08/18/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of August 18, 2009 1. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at TOO p.m. Councilmembers Carolyn Powers, Mayor Pro-Tern, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson (arrived at 8:08 p.m.), Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu was present. Police Chief Townsend, City Treasurer Tompkins, City Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, Assistant City Engineer Archer, Development Director Weaver, Police Chief Townsend (afrived at 7:46 p.m.), City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. 2. Presentation: Bremerton Economic Development Study Richard Warren, Corridor Planning Manager for Washington State Department of Transportation, provided a brief update regarding the Bremerton Economic Development Study, noting the following: • Studies are for communities to have for when the State asks for funding, the communities will have estimate cost of their project; • Goal is to identify and prioritize transportation improvements needed over the next 10 to 20 yeas; • Study Limits are SR3: US 101 to Loxie Eagans Blvd; SR 16: Sedgwick Rd to SR 3; and SR 101: SR 3 to SR 102; • Issues consist of congestion, safety, economic development, lack of transit and non- motorized facilities; • Current traffic volumes and the projected volumes will no improvements will result in road failures; • Study is based on the current Compressive Plan as to how the project growth in traffic volumes; and • Garst area improvements would include widening all roadways to 6 lanes plus HOV lanes. Chris Picard, Washington State Department of Transportation, explained that the State currently has no money and any work performed on the above projects will be a result of new money. 3. Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver reported that his office was collecting and processing petitions for the Bethel Corridor North Annexation and the proposed annexation was on track for incorporation by the end of 2009; and reported that staff continues to work with the County regarding finalization of the McCormick Woods Interlocal Agreements. August 18, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 4. Update: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey reported that Berger Abam is working on the storm drainage design, which should be completed by the end of 2009. 5. Discussion: Westbay Center Shoreline Easement Councilmember Clauson reported that he had met with the owner of the Westbay property and had reached an agreement that the City would be responsible for repairs to the bulkhead if damage was caused by negligence on the City's part, otherwise the property owner would be responsible. The Council directed the City Attorney to finalize easement documents and bring back before Council for approval. 6. Discussion: McCormick STEP -2010 Public Works Director Dorsey reported on the costs of maintaining McCormick Woods' septic tank effluent pumping, noting that the pending water/sewer rate increase would address the anticipated loss of revenue. The Council directed that staff include the matter as part of the Capital Improvement Program and 2010 budget cycle. 7. Discussion: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) -2010 Public Works Director Dorsey explained that staff had been working on utilizing part of the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) Funds to hire a full-time employee for the remainder of 2009 to partially accomplish mapping and commercial property inspections. The Council directed staff to move forward with utilizing the ILA funding to hire a full-time person with future funding allocated in the 2010 budget. 8. Temporary Vendor License City Clerk Kirkpatrick asked the Council for clarification of their intent regarding public property vending. After a brief discussion, staff was directed to bring forward language that would clearly define public property vending. 9. Discussion: Proposed Ordinance Update Regarding Chain Parking Enforcement Police Chief Townsend provided three alternatives that may help address the chain parking downtown. After a brief discussion, Council determined that it was in the best interest to change parking on Bay Street as it currently exists, deferring to the Police Chief to work out the details. August 18, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of 4 10. Discussion: Setting Date, Time, and Location for Special Work Study Session to Create Community Council Model The Council discussed meeting with McCormick Woods residents to create a model program for neighborhood committees in the hopes that these committees would bring forward areas of concern to the Council for review and consideration. The Council directed staff to find a mutual date to hold a Special Work Study Session at the McCormick Woods Clubhouse. The agenda for the Special Work Study Session would be as follows: a. Neighborhood Advisory Committee b. Utility rates c. Snow routes 11. Discussion: Section 108 Loan Development Director Weaver reported Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) recommended that the City's application be reviewed prior to final approval by the Board of County Commissioners. There were some additional requirements from KRCC and staff requested direction on how the Council would like to proceed with the loan funding package. The Council discussed their concerns regarding collateral; staff time to compile necessary documents and/or information prior to the deadline; costs to conduct a financial survey of the City; and whether or not a better loan is available through Municipal bonds. The Council directed staff to apply for an extension in order to allow more time to determine what their priorities are at this time. Further, the Council directed staff to keep the October 13, 2009, regular meeting light in order to hold a Special Work Study Session following that regular meeting. Items to be discussed at the October 13, 2009, Special Work Study Session are: a. Priorities of the City b. Parking Garage Discussion c. Art Anderson presentation 12.Discussion: Bethel Roundabout Public Works Director Dorsey provided the revised conceptual roundabout modification drawing. The Council directed the City Attorney to finalize the sale of City property and lease agreement with the owners of Hi-Joy Bowling Alley. 13.Discussion: Painting of Marquee City Clerk Kirkpatrick advised that Heather Cole had requested this item be removed from discussion by the Council. August 18, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page4 of 4 14.Discussion: School Impact Fees Development Director Weaver provided an update regarding the South Kitsap School District Capital Facilities Plan. The Council directed staff to include school impact fees when the City's Comprehensive Plan was updated. 15.Discussion: Library Repair Costs Public Works Director Dorsey provided an estimated cost of $231,000 that would be needed in order to make the necessary repairs to the Port Orchard Library building, including carpet replacement and a new roof. 16.0ther Discussion Items City Clerk Kirkpatrick advised the Friends of the Library had expressed an interest in paying Mr. Ewing, muralist for the library, the remaining $400 to help offset his costs. 17. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, September 15, 2009. At 9:53 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.