04/27/2010 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of April27, 2010 1. CALLTOORDERANDROLLCALL Mayor Lary Coppola called the meeting to order at TOO p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Rob Putaansuu, Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Carolyn Powers were present and constituted a quorum. City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Public Assistant City Engineer Archer, Treasurer Martin, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and Assistant City Attorney Forbes were also present. A. Pledge of Allegiance Kathy Michael led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZENS COMMENT Robert Seymour requested clarification of why the City rejected the Pott of Bremerton's proposal to have eight four-hour parking spots located by the Waterfront Park; and noted that it makes sense to have all ofthe paid parking located in one area, which could save the City from having to purchase two electronic parking machines. Councilmember Clauson responded that the City did not oppose the four-hour parking stalls, noting that the agreement was to be a fair and even trade; however, the Port of Bremerton presented the memorandum of agreement with conditions not previously discussed. Jerry Harmon voiced her interest in knowing whether the Design Review Board had a quorum at the meeting that Mr. Swenson's design was reviewed and how many members of the DRB were in attendance. Mayor Coppola explained that Mr. Weaver had been excused from the meeting; however, he would be sure to have staff respond to her questions. Kathy Michael requested clarification on how the current taxes for the Library will be paid, directly from the County or pass-through to the City; how will the additional tax be collected from citizens should the levy pass in November; and how will the City handle bank capacity. She urged the Council to be sure these issues were very clear to the public. Gil Michael asked the Council to relook at not purchasing a new vehicle; rather the City should purchase a used vehicle. Bob Showers made the following suggestions regarding the two ball field lease contracts: • Section 4 D-Lessee shall have sole possession of Givens Field 1 and Givens Field 2 from November when football season is over through July 14, or the Monday, starting the third week in July, whichever comes later during the term of this lease. Minutes of April 27, 2010 Pa e 2 of10 If the Lessee is not quite done with tournaments, then they will be allowed to utilize Fields 1 and Field 2 to finish. If utilization of the field to complete the tournaments will affect the start of the football camps, then Lessee agrees to help prepare Fields 1 and 2 for the football camps. The South Kitsap Pee Wee Association shall have sole possession of Givens Field 1 and Givens Field 2 from July 14, or the Monday, statting the third week in July, whichever comes later through the month of November during the term of this lease. • Section 4 E-Specifically, Lessee agrees to cooperate with the South Kitsap Pee Wee Association in the scheduling and performance of reseeding and top dressing for Givens Field 1 and Givens Field 2. 3· APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following items were removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Business Items: • Approval of Contract Nos. C032-10 and C033-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Real Propetty Lease Agreements with South Kitsap Western Little League and South Kitsap Pee Wee Association Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the motion approving the Agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 4· APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Claim Warrants Nos. 53444 through 53506 in the amount of $64,110.10 B. Setting Meeting for Work Study Session to May 18, 2010, at TOO p.m. at City Hall C. Approval of Public Event Application: Kitsap Harbor Festival D. Approval of Firework Stand Applications: Rochelle Savage, Arrow Fireworks, and TNT Fireworks E. Approval of Contract No. C023-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County for Jail Services F. ApfH"O'tal of Coutraet Nos. C032 10 aud C033 10, Authoriziug the Mayor to Elceeute Real Property Lease Agreemeuts with South Kitsap Westeru Little League aud South Kitsap Pee Wee Assoeiatiou Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion approving the Consent Agenda as amended. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Minutes of April 27, 2010 Pa e oflo 5· PRESENTATION A. Municipal Clerk's Week Mayor Coppola read the Municipal Clerk's Week proclamation into the record, and presented the proclamation to Patti Kirkpatrick, City Clerk, who thanked the Council for their continued support. B. Silver Star Service Banner Day Mayor Coppola read the Silver Star Service Banner Day proclamation into the record. 6. PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearings were held. 7· BUSINESS ITEMS A. Approval of the April13, 2010, Council Meeting Minutes Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to approve the April13, 2010, Council meeting minutes. