09/15/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of September 15, 2009 1. 7:00 p.1n. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers Carolyn Powers, Mayor Pro-Tern, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu was present. City Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, Assistant City Engineer Archer, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. Mayor Coppola reported that the Association of Washington Cities' Annual Regional Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 15, 2009, in Poulsbo. City Clerk Kirkpatrick reminded Councilmembers to let her office know if they planned to attend. Mayor Coppola announced Mary Colburn would like the City to part1c1pate in a "Fit City Challenge." The City would be a site that has weigh-in cards and information regarding the challenge posted on the City's website. The Council directed staff to prepare a proclamation for the October 13, 2009, Council meeting. City Clerk Kirkpatrick announced the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce is having their Annual Fundraiser at The Clubhouse at McCormick Woods on Saturday, September 26, 2009. Tickets are available for the installation banquet, dinner, silent auction and dessert auction, and the entertainment was the Dueling Pianos. City Clerk Kirkpatrick requested on behalf of Police Chief Townsend that the Parking Resolution establishing the fees and general parking rules become a part of Port Orchard Municipal Code Title 10. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to bring forward a draft ordinance for consideration at a future Work Study Session. Councilmember Olin asked that a discussion regarding annual celebration of September 11th, be added to the agenda. 2. Discussion: Port of Bremerton Parking Space Request Brian Sauer, Port Orchard Marina Manager, presented a request to swap parking spaces in the marina between the City and the Port of Bremerton, noting the following: • The City and the Port of Bremerton have a great working relationship; • Proposal would be the best use of the waterfront parking spaces between the two entities; • The West end of the parking lot has 15 spaces dedicated to the Port, 16 spaces designated as City Merchant parking, and 24 spaces as 4-hour free parking; • Port has 31 existing spaces dedicated at the East end of the waterfront parking, next to the Gazebo; • Suggested a swap of parking spaces between the P01t's dedicated spaces and the City's dedicated spaces that would result in all the Port dedicated spaces being September 15, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 located in one consolidated area near the West end of the waterfront parking, near Kitsap Bank; • As part of the exchange, the Port would be responsible for all signage and the maintenance of all landscaping within the parking area; and • Suggested if the City is interested that a three-year ILA or MOU be drafted. After a brief discussion, Council directed the City Treasurer to provide Mayor Coppola ,vith the number of merchant parking passes currently available; and directed the Public Works Director to work with Mr. Sauer and the Port of Bremerton regarding the terms and conditions and to bring forward at a future meeting. 3. Presentation: Business Licensing through State City Treasurer Martin introduced John Jacob of Washington State Department of Licensing who provided a brief presentation on the Master License Service Partnership, which provides the following services and benefits: • The "Get on Board" program was initiated by a grant; • Explained the benefits to the City would be saving staff time, simplify the license process, increased new business compliance, and receive only complete fees and application information; • The State notifies the cities of an application of which they inform the Sate if the application has been denied or approved; • Cities maintain and have access to the MLS system; • Notifies cities of business requesting other license thru the state and as well as the reporting of sales tax to the correct city; • For businesses that currently do not have other licenses throughout the State will incur an additional $9.00, in which the State will toughly educate and notify the business if a change over takes place; and • Cities contract v.,ith the state through an Interlocal Agreement. 4. Presentation: Low Impact District Art Castle, Home Builders Association of Kitsap Homebuilders Foundation, provided a brief presentation on Low Impact Development as follows: • Started with a grant to have the goals of fire districts, cities and counties to bring them all together to develop standards; • Environmental and Market Goals include improvement to water quality from stormwater runoff, encourage methods for improving aquifer recharge and infiltration; reduce stormwater mitigation costs for builders and developers; and to reduce city and county maintenance and liability; • Suggests that each city and county adopt the Kitsap Low Impact Development (LID) Guidance Manual by reference as this will enable staff to update the manual September 15, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of 4 administratively as the Department of Ecology (DOE) authorizes new LID BMP's, adjust the Flow Volume Credits and updates the LID policies; • There is natural things than can help reduce the retention ponds, helps remove impervious surfaces, and within the first 4 hours reduce the temperature; and • Impervious surface also has been known to reduce the amount of plowing and causes the water to freeze under the asphalt, rather than making the ice thicker on concrete. 5. Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver reported that his office was collecting and processing petitions for the Bethel Corridor North Annexation and the proposed annexation was on track for incorporation by the end of 2009; and he reported that staff continues to work with the County regarding finalization of the McCormick Woods Interlocal Agreements. 6. Update: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey reported that Puget Sound and Energy (PS&E) are in the final design stages and are moving forward with the wall design; he will be meeting with the Department of Transportation, Puget Sound Regional Council, and the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council regarding obligation of funding. 7. Discussion: Amendment to Port Orchard Municipal Code 1.04 Code City Clerk Kirkpatrick requested direction to update Municipal Code to allow the Clerk the ability, with approval from the City Attorney, to make minor scriveners/corrections to ordinances and the Code, rather than bringing forward to the Council each time this happens. The Council directed staff to bring this forward to the September 22, 2009, Council meeting. 8. Discussion: Criteria for Private/Public Partnership for Sale of City-Owned Property City Development Director Weaver provided handouts of a map shov,,jng the Shoreline designation, Sale of Surplus Real Property and/or Improvements provided by the City Attorney, and the Public Propetty Committee Minutes from August 13, 2009, meeting. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to provide copies of the Port Orchard Economic Development Plan and the Kasprisin Plan for review. Public Works Director Dorsey rep01ted staff directed Art Anderson to provide the City with a Financial Proforma for the Parking Garage and will provide the Council the results at the October 20, 2009, Council meeting. September 15, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page4of 4 9. Discussion: Making September 11th a Holiday Councilmember Olin requested that September 11th become a City Holiday to recognize local First Responders. The Council discussed whether or not supporting not only a local annual holiday, but also nationally. The Council directed staff to begin working to make this a local annual holiday and for the Mayor to draft a letter or resolution supporting September 11th as a national holiday. Councilmember Clauson stated the Mayor was willing to accept part-time pay should he not meet the performance based goals set by the Council in 2010. Further discussion regarding the goals for 2010 was deferred to the Finance Committee. City Clerk Kirkpatrick announced the Council would meet at a Special Work Study Session on Tuesday, October 6, 2009, at The Clubhouse at McCormick Woods, starting at 6:oo p.m.; a Special Work Study Session to be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2009, following the regular Council meeting; and the next regularly schedule Work Study Session will be held on Tuesday, October 20, 2009, at City Hall. eeting was adjourned.