10/20/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of October 20, 2009 1. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Pro-Tern Carolyn Powers called the meeting to order at TOO p.m. Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu was present. City Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. Mayor Coppola was absent. 2. Discussion: I-1033 At the request of Mayor Coppola, City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported on the A WC Legislative Dinner and the discussion of I-1033, which was a concern. She inquired if the Council· would like to take a position, noting that other jurisdictions have taken a position opposing I-1033; however, she noted that the election was two weeks away. After a brief discussion, the Council determined there was not adequate time prior to the election to take a position on I-1033. 3. Presentation: Kitsap Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau Patty Graf-Hoke, Director of Kitsap Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau (KPVCB), thanked the Council for working with the KPVCB and provided a brief presentation regarding what services the City received in the past year: • KPVCB's number one role is marketing to increase/attract tourism; and • KPVCB offers a powerful local, national, and international website and believes the website is being underutilized as a gateway to the Kitsap Peninsula. Further, Ms. Graf-Hoke explained that the KPVCB's goal is to market the entire Kitsap Peninsula through its website and other marketing tools and tourism is a growth industry. Kitsap Peninsula is one of the few places that continue to show increased tourism revenue and the KPVCB stands ready to partner with the City. Diane Robinson, President of the KPVCB, voiced her appreciation in how the KPVCB has promoted her own business. 4. Presentation: Parking Garage Development Director Weaver provided a presentation on the downtown parking garage project and mentioned the following: • October 14, 2009: Proposal site was determined by Resolution No. 048-08; • February 2009: Feasibility study was conducted and reveals the estimated parking space capacity for the proposed site to be approximately 476; • July 24, 2009: The Sidney Gallery/Museum submitted a letter outlining alternatives to the Council should they choose to include the Sidney Gallery/Museum property in with the proposed parking garage project; October 20, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 • Provided drawing of the proposed parking garage preliminary design with or without the Sidney Gallery /Museum's property; and • Provided estimates of what the costs to include the Sidney Gallery /Museum building if it were to reach the construction phase. In response to Councilmember Chang, Mr. Turner will check with the Sidney Museum Board to see if another historical location would be feasible should the proposed parking garage move forward. The Council directed staff to bring this item back at the November 17, 2009, Work Study Session for further discussion. 5. Update: Annexation Development Director Weaver provided a draft Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Kitsap County relating to parks, open space, and recreation within McCormick Woods. City Attorney Jacoby advised Council this is one of three ILA's with Kitsap County regarding the annexation of McCormick Woods. The other two ILA's are in regards to road and storm water. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to ask for an accounting of the park impact fees maintained by Kitsap County, as well as any obligations promised during the collection of impact fees. 6. Update: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey provided a brief update, noting that he had met with the Postmaster regarding the mail boxes; met Vl,jth Kitsap Transit regarding the right-of-way plans; met ~th Universal and the Department of Transportation on right-of-way acquisitions; that the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) portion is complete; and PS&E is approximately 95% done. 7. Update: Land Use Regulatory Code, Title 16, and Critical Areas Ordinance Development Director Weaver reported we are in a 60 day comment period; the Public Hearing is set for the November 24, 2009, Council meeting; with the approval of adoption to include public comments at the December 8, 2009, Council meeting. 8. Discussion: In Port Orchard Bring Your Ideas Councilmember Putaansuu suggested a few sayings to be printed under their name badges for the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) Legislative Dinner. After a brief discussion, staff was directed to provide the following sayings for each Councilmember attending the dinner as follows: • Laiy Coppola, Mayor: Fastest permit process in the County is IN PORT ORCHARD October 20, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 3 • Jim Co lebank, Councilmember: We painted the town I N PORT ORCHARD • Fred Chang, Co unc ilmember: The friendliest people are IN PORT ORCHARD • Jeny Childs, Councilmember: See the possibilities I N PORT ORCHARD • Caroly n Powers, Councilmember: East to West, we're the best IN PORT ORCHARD • John Clau son, Councilmember: Opportunities are endless IN PORT ORCHARD • Rob Putaansuu, Councilmember: Cedar Cove is PORT ORCHARD 9. Other Discuss ion Items In response to Gerry Harmon; staff was directed to inquire about obtaining microphones or ext ension cords for the current Chamber mi croph ones in order to be used during work study sessions. 10.Next Work Study S ession-Tuesday, November 18, 2009 At 9:07 p .m. the meeting was adjourned.