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. B. Adoption of Resolution No. 019-10, Authorizing the Purchase of a 2010 Ford Escape for the Storm Drainage Utility from Bay Ford Assistant City Engineer Archer presented the staff report, noting on March 23, 2010, staff presented a request to purchase a 2010 Ford Escape XLS from the State Bid List for the Storm Drainage Utility. Staff was directed by Council to use the formal bid process to seek bids for a hybrid vehicle. Staff used the formal bid process to secure bids for a hybrid small sport utility vehicle (SUV) and a non-hybrid SUV. Bids were opened on April 21, 2010, and the results were as follows, including sales tax: Bid received from (Vehicle Hybrid Vehicle Non-Hybrid Information): Vehicle State Bid List (2010 Ford Escape) $31,978.51 $19,045-36 Bay Ford $32,156.s9 $23,518.65 Bay Ford proposed a 2010 Ford Escape U5K 4WD Hybrid or a 2010 Ford Escape U9D 4WD XLT. A second bid was obtained from Bay Ford for a 2010 Ford Escape U9C 4WD XLS which is comparable to the State Bid List for $20,920.78, including sales tax. The City budgeted $26,000, in the 2010 budget for this vehicle. If the bid proposal selection comes Minutes of April 27, 2010 Pa e of10 in over the $26,000, then a budget amendment will be required. Staff was unaware of the ordering deadline for the State Bid List, which closed on March 31, 2010, for 2010 purchases. Councilmember Clauson voiced his disappointment regarding the higher price of a hybrid vehicle, which could have saved the City approximately $3,000 in fuel costs and he would reluctantly vote in favor of the gas engine. Councilmember Chang stated the City should look into purchasing used vehicles in the future as a cost savings measure. Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 019-10, authorizing the purchase of a 2010 Ford Escape XLS with the Four Wheel Drive Option from Bay Ford including sales tax, licensing and recording fees in an amount not to exceed $26,000 from the 2010 Storm Drain Utility Fund. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. C. Adoption of Ordinance No. 006-10, Amending Port Orchard Municipal Code 10.18 Parking of Boats and Recreational Vehicles. City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting at the April 20, 2010, Work Study Session, Council directed staff to bring forward an ordinance amending Pmt Orchard Municipal Code 10.18 Parking of boat and recreational vehicles by repealing Section 10.18.040 Exemptions and Section 10.18.050 Review of applications for Exemptions - Conditions; and Adding a new Section 10.18.035 Permits. The new Section will allow for the grandfathering of existing permits to remain in full force and effect until their expiration date. This matter was reviewed by the Public Property Committee at their March 9, 2010, meeting and the Committee recommended this be brought forward for Council discussion and approval. On April 21, 2010, staff sent letters to the current RV Exemption Permit holders notifying them of this item and inviting them to attend the April 27, 2010, Council meeting. Councilmember Clauson objected to removing the permit exemption, noting that there are special circumstances when an exemption should be granted. Councilmember Putaansuu suppmted the changes, noting there are businesses that can provide storage service for RV's, boats, and recreational vehicles; it will eliminate possible friction between neighbors; and keep the City's rights-of-ways uncluttered. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Clauson seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 006-10, amending Port Orchard Municipal Code Chapter 10.18 Parking of Boats and Recreational Vehicles by Repealing Minutes of April27, 2010 Pa e of10 Section 10.18.040 Exemptions; and Section 10.18.050 Review of Applications for Exemptions -Conditions; and Adding a New Section 10.18.035 Permits. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Upon vote, the motion passed with five affiJ•mative votes and two dissenting vote. Councilmember Chang and Clauson cast the two dissenting votes. D. Adoption of Ordinance No. 007-10, Requesting an Election on August 17, 2010, Regarding Annexation of the City of Port Orchard into the Kitsap County Rural Library District Assistant City Attorney Forbes presented the staff report, noting at Council's request, staff has prepared an ordinance requesting that the County Commissioner's adopt a resolution calling for a special election to be held on August 17, 2010, regarding annexation of the City into the Kitsap County Rural Library District. As required by statute, the proposed ordinance has been sent to the City's Library Board. In addition, the Library District's Board of Trustees has been asked to pass a motion concurring in the request for annexation. If the Council adopts this ordinance, it will be forwarded to the County Commissioners with a request that they adopt a resolution calling for a special election on August 17, 2010. The Commissioners must act before May 25, 2010, in order for the ballot measure to appear on the primary election ballot. In the event the citizens of Port Orchard approve the annexation request, then they would be eligible to vote on the Library District's tax levy measure which is scheduled to appear on the general election ballot in November 2010. Councilmember Colebank favored the question being put on the August Primary ballot, noting it would allow citizens the option to vote on whether or not they want to be patt of the Kitsap Regional Library District. Councilmembers Putaansuu, Olin, and Childs favored citizens being able to vote on annexing into the Kitsap Regional Library District; however, they would remain neutral on this issue as well as the upcoming Library