05/18/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of May 18, 2010 ,____ __ ---'ll~-:-oo-p.-m-.-Gall-to-QI!de-P'---------------------------------­ Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Rob Putaansuu, Councilmembers Fred Chang, Carolyn Powers, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, and Fred Olin was present. Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Development Director James Weaver, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Office Assistant Jenine Dennison, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. 2. Presentation: Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Norm Olson of Olson & Associates provided a brief presentation on the proposed pedestrian pathway, noting the following: • The first alignment is the Blackjack Creek Crossing, which has 3 alternatives. First alternative is to have a bridge at the mouth of Blackjack Creek (preferred). The preferred alternative would reduce the amount of pathway needing to be constructed. The second alternate is to have a bridge near the existing bridge on Bay Street; and the third alternative is to have the new bridge connect to the existing bridge on Bay Street. To bring in a bridge and drop the bridge is place would cost approximately $130,000. • The second alignment is near Bay Ford, which has two alternatives. The pathway would go behind Bay Ford, near the water with the first alternative to have a sharp horizontal curve, or the second alternative is to have a wide sweeping horizontal curve to meet bicycling standards. Total estimate for the first alternative is $115,243.50 and the second alternative would be $125,066.75. • The third alignment is at Rockwell, which is near the Maralee's Apartments and Comfmt Inn, of which there are two alternatives. The preferred alternative is to do wide sweeping horizontal curves; and the second alternative is to have sharp horizontal curves. The preferred alternative will require the City to purchase a piece of prope1ty or do a short plat adjacent to Rockwell, which is 1.9 acres, but only .31 of that 1.9 acres would be usable. This would allow access to the beach; and would also allow a small parking area. The estimated cost for the preferred alternative is $115,243.50; and the second alternative would be $125,066.75. • The fourth alignment is at the Waterfront Park, which has three alternatives. The first is a linear path behind the grandstands, the second is a switchback/ramp intrusive into the park, and the third starts out near the children's play area passing the house owned by the Port of Bremerton. The preferred alternative would be the linear path behind the grandstands. The preferred alternative would cross a residential driveway; but would be marked by an 18-inch ·wide solid white stripe to indicate pedestrian pathway. Mr. Olson explained that he had been talking with City staff and WSDOT regarding the phasing of the project. Phase 1 would be from the Waterfront to the Nmth Side of West Bay Center at a cost of approximately $1.3 million and Phase Ii would be the remainder of the of the project from West Bay Center to the Annapolis ferry dock, at a cost of approximately $2.2 million. The Council directed staff to place this item on the June 15, 2010, Work Study Agenda for fmther review and discussion. May 18, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 3· Discussion: Sanitary Sewer Rate Study Councilmember Putaansuu provided a brief presentation relating to the operating costs of the sewer utility, noting that for every 3 months worth of revenue there is 4 months of expenses, \vith no explanation as to why. While the Utility Committee is sensitive to the current economic state, they have devised a ten-year plan to bring the sewer utility into the black: • Preferred Alternative: McCormick Woods STEP System Replacement. This would involve 605 homes that currently are on a STEP system and would be replaced with a grinder pump system, doing away with the STEP system completely. The costs to make this switch would be meted out over a ten-year period; the costs would be borne by all City residents, and would cost $3.77 per month. • Alternative No. 2: Keep and maintain the current STEP system, complete the Odor Control Project, which costs the City $2o,ooo per year in chemicals; with the costs borne by all City residents at $1.68 per month over a ten-year period. • Alternative No. 3: Charge McCormick Woods' residents a surcharge and odor control, which will maintain the existing STEP system at a cost of $14.72 per month over a ten- year period. The Council directed staff to bring back at the June 15, 2010, Work Study Session a fourth alternative that would include the City converting the existing STEP system to grinder pumps and then the City maintaining all grinder pump systems in the City. At 8:28p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the meeting after a five-minute recess. 