07/21/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of July 21, 2009 1. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers Carolyn Powers, Mayor Pro-Tern, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu was present. Police Chief Townsend, City Treasurer Tompkins, City Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, Assistant City Engineer Archer, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. 2. Presentation: 2009 Water System Plan Susan Boyd of Pace Engineers provided a brief presentation regarding the 2009 Water System Plan as follows: • State determination that McCormick Woods and the main City's system could not be treated as one system until they are connected; • Reconfirm water demands and sources; • Project goals consistent with planning for orderly development, provide tools for day to day use, and to comply with state and local requirements be updated; • Identify retail service area and demographic; • Develop realistic water demand projections; • Identify future system needs; • Develop a detailed Capital Facilities Plan; • Project analysis to establish the minimum criteria and define the storage capacity and pump station capacity; and • Recommendation to update older wells, increase water rights, establish a new well, and to replace wells 1, 2, and 3 in McCormick Woods. 3. Discussion: Surplus of Real Property City Attorney Jacoby provided an overview of the requirements for declaring City property surplus, noting there are very few regulations regarding this matter and that it is up to the Council to determine the process so long as the property sells for fair market value. After a brief discussion, the Council deferred the matter to the Public Property Committee to develop a process and criteria for a public/private partnership sale. 4. Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver reported that McCormick Woods is now officially a part of the City and as such, the Office of Finance Management's requires a population census be conducted of the newly annexed area. The Council directed staff to place this item on the July 28, 2009, Council meeting consent agenda to approve a contract with Calm River to complete the population census. 5. Update: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey reported that Berger Abam will be doing an additional survey on the storm drainage; working to update NEPA; and asking the City specific design questions \\~th the hopes of finishing the right-of-way acquisitions by 2010 for the Tremont Widening Project. July 21, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 6. Discussion: Proclamation: 2010 Census Partner City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported that the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Conncil was requesting the City of Port Orchard issue a proclamation in support of the 2010 Census. The Council voiced its support and directed a proclamation be brought forward at the next regular Council meeting. 7. Department ofE1nergency Management Location Police Chief Townsend explained that the current emergency management equipment was located in the Municipal Courtroom and stated it would be better if it could be relocated to the Council Chambers. After a brief discussion, the Council concurred and directed staff to begin moving the emergency management equipment to the Council Chambers. 8. West Sound Utility District lnterlocal Agreement Regarding Boundary Adjustment Public Works Dorsey advised West Sound Utility District has proposed a change in the service boundary due to the inconsistency of water lines; their lines are larger than the City's lines. The Council directed staff to place this item on the July 28, 2009, Council meeting consent agenda. 9. Discussion: Adding a new Chapter 15.30 Port Orchard Municipal Code Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Assistant City Engineer Archer provided a draft ordinance that will meet the nummum requirements for the State mandated program for illicit discharge detection and elimination, which she explained would need to be adopted no later than August 15, 2009. The Council directed staff to place this item on the July 28, 2009, meeting for first reading vdth adoption at its August 11, 2009, Council meeting. 10. Storm Utility Fee Ordinance Revision to Allow for Credit Public Works Director Dorsey reported that residents were upset with the storm utility fees being based on 85% impervious surface. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to create an ordinance providing for a credit to residents who have completed the rate variance request form prior to December 31, 2009, and to allow City staff to apply a retroactive credit to January 1, 2009. 11. Mayor's Salary The Council deferred this matter back to the Finance Committee for further reVIew and consideration. 12. Chain Parking in Downtown City Clerk Kirkpatrick provided an email from Sugar Daddy's regarding chain parking. After a brief discussion, the Council directed the Police Chief to provide a draft ordinance outlining the proposed changes to the Port Orchard Municipal Code. July 21, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of3 13. West Bay Developers Agreement City Attorney Jacoby reported on the West Bay Developer's Agreement regarding accessing an easement to build a pedestrian board walk. The attorneys have agreed upon the language of the contract and only one issue remains regarding the City's intent to maintain the seawall. Once that issue is resolved, the City Attorney ;viii bring the agreement forward for approval by the Council. 14. Community Council -McCormick Woods Councilmember Clauson proposed the formation of a Community Council in McCormick Woods and to use this guideline for other neighborhoods looking to partner with the City to work on various issues affecting their respective neighborhoods. The Council directed staff to: 1) schedule a work study session to be held at McCormick Woods to discuss formation of a Community Council; and 2) to work through any issues regarding the creation of a Community Council with Kitsap County. 15. Other Discussion Items In response to Councilmember Olin, City Clerk Kirkpatrick explained that the Clerk's office is responsible for ensuring taxicab licenses are up to date and that the Police Department ensures compliance. Mayor Coppola sought clarification from the Council as to whether or not the Public Property and Utilities Committees could be combined into one. The Council determined that these should remain two separate committees. 16. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, August 18, 2009