Levy in November. Councilmember Powers clarified that it is a matter of whether the citizens getting a say of whether they approve the library levy amounts or not. In response to Ms. Michael, Councilmember Clauson stated the City currently owns the Library building and contracts Vlcith Kitsap Regional Library to provide services and books to the community at the same rate other libraries in the County pay; and that the Council would have to agree to use the bank capacity. Councilmember Chang voiced his pleasure that there are no additional costs for placing this question on the ballet; and favors giving the citizens the right to vote on whether they want to annex into the Library District. Minutes of April 27, 2010 Pa e 6 of10 Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Olin seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 007-10, requesting an election regarding annexation of the City of Port Orchard into the Kitsap County Rural Library District. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. E. Approval of Contract No. Co26-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with Henderson Construction for the Bay Street Seawall Construction Project Assistant City Engineer Archer presented the staff repott, noting on March 19, 2010 and April 2, 2010, the City of Port Orchard Public Works Department published an invitation to bid in the Port Orchard Independent. Additionally, this project was posted on an online plan room, Builder's Exchange of Washington. Bidders were requested to provide for safety upgrades along approximately 160 feet of Bay Street North near City Limits. This project will include construction of a jersey-style guardrail cast-in-place at the edge of the traveled way, installation of traffic detour signs, removal of asphalt, excavation, grade beams, compaction of road subgrade, placing hot mix asphalt, and striping lanes. The City opened bids on April 9, 2010, and received 7 bids in all. On The bids received were as follows including tax: Construction Company Location Bid Amount Henderson Partners, LLC Gig Harbor $1o2,g8o.s8 Stan Palmer Construction Port Orchard $127,258.00 Vetch Construction, LLC Camano Island $136,887.00 Cherokee Construction Services Vancouver $1~6,113.00 R/S Construction & Excavation Covington $139,622.00 Caseco Associates Port Orchard $141,700.00 RV Associates Inc. Port Orchard $1s1,668.71 Henderson Partners, LLC from Gig Harbor, Washington was the lowest responsible bidder. The engineer's estimate for this project was $138,823.50. Councilmember Colebank MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to authorize the Mayor to execute Contract No. Co26-1o, with Henderson Partners, LLC for the construction of the Bay Street Seawall Safety Upgrades Project in an amount not to exceed $to2,g8o.s8. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. F. Approval of Contract No. C030-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract with Krazan & Associates for Materials Testing Assistant City Engineer Archer presented the staff report, noting Public Works is planning on construction of one Federally Funded project this year. As part of the project, some Minutes of April 27, 2010 Pa e oflo construction and materials testing will need to be performed, including compaction testing and concrete strength testing. On March 25, 2010, a request for proposals was sent to four firms to perform these testing services: Earth Solutions NW LLC, Krazan & Associates, Inc., GeoEngineers, Inc., and HWA GeoSciences, Inc. Proposals were due to Public Works on April 8, 2010. Only one firm submitted their request for proposal, Krazan Associates, Inc. After reviewing proposals it was determined that Krazan Associates, Inc. will meet the City's needs for the testing. Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Olin seconded the motion to authorize the Mayor to execute Contract No. C030-10 with Krazan Associates, Inc. for On-Call Construction/Materials Testing for 2010 Projects in an amount not to exceed $2o,ooo. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. City Clerk Kirkpatrick announced that the Kitsap Regional Library Board of Directors passed their Resolution supporting the City's request to place a proposition on the August Primary ballot. G. Approval of Public Event Application: World's Biggest Disc Golf Weekend City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting each year organizations request permission to close certain City streets; request the use of City parking lots; or use City Parks. The West Sound Disc Golf Association has submitted their application for the World's Biggest Disc Golf Weekend event for May 2, 2010, to be held at the VanZee Park. City depattments, as well as the Fire Department, have reviewed the application and have submitted their recommendations and/or comments. She further noted this application was a new event. In response to Councilmember Powers and Putaansuu, City Clerk Kirkpatrick stated it is standard practice to send a letter indicating they must provide insurance and pay for any towing that may occur during the event and the application will only be approved once all of the conditions have been met. Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to approve the Public Event application for the World's Biggest Disc Golf Weekend public event for May 2, 2010, to be held at the Van Zee Park. