07/20/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of July 20, 2010 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to ordef at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tern Rob Putaansuu and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Carolyn Powers, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, and Fred Olin was present. City Treasurer Allan Martin, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. 2. Discussion: City Detour Routes Councilmember Olin addressed the issue of the recent detour routes for the Bay Street Seawall, noting the large amount of traffic routed onto Tracy Avenue was very disturbing to the residents living along this road. He was concerned that future road closures and detour routes have similar standards such as a special use permit, with City and Fire departmental review and final approval by Council. Public Works Director Dorsey explained that during the preconstruction meeting the Fire and Police Departments agreed this was the best route, which they took into consideration commercial business owners and Kitsap Transit concerns; and noted it was unfortunate that people ignored the detour signs. Further, because so many streets within the City are substandard, and they are considered public right-of-way, the determined detour routes were the best alternative to move traffic through smoothly and provide for public safety. Council directed that future detour routes include lowering the speed limit and add more signage to identify the detour route. 3· Discussion: Parking on Dwight/ Austin and County Parking Request Public Works Dorsey stated the Dwight Street Road End is the unopened/unimproved right-of- way located east of and adjacent to the Dwight Street/Austin Avenue intersection. There had been a single family residence with front lawn and swimming pool encroachment into the unopened right-of-way. Kitsap County subsequently purchased the residence in association with the construction of the new public works building and both the Department of Public Works and the Department of Community Development have been using this area (which accommodates approximately 14 vehicles) without the City's consent for "County Use Only" parking since 1990. Option No. 1 for this area is for the City to enter into an exclusive use agreement and/or license with Kitsap County for parking. The County is willing to invest $30,000 for improvements to surface drainage and paving in exchange for exclusive use of the area. Since the City does not own the underlying property, but does have an easement right, this option would require either consent from the adjacent propetty owner to the north or a hold harmless from Kitsap County. Option No. 2 would be for the City to make improvements to this parking area; however, this would reduce the number of vehicles allowed to park in there to half the number utilizing the space currently. July 20, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 The Austin Avenue/Dwight Street Parking Meter has two options. The first option proposes to install electronic parking meters that are open for general use and are not time limited. The amount charged per hour would be determined on the costs to purchase and install the parking meter. The second option is to issue parking passes similar to the Merchant Parking Pass system monitored by the Treasurer's office in the marina parking lot. The Council directed staff to bring back projected revenue for metered parking as well as the costs associated with issue monthly parking passes; and directed that this matter be provided at the September Work Study Session. 4· Discussion: Utility Late Fee Councilmember Putaansuu explained that the utility late fee charge for a commercial account was much higher than that of a residential customer; and there was a request by a commercial account to either reduce or waive that fee. After a brief discussion, Council agreed to leave the commercial account late fee at the current rate of 10% and not allow for any waivers. 5· Discussion: Letter to State Legislators Making September 11th a State Holiday Councilmember Olin suggested that a letter be written to the State asking that September nth be recognized as a State and/ or National holiday to honor all first responders, noting this would not be a paid holiday, rather to show support of the job first responders do. After a brief discussion, Council directed the Mayor to write to the State asking for their support to declare September nth a State holiday for First Responders and each Councilmember would sign the letter. 6. Discussion: Reconsider Olympic Bird Fancier's Request to Use Active Club Building Councilmember Childs explained that he was willing to allow animals back into the Active Club Building, under a probationary period to ensure the facility was cleaned and the other users were not complaining; and if the animal users were not taking care of the facility, they would be asked to leave. After a brief discussion, the Council directed the Bird Fancier's to provide the Council with a petition signed by all of the Active Club users stating they were comfortable with allowing animals into the building and that there would be internal controls in place to mediate any disputes. Further, Council directed staff to bring forth a change to Port Orchard Municipal Code 2.75.010 to allow animals into the building with the condition of "one strike-you're out" and that would be based on a complaint by an organization who uses the facility. Public Works depattment will investigate all animal use complaints for validity. July 20, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of3 7· Discussion: Notice of Sewer Rate Change Councilmember Chang requested that additional noticing of the proposed rate increase be sent out in the utility bills as he did not feel that all citizens were aware of the proposed rate increase. After a brief discussion, Council directed staff to place notices in the Port Orchard Independent and the Kitsap Sun, both in print and online notifying City residents of the proposed sewer rate increase and that a public hearing would be held at the August 10, 2010 regular Council meeting. 8. Review of 2010 Goals and Objectives This item was moved to the August 17, 2010, Council meeting . 9· Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, August 17, 2010 eeting was adjourned.