4· Discussion: Gem 1 Developer Agreement City Attorney Greg Jacoby stated that Gem1 is planning to develop the open space area nmth of Old Clifton Road and East of Figley Road for a residential/industrial park, with more details available in June. This is the McCormick Nmth Phase 3, which will encompass 129 acres; the City was involved in the permitting process with the County prior to annexation; and Gem 1 v.rould like to use the City's permitting process. The City Attorney, along with staff, has created a Developers Agreement that includes a schedule of items needing to take place prior to approval. The first is discussion at the June work study session; review of preliminary plat by the hearings examiner; and the processing of the Developers Agreement in August. 5· Discussion: DNR Lease City Attorney Greg Jacoby explained that the current DNR lease will expire in June 2012, noting that a new lease would be needed due to the changes made to the Port of Bremerton's lease with DNR over land that the City controls. Of concern will be the lease rate for parking spaces that are being used for shoreline access purposes, noting that DNR will argue that most of those parking spaces are not being used for shoreline access purposes, which could cause a higher May 18, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of4 lease rate going forward in 2010.\::ity Attorney Jacoby recommended tlie City loony for cliariges in the State Statutes to allow the City to own the property to the Inner Harbor line and the City could pay for that property in the same manner/amount as the current lease payments. 6. Discussion: Wave Broadband Franchise Agreement Renewal City Greg Jacoby advised the Wave Broadband Franchise Agreement will expire in September of 2010, with provisions to auto renew, if both the City and Wave Broadband agree. Wave Broadband said they no longer extend free internet and cable access to other governments. If we choose to extend services with Wave Broadband, we will continue to receive those benefits that other jurisdictions do not receive. The Council directed the Mayor to contact Wave Broadband regarding the fee to connect to the Public Work Shop so long as it did not jeopardize the overall contract provisions. 7· Discussion: Central Park-Picnic Table and Bench Locations Councilmember Olin reported that the Port Orchard Rotary had expressed an interest in placing two benches and two picnic tables at Central Park. He has been to the park and spoke to people who were using the park and they would approve of picnic tables in the far southeast corner, with a view of the field and the water; and second location could be by the swings. Rotary and Public Works would work together to build bases for the benches and tables with installation sometime in July. 8. Discussion: Hotdog Vendor City Clerk Kirkpatrick advised she had received a request for a hotdog vender stand for Delilah's Cozy Kitchen to be located near the foot ferry terminal in downtown Port Orchard, which is City property. She noted that in 2009, the City Council approved a lease for this location, which is near the totem pole in front ofthe foot ferry terminal on the grass, for $10 per month, with the vendor license fee being $200, for a total of $210 per month. Council directed the City Clerk to proceed with issuance of the tempormy vendor license and lease of the land to the hotdog vendor. 9· Discussion: Tourism -Economic Development Councilmember Childs stated that the garland and lights used for the Festival of Chimes and Lights was past its useful life and his Committee researched the costs to replace the garland. He requested direction to purchase new garland to go across Bay Street; ask Puget Sound Energy if they would cover the cost differential from incandensce to LED; and to order the new garland and new wreaths. A portion of the total costs ($7,500) would be offset by donations, use of Hotel/Motel Tax, and selling bricks. Staff was directed to place this information on the City's website and for the Mayor to mention it in his Mayor's report. May 18,2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 4 of 4 City Crefl<Kif l<patric k a3VIseas nelia3 rec eiVeaa----c-all~from tlieKitsap County Elections Office stating the Council needed to appoint members to serve on two committees -one for the Library Annexation; and one to speak against the Library Annexation. The Council directed the City Clerk to recruit members for the two committees and submit their names for approval at the May 25, 2010, regular meeting. City Attorney Jacoby then briefly discussed the language that would go on the City's website for the public to view and gain more information regarding Annexation into the Kitsap Regional Library District. 10. Executive Session At 9:41p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting, announced the Council would meet in a fifteen- minute Executive Session for the purposes of discussing potential litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1)(B). The City Attorney and Development Director James Weaver were invited to attend the Executive Session. The Mayor announced no action would be taken as a result of the Executive Session. At 9:55 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the work study session. 11. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, June 15, 2010 At 9:55p.m. the me ting was adjourned.