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. H. Approval of Contract Nos. C032-10 and C033-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Real Property Lease Agreements with South Kitsap Western Little League and South Kitsap Pee Wee Association Minutes of April 27, 2010 Pa e 8 of10 City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting the current lease agreements for use of the Givens ball fields expire on April 30, 2010. As directed by Council and with guidance from the Public Propetty Committee, staff has prepared two new leases. The South Kitsap Pee Wee Association will lease Givens Fields 1 and 2. The South Kitsap Western Little League will lease Givens Fields 1, 2, and 3. The lease terms are 5 years and the annual lease payments are $1. The leases incorporate the Council's comments from the April 20, 2010, work study session. Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to authorize the Mayor to execute the real property lease agreement between the City and South Kitsap Western Little League, Contract No. Co32- 10, and the real property lease agreement between the City and South Kitsap Pee Wee Association, Contract No. C033-10. Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to amend the real property lease agreement between the City and South Kitsap Western Little League and the South Kitsap Pee Wee Association to add on page 3 section D at the end of the second sentence: If the lessee is not done with the season ending tournaments, both associations shall cooperate to allow lessee to complete the tournament; and on page 4 Section E adding on to the second sentence to read: and repair of Givens Field 2. Upon vote, the motion to amend passed unanimously. Upon vote, the main motion as amended passed unanimously. Councilmember Putaansuu requested that the City Attorney revise the contracts based on the approved amendments. 8. CITIZENS COMMENTS Kathy Michael thanked the Council for answering her questions in regards to the annexation of the Library District and appreciated that most of the Councilmembers agreed to keep the revenue neutral and not capturing the bank capacity should the Library Levy pass. 9· COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilmember Olin reported that the Public Property Committee will meet on May 11, 2010, at City Hall to discuss possible improvements to the Paul Powers Park. Councilmember Powers repmted she attended the YWCA Women of Achievements and encouraged anyone who has the oppmtunity to attend in the future should, as it was quite inspiring and local area women such as Carol Arends, City of Bremerton Councilmember; Minutes of April 27, 2010 Pa e of10 Sharon Charbonneau, Owner of the Candy Shoppe; Martha Wescott Director of the Kitsap Sexual Assault Center, and Claire Bradley, Kitsap County Chief Deputy Prosecutor were recognized. Councilmember Clauson reported that the City Treasurer provided to the Finance Committee the sales tax collection thru March and is on target with our budget projections and provided a cash flow projection that showed the major expenses and collections for the future and we will be just squeaking by; and citizens are electing to have a direct withdrawal from the their bank account to pay their utility bill and starting May 1, 2010, citizens will be able to pay their utility bill online through the City's website; and the Finance Committee will meet on May 1, 2010, at 7:30a.m. at Myhre's. Councilmember Childs announced the Tourism/Economic Development Committee will meet on May 12, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall; and requested funds to help support a replacement of plants/flowers at the Triangle Flag Pole by City Hall. Councilmember Olin reported that the Moring Rotary Club will not pursue the P-Patch Gardening Project with the Master Gardeners; however, the Noon Rotary would be proposing to install a couple of benches and picnic tables. 10. MAYOR'S REPORT The Mayor Coppola reported on the following: • Attended Career Day at Orchard Heights Elementary School; • Spoke with Public Utility District and they are almost done installing fibro-optic in the City; • Attended the AWC Mayor's exchange; and recognized that the City is in a lot better shape financially than many other Cities, as we have not had to endure furloughs, closing early, or layoff any employee; • Met with Mike English the new Representative for Senator Cantwell regarding the proposed parking garage funding; • Met with Christina Reeves with Patty Murrays office regarding the applications we have in; • Met with Jill Jean and Jeff Brody with the Kitsap Regional Library regarding levy funding for the City; • Participated in the downtown cleanup on Sunday, April 25, 2010; • Attended Melinda's Ribbon Cutting Ceremony; and • Recorded April's Mayor Report and will be on the City's website by the end of the week. Minutes of April 27, 2010 Page 10 of1o 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT DIRECfORS City Clerk Kirkpatrick announced that Melinda's will be having their Open House on Saturday, May 1, 2010, and the Council, Mayor, and citizens are invited. City Treasurer Martin indicated that we should be receiving the City's share of the property tax from the County by May 10, 2010. Assistant City Engineer Archer reported the NPES Annual Rep01t results were available in the Public Works Depa1tment for review by Council and/or Mayor. 13. ADJOURNMENT At 8:34p.m. Mayor Coppola adjourned the meeting. rlfla~~ -.~patrick, C~C, City Clerk