08/17/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of August 17, 2010 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro -Tem Rob Put aansuu and Councilme mbers Fred Chang, Carolyn Power s , J erry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Col eb a nk, and Fred Olin was present., City Treasurer Allan Martin, Public Works Director Mark Dor s ey, Devel opment Director J a m es Weave r, City Clerk Patti Kirkp atrick, Administrative Assistant Jenine Dennison, HR Co ordinator Deb o rah Howard, and City Attorney Greg J acoby we r e also present. Discussion: Personnel Policy Revisions HR Coo rdina tor Howard reported the final draft of the City's personnel poli cy manu al , which h as not b een u pdat ed s ince 1999, was ready fo r the ir revi ew and discussion. Furth e r , s he requested directio n on whe ther the Council would like the r evise d polici es t o b e sent to the va rio us co ll ecti ve ba r gai ning units fo r r eview a nd/or a pproval. Ms. Howa rd n ote d some of the changes include d up t o d at e informatio n for fa mily medical leave act (FMLA); u se of City pro p erty, including cell pho nes, inte rnet, a nd other e lectro nic d evi ces; educationa l tuition r e imbursement; a nd domes tic vi ole n ce lan guage was b een a dded . Council Direction: Staff to provide the update d per s onnel poli cy manual to the Collective Ba r g aining Units (CBU) a nd for the Personnel Attorney to work with said CBU's to approve t h e r evised p olicy and proce dures. Final approval by Council once the CBU's have agreed. Discussion: Amendment No. 1 to Kitsap Regional Library Contract City Cl erk Kirkpa trick advi s ed that sh o uld Ci ty res id e nts vote to annex in to th e Kitsap Reg ional Li b r a ry Dist r ict that Section 4, which r elates to contract fees , of the exis ting con tract with th e Kitsap Regio nal Library would need to be amended. She was contact ed by Ms. Susan Whitfo r d of KRL who pr ovided a draft a me nd me nt to the contra ct , which upo n Council direction would b e bro ugh t fo r wa r d at the fir st m eeting Sept ember. City Attorney J acoby furth er ex plained that if t h e propositi o n passes, the Co uncil w ould adopt the ame ndment, clarifying wh a t would happen to the payments . He stated the co ntract itse lf would n ot go away, but the Council wo uld be a me nding Sectio n 4. C ouncil Direction: The Kitsap Reg ional Libr a ry contract is r ema nded to the Public Proper ty Co m m ittee for r evi ew a nd t o bring forward a r eco mmendati on t o the Co uncil in Sept ember. Discussion: Website Upgrades and Social Media M ayo r Co ppola r eporte d that h e had a ttended training at the Associa ti on of Washington Citi es a nnual c onfer ence in June. One of the trainings h e attende d was r ega rding s ocial media, noting that n ot o nly w as it time to upgrade the City's we bpage to b e mo r e user friendly , wi th b etter feat u r es, b ut t h a t m any c ities have Twi tter and Faceb ook accounts as a nother means t o r each a wider audience. He stated that prior t o posting t o a Fa ceb ook account , the infor mati o n would need to be poste d o n the Ci ty's web site; Staff and Coun cilm ember s wo uld b e di sco u raged fr o m r es p onding t o p os ti ngs; a nd that City Cle rk would monitor the Faceb o ok acco unt, which wo uld include postings and r em oving unwan ted i nforma tion. C ouncil Di rection: No Social Media account(s ) wo uld b e a ll owed at t h is time due to budget and s ta ffing needs. August 17, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of4 Discussion: City's Facility Upgrades Mayor Coppola reported that due to City Hall being over ten years old, and upgrades needed to the Library building, he would like to use some of the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) funds to make some necessary improvements to both buildings. Public Works Director Dorsey explained that the City is getting bids for item such as, noting this is not an all inclusive list: replacement of the windows; upgrades to HV AC unit; painting, carpet replacement, etc. Council Direction: Staff would compile the bid information and bring back to the September Work Study Session for further discussion. Discussion: National Arbor Day Foundation Request Mayor Coppola states that we have an opportunity to become a tree city and get a tree city USA flag from the National Arbor Day Foundation. Council Direction: Council determined it was not in the City's best interest to become a "Tree City" at this time. Discussion: Political Solicitations Mayor Coppola explained that a number of the Councilmembers, including himself, have been receiving political solicitations from candidates who are running for statewide office and requested direction to send a letter asking that political information not be sent to the City's email accounts. Council Direction: Mayor Coppola will write a letter to the candidates requesting the candidates remove City emails from their group email listings. Discussion: Veteran's Memorial Wall Planning Director Weaver received a request from the Port Orchard Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) to place a permanent 8 foot tall by 14 foot wide solid concrete wall as a memorial to