05/19/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of May 19, 2009 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL PRESENT: Mayor Pro-Tern Powers Councilmembers: Clauson, Chang, Childs, Colebank, and Olin ABSENT: Mayor Lary Coppola and Councilmember Putaansuu ALSO PRESENT: City Treasurer Tompkins, Public Works Director Dorsey, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby. Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver reported that the McCormick Woods Annexation has been submitted to the Boundary Review Board for final review and that staff is working with City Attorney Jacoby on the various Interlocal Agreements (ILA) with the County and McCormick Woods and he would provide the ILA's for Council's review at their June 16, 2009 Work Study Session. Development Director Weaver further reported that the City had received a petition to annex both sides of Mile Hill/SR 166 area out to Howe Farm. Update Tremont Widening Public Works Dorsey reported the Tremont Widening project is moving forward at a steady progress and depending upon when the City acquires all of the rights-of-way it should be shovel ready by 2010 or 2011. The Council directed the City Attorney to provide a brief summary on the process to do condemnations. Update: Storm Drainage Code Revisions Public Works Director Dorsey provided a brief update of the items that needed to be completed, in accordance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) prior to August 15, 2009, including a draft copy Ordinance to address runoff from new developments, redevelopment, and construction site activities. Further, Mr. Dorsey explained that specific requests, from a property owner, to reduce the Storm Drainage Utility Fee regarding the actual amount of impervious surface will be brought to the Utility Committee for review and recommendation to the Council. Purchase Authority-Public Works Director Public Works Director Dorsey requested his change order authority be increased to $15,000 for all budgeted items on a per project basis. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to bring this item forward to the June 9, 2009, Council Agenda. May 19, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 Mobile Hotdog Stand City Clerk Kirkpatrick sought direction from the Council for a request to use a portion of the City's property for a mobile hotdog stand by the foot ferry terminal entrance. After a brief discussion, Council directed staff to move forward with the temporary vendor license process to allow the mobile hotdog stand on the grass/sidewalk in front of the foot ferry terminal across from the totem pole. Further, the City Attorney was directed to determine a monthly rental rate for the leased space. Parking during Elections City Clerk Kirkpatrick explained Kitsap County is asking permission to reserve two parking stalls during the two weeks prior to an election and two stalls on the day of primary and general elections. Council directed staff to write a letter approving the reserved parking stalls until either patty terminates the agreement in writing, with the condition that Kitsap County will be responsible for the signage. Fireworks Permits City Clerk Kirkpatrick explained that with the annexation of Fred Meyers it was unforeseeable the current allowed limit of seven authorized fireworks permits per year would become an issue and sought direction on how to proceed. The Council directed staff to bring forth an ordinance amending the P01t Orchard Municipal Code to allow an eighth fireworks permit to be issued at the May 26, 2009, regular meeting and to amend City Code to eliminate the number oflicenses/permits issued for firework stands. Scheduling Future Work Study Session Items: City Clerk Kirkpatrick asked the Council if they would like to participate in a Round Table discussion with the Community Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The Council directed staff to invite the Community Affairs Committee to one of its Work Study Sessions. Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan Public Works Director Dorsey provided the Council with a draft of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Staff will bring the final TIP forward at the June 9, 2009, Council meeting for consideration. Water Street/Boat Ramp Emergency Repairs Public Works Director Dorsey explained that the Water Street boat ramp is in need of an emergency repair. After a brief discussion, staff would provide a tern porary fix until a grant is received or funds are available. Staff will check with the City's insurance carrier to see if some or all of the cost to make temporary repairs are covered and/or reimbursable. May 19, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 3 Seattle Street/Kitsap Street/Alley -Placement of Stop Sign Public Works Director Dorsey reported that the Public Property Committee has recommended that a stop sign be placed on the east side of the property and that South Kitsap Fire and Rescue has confirmed the fire trucks are able to negotiate the corner without utilizing the Michael's driveway. In response to Cindy Lucarelli suggestion, Public Works Director will place a yield sign verses a stop sign, which will satisfy the public safety concern. Library Mural Public Works Director Dorsey explained the contract to repair the Port Orchard Library Mural was signed by Dr. Paul Nuchims. However, with Dr. Nuchims withdrawing from the contract, staff is looking for direction on how to proceed with the repair of the Library Mural. After a brief discussion, the Council concluded that with the funds not being available to redo the Mural; pressure washing the wall would ruin the Mural; and painting over it would not make the Mural any more attractive. They directed that staff hold off on any repairs to the Mural until after Cedar Cove Days in August. Review: Draft Ordinance -C1'iticalA1'eas Development Director Weaver explained that with salmon being on the endangered species list his staff created a Critical Areas ordinance to be in compliance with federal and state regulations. Further, he recommended using the same plan as Kitsap County, which has already been accepted by the State. At the direction of the Council, staff will bring the draft ordinance for consideration at a future City Council meeting. Update: Request for Proposal on Bay Street Improvements Development Director Weaver reported staff is moving forward with the Request for Proposal for the Bay Street Pedestrian Path. The Planning Commission's recommendations are being reviewed by the City Attorney and staff will provide an update to the Council at a future Work Study Session. Melcher Street Water Pump Station Public Works Directory Dorsey advised the Council that staff has received two quotes for surveying services on the Melcher Street water pump station. N.L. Olson & Associates was the low bidder and this item would be brought forward for the Council's consideration at its June 9, 2009, meeting. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, June 16, 2009 At 1 ·07 p.m. the eeting was adjourned. C