10/13/2009 - Work Study - Minutes-Work StudyCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of October 13, 2009 1. 9:02 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers Carolyn Powers, Mayor Pro-Tern, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu was present. Public Works Director Dorsey, City Treasurer Martin, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. 2. Priorities of the City The Council discussed the following priorities: • Tremont. There is funding already secured for this project, which is currently underway. Staff is working to obtain additional funding and anticipates having the project shovel ready by 2010. • Parking Garage. Staff is in the process of securing partnership funding for this project and that it could be worked on in conjunction with the other top projects. The only cost at this time is for the Mayor and limited staff time. • Bethel Corridor Annexation. Very wmthwhile project, however, due to the economy the Council needs to have further discussion on the feasibility of the annexation, which would then include major roadway improvements and whether it is feasible to go out for a bond or find additional revenues to help fund the needed improvements. • Trails and Boardwalk. Council discussed the need for staff to continue working on the smaller grant projects already in the works such as Blackjack Creek and the boardwalk, which will allow citizens to enjoy the 'downtown area. • Staffing Needs. As the City continues to expand so do staffing needs, such as a larger police force and public works department to meet the demand from annexations. The biggest hurdle was the limited funding and determination of which projects to focus on due to limited staff time. The Council briefly discussed which projects had more of a priority for staff to focus their attention to obtain funding and to see the project through to completion. Staff noted the following projects are already in the works or need to be done in 2010 in order to maintain the funding already attained: • Tremont -needs to be shovel ready in 2010. • Bay Street Walkway -grants accepted for this project. • Cedar Heights Junior High sidewalks -put off in 2009; the work still needs to be done. The Council directed staff to provide a comprehensive list of projects that need to be done in the next year, including what support, if any, is needed from the Council and/or mayor; and a comprehensive list of projects that need the Council and Mayor to work on as well. For example, the Council can work on how to logically, while be fiscally responsible, annex the City's urban October 13, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of2 growth area (UGA) and the process for staff to implement. The bottom line is that in order to reach the goals, there needs to be a vision, plan, and funding. It was asked that this list be brought forward for further discussion at the next work study session. 3. Discussion: Parking Garage Development Director Weaver explained that Art Anderson had completed its analysis and fiscal review of the proposed four alternatives and staff would present that information at the October 20, 2009, work study session. Further, Mr. Weaver explained staff was pursing funding independently from the Governor's budget; the community block grant was on hold until 2010 to allow more time to prepare the Proforma for the Section 108 loan; and in November staff should know whether or not the City will receive two additional grants. The Council discussed the formation of partnerships with the Port of Bremerton, the Navy, and Kitsap Transit to support the costs of building a parking garage; and determined the need to discuss at a future date how much of the parking garage will remain open to the public and how much to sell or lease to potential business/investor partners. The Council briefly discussed what their future plans for the downtown marina area are should the parking garage becomes a reality; it was discussed that a preliminary conceptual design be done in order to help "sell" the concept of the parking garage to potential investors. The Council directed staff to seek citizen comments and input on what they would like to see the downtown marina area to look like at the upcoming Open House for the Bay Street Pedestrian Enhancement Project. 4. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, October 20, 2009 At :02 p.m. the eeting was adjourned. 'it-t----L ' $···/ _j. (M,luJ .. ~ . ~~ a,~