11/17/2009 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of November 17, 2009 1. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Pro-Tern Carolyn Powers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, and Rob Putaansuu were present. City Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, Development Director Weaver, Assistant City Engineer Archer, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. Mayor Coppola and Councilmember Olin were absent. 2. Discussion: Planning Commission Chair Update Bek Ashby, Planning Commission Chair, reported on the goals and objectives of the Planning Commission, noting tasks given to the Commission were dependent upon Planning Department staff support and the Commissioners were looking at using staffs time efficiently to maximize their efforts on viable projects. She requested the Council review the Planning Commission's proposed list of projects that they are willing to work on during 2010: • Be an active participant in the Shoreline Master Plan; • Develop a Street Improvement Plan for areas like Fireweed and the Melcher/Pottery area; • Assist with the Waterfront Plan to include the trail system and a proposed park; • Assist in the McCormick Woods Park Plan; • Start a Sydney Pottery Corridor Plan, Mile Hill Corridor Plan, and Bethel Corridor Plan; and • Start planning annexation of the entire Urban Growth Area (UGA). Ms. Ashby provided a brief update regarding the Comprehensive Plan, noting the Planning Commissions' concerns regarding Appendix F, Designating Port Orchard as an Urban Center. The Council directed staff to place discussion of the Planning Commission's proposed projects list at a future Council Retreat. 3. Discussion: 2010 Budget Shortfall Councilmember Clauson reported the Finance Committee met with Department Director's to review the 2010 budget shortfall. One item that would free up staff in both the Treasurer and Police Departments is to purchase free standing electronic parking meters, similar to that used at the SeaTac Airport. Councilmember Putaansuu voiced his support of electronic parking meters, noting it would resolve the City's complaints as to who paid and ensuring the City is capturing all of the paid parking. City Treasurer Martin explained the Substantial Need Ordinance would need to be approved if the City wishes to receive the same amount of property tax as 2009. The bank capacity is an option the Council can take if they wish to preserve the 1% tax levy for a future date. The Council directed staff to bring this item forward for approval at the November 24, 2009, regular Council meeting. November 17, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 4. Discussion: City Hall Holiday Closure City Clerk Kirkpatrick requested direction from the Council regarding closure of City Hall to the public on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve days, which would provide staff with a four- day holiday each week and staff can choose to use personal leave, vacation or compensation time; or they can choose to work those two days. Council directed staff to bring this item forward for approval at the November 24, 2009, regular Council meeting. 5. Discussion: Well No. 8 Public Works Director Dorsey sought clarification of Council's direction as to change order authority included the total project budgeted amount or if there were sufficient funds that were not budgeted, but still within his authority did he need to have Council's approval. The Council determined that this was within the authority given to the Public Works Director and for him to move forward with the project. 6. Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver reported that his office has collected 21% of the needed petitions for the Bethel Corridor North Annexation; and that staff continues to work with the County regarding finalization of the McCormick Woods Interlocal Agreements, noting there were remaining questions regarding whether or not interest was collected. This item would be brought before Council at the December 8, 2009, Council meeting. 7. Discussion: Street Vacation -Plat of Pottery Add'n to Sidney City Clerk Kirkpatrick requested direction as to whether the Council wishes to accept the $5 per square foot value as set by Resolution No. 1990 or if the applicant needs to obtain an appraisal; and whether or not the applicant needs to request vacation of an "L" shape or rectangular shape for the street vacation, which would clearly define the property lines. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to draft a letter to the applicants Mr. and Mrs. Hill redefining the street vacation area as an "L" or rectangle shape for the $5 per square foot value. 8. Discussion: Revisions to POMC 15.32 Assistant City Engineer Archer sought clarification and direction regarding the stormwater appeal process; and at what level should the City require a maintenance bonds for stormwater ponds. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to process stormwater appeals through the Hearings Examiner; and to have maintenance bonds be required for a subdivision and/or commercial properties. These changes would be brought forward to the November 24, 2009, Council meeting. November 17, 2009, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of3 9. Discussion: Administrative Policy Adopting Stormwater Manual At the Council's direction, this item was moved to the December 15, 2009, Work Study Session. 10. Update: Tremont Widening Public Works Director Dorsey reported that the PS&E has been submitted and should be completed no later than November 30, 2009; project estimate is going forward; and right-of- way plans are done and moving towards certificate to be ready to exchange utilities. 11. Discussion: Priorities of the City At the Council's direction, this item was moved to the December 15, 2009, Work Study Session. 12. Discussion: Proclamations At the Council's direction, this item was moved to the December 15, 2009, Work Study Session. 13. Update: 2009 Comprehensive Plan Development Director Weaver reported staff is working on the Sidney/Pottery Plan; updating maps to include annexations; working on the trails plan, which includes McCormick Woods; the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Appendix G is in reference to all previous plans and tying them to the City's current plans, which is supported by the Planning Commission; the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Appendix F shows all of the criteria staff identified regarding downtown that could meet Puget Sound Regional Council's Urban Growth Center requirements and noted that Public Hearing is scheduled for the November 24, 2009, Council meeting. 14. Update: Parking Garage Public Works Director Dorsey and the Mayor met with individuals that are interested in partnering to help build the proposed parking garage. Development Director Weaver reported on his meeting with the Sidney Art and Museum Board regarding the proposed parking garage, noting they continued to voice concern with the location of the parking garage. 15. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, December 15, 2009 "-.___,/ /