police Chief Townsend explained Kitsap County is requesting the City to remove the 2 hour parking signs that are in front of their Administrative Building and to limit some of the stalls in front of the Building to 30 minutes and 1 hour. The Council directed the Police Chief to allow the County to remove the requested signs and replace them with 30 minute and 1 hour parking signs at the County's expense. D1scuss10n: Parks Funding Councilmember Chang voiced his concern that the City was unable to designate additional funds to the Parks Designated Reserve due to the current economic times. Amy Miller and Becci Vanni, members of the local MO M's Club voiced appreciation to the Council for their continued support of parks over the past year. Discussion: Banners City Clerk Kirkpatrick explained that her office had received a request from the Cedar Cove Association to hang their banner for a third week across Bay Street. Currently, South Kitsap Fire and Rescue monitor the display and placement of the banners that go across Bay Street. Cedar Cove Days is requesting to hang their event banner during the week of June 15, 2009, as no other organization has reserved that week. Clerk Kirkpatrick further explained that the Council makes the determination as to whether or not to allow the request and all the Fire Department needed was a letter voicing Council approval/ disapproval. The Council directed staff to draft a letter for their consideration at the April 28, 2009, Council meeting. April 21, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 4 Presentation: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey introduced Bob Hernandez of Berger Abam who provided a brief presentation on the conceptual design of the Tremont Widening Project as follows: Design update: • Increase and shift Potte1y Avenue to the Northeast • Add an emergency signalized light at South Kitsap Blvd in order to allow emergency vehicles ease of moving through the roundabout Proposed Steps: • Complete drainage analysis • Complete preliminary signal design • Review and revise crosswalk details • Update Environmental documentations with new change • Submit and process federal and state regulatory permits • Submit and process local permits • Revised right-of-way plans • Obtain appraisals • Purchase property • WSDOT /FHWA certification of right-of-way process • Prepare contract documents (plans, specification, and estimates PS&E) • Obligate construction funds • Advertise, received bids, and award • Construct the project Mr. Hernandez estimated the construction time frame to be approximately one-year upon NEPA and PS&E approval in order to be shovel ready by 2011. Currently, Berger Abam has spent $490,262 of their allocated funds, leaving a balance due of $247,863. At 9:06 p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the meeting after a five-minute recess. Update: Grant Status Development Directory Weaver provided a brief update on the status of four possible grants to repair the City's boat ramp and Blackjack Creek trail projects. The grants are due by May 1, 2009, and the Council directed staff to prepare the appropriate documents for the April 28, 2009, Council meeting. Police Chief Townsend provided a brief update of grants the Police Depaitment is pursuing. Discussion: Land Development Code, Critical Areas Development Director Weaver stated the Planning Commission has completed the recommendation for the updates to the Port Orchard Municipal Code regarding April 21, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page4 of 4 Land Use Regulations and Critical Areas. The main concern was building height zones, and the Council directed staff to prepare the Planning Commission's recommendations for review by the City Attorney. Discussion: Bail Bonds Development Director Weaver reported that there are five bail bond companies located in the downtown area of Bay Street and there were no restrictions in the current code regarding bail bonds in the downtown overlay district. After a brief discussion, Mayor Coppola requested that the City Attorney determine the parameters of restricting the operation of bail bonds in the downtown retail area. Library Mural In response to Councilmember Olin, Public Works Director Dorsey requested that the Public Property Committee review the status of the Library Mural. The Council directed staff to provide the City Attorney with a copy of the contract with Dr. Nuchims and/or the original artist prior to the next Public Property Committee meeting. Downtown Garbage Cans Mayor Coppola voiced concern that there were only four garbage cans in the downtown area and requested staff to determine the costs to purchase an additional four cans to match those currently in the downtown area. Discussion: Public Records Requests Councilmember Chang voiced concern that the Code does not allow for residents to submit a public records request by email. City Clerk Kirkpatrick explamed that staff does accept requests that are received via email; however, due to some email being held by the spam filter there were concerns regarding how to ensure staff responds to those emails within the prescribed statutory time line of five days. Staff will continue to work towards resolving this issue in a timely manner and bring forward a code amendment when resolution has been reached.