the men and women who have served our Country. The VFW's request was to place the memorial wall on the green strip between the Port of Bremerton offices and the Foot Ferry terminal; however, that is over the City's sewer main of which there is an easement stating nothing can be placed over this line. The Public Property Committee reviewed this matter on June 8, 2010, and recommended the VFW explore placement of the memorial by the torpedo, which is on the Port's property. At 8:15p.m. Mayor Coppola reported that preliminary reports indicated the Library ballot measure was passing with 72% in favor of annexing into the Kitsap Regional Library District. Council direction: Staff would incorporate an element into the Master Parks Plan that would allow for various locations for memorials. August 17, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 4 Discussion: 2010 Comp Plan Update Development Director James Weaver reported on the preliminary docket for the 2010 Comprehensive Plan Update. The 2010 amendments will include any site-specific plans received by June 15, 2010, of which the City has only received one. Council Direction: Staff would proceed with amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Update to be completed by the end of 2010. Discussion: Country-Wide Planning Policy Updates Development Director James Weaver reported that the County-wide Planning Policy is mandatory, noting that County Planners have been working with the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) for over a year regarding the proposed updates, which was before them for further comment, if any. Council Direction: Staff would look to delay this matter for at least one year. The City Attorney would research whether or not the City could start its own Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or join another MPO such as Thurston or Olympic Peninsula Counties and report back at the September Work Study Session. Discussion: McCormick Woods Developer Park Plan Development Director James Weaver provided a development draft agreement with GEM1, regarding a section of land adjacent to Campus Parkway, which would add to the McCormick Village Park Plan. Doug Skrobut of McCormick Land Company offered that the property would be deeded by GEM1 to the City; the City would be responsible for maintaining the stormwater pond; and improvements to the property would be subject to the City's code requirements. Council Direction: Staff will bring forward a Developer's Agreement for consideration at a future Council meeting. Discussion: Boat Launch (Dekalb Pier/Water Street Ramp) Public Works Director Mark Dorsey explained that the City could provide maintenance to the ramp, but the City would need to pursue permitting in order to extend the ramp. Recently, the Public Works staff filled the holes with rock, which removed the false sandbar and pictures were taken before the work was done and after. At the first low tide of spring 2011, Public Works staff will review the area to determine if this was a viable solution. Mr. Dorsey indicated that there was a grant available that could provide the necessary funding for design to replace floats and pilings, and to extend the pier to be equal to the Port of Bremerton. Mr. Dorsey reported that the Dekalb Pier sits v.~thin the DNR aquatic lands and that he had been contacted by Tim Tweten, Lighthouse Restaurant, to make repairs to the pier in order to use it. Some -work has been completed and Mr. Dorsey would be inspecting their work to determine if the pier was safe to reopen to the public. August 17, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 4 of 4 Council Di rect ion: Staff would pursue gra nt fund s in 2011 to b e used for future repairs at Dekalb Pier and f or r edes ign of the Boat ramp. Discussion: Tremont Street Lighting Public Works Dir ector Dors ey receive d a request from Puge t Sound Energy regarding the City's inpu t on lighting for the Tremont Street Wide ning Project. H e provided several examples of what other City's have done. Council Direc tion : Staff will resea r ch the costs to u se the li ght pole that the City of Sumner uses, with the li ght heads to be s imilar to the ones used by the City of Tenino. Discussion: WaterPak and USGS Groundwater Survey Public Works Director Dorsey reported that Bainbridge Island fi nish ed their USGS Groundwater Survey. USGS h as approached the Kit sap Peninsula thro ugh WaterPak about doing a groundwater survey in the Kit sa p Peninsula. Mr. Dorsey expla ined this is a s-year p rocess, with Kitsap Public Utilit ies Di strict No. 1 (KPUD) b eing the lea d age ncy . KPUD h as reques ted each City to provide a reso lution indica ting the City's willingness t o p arti cip ate in the Groundwater Survey, and noted this data wi ll b e useful to staff for future water iss u es . Co un cil Direction: Ma yo r Coppola and Councilmember Clauson wi ll meet with KPUD to discuss the USGS Groundwater Survey and its associated costs and report b ack t o the Co u ncil. Discussion: Council Review of Goals and Objectives This item was m ove d to the September 21, 2010, Council Work Study Session. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, September, 21, 2010 . t e meeting was adjourned .