09/14/2010 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of September 14, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Lary Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Rob Putaansuu and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jeny Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Carolyn Powers were present and constituted a quorum. City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Police Chief Townsend, Public Works Director Dorsey, Treasurer Martin, Development Director Weaver, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. A. Pledge of Allegiance Elayne Stadola led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZENS COMMENT There were no citizen comments. 3· APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Clauson seconded the motion approving the Agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 4· APPROVALOFCONSENTAGENDA A. Approval of Claim Warrants Nos. 54149 through 54258 in the amount of $337,354.06; Augusts' Payroll Warrant Nos. 143280 through 143336 in the amount of $468,771.51; and Treasurer's check book in the amount of $3,518,850.32. B. Approval ofthe August 17, 2010 Work Study Session Minutes C. Approval of the August 24, 2010 Council Meeting Minutes D. Adoption of Resolution No. 029-10, Repealing Resolution No. 1576, and Dissolving the Change Fund in the Port Orchard Building Depmtment Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion approving the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 5· PRESENTATION A. Proclamation: Constitution Week Mayor Coppola read the Constitution Week proclamation into the record and presented the proclamation to Elayne Stadola who thanked the Council for their continued support. Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e 2 ofn 6. PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearings were held. 7. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Meeting with Initiating Parties Regarding Notice of Intent to Petition for McCormick East Annexation The following motion was brought forward from the August 24, 2010, Council meeting: Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the motion to allow the applicant to submit a revised Notice of Intent which geographically modifies the proposed McCormick East annexation to include the twelve parcels as listed in the staff report and identified on the McCormick East Annexation Alternative Map. Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting this matter had been postponed to this meeting. A Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation was received on August 05, 2010, to annex two parcels totaling approximately 109.88 acres. The parcels are located west of Glenwood Road SW, and north and south of McCormick Woods Drive SW, in portions of Section 10 and Section 15, Township 23 North, Range 1 East, W.M., In Kitsap County, Washington. The parcels are in the City's currently recognized Urban Growth Area. The parcels have a County Comprehensive Plan designation of Urban Low-Density Residential with zoning of Urban Low Residential. The notice of intent was considered by City Council on August 24, 2010 at the Council regular meeting and was postponed to the September 14, 2010 meeting. These two parcels comprise a portion of the unincorporated Urban Growth Area located to the east of the McCormick Woods annexation area, south of the Walden-Tanner-Lingerfeldt Annexation area (annexed August 13, 2007) and the Washburn-Grant-Crother Annexation area (annexed May 09, 2009). There are ten additional unincorporated parcels in this general UGA area. One parcel houses the South Kitsap Fire & Rescue District 7 Substation at McCormick Woods Drive SW and Glenwood Road SW. One is a small wedge-shaped undeveloped parcel fronting on Glenwood Road SW. One parcel straddles Glenwood Road SW, with the undeveloped pmtion to the west in the UGA. The remaining seven parcels are developed for single family residential use. The additional ten parcels were included in McCormick East annexation area as proposed by the 2009 Planning Department map delineating future areas of annexation. The area of all twelve parcels effectively includes annexation of the entire UGA in this area. The Notice of Intent provided by the applicant leaves the Fire District parcel as an island, disconnected from the other nine remaining parcels in the area, necessitating two separate annexation processes if the City were to incorporate the remainder of the UGA into the City. Additionally, the boundary as proposed may not meet the logical boundary objective of the Boundary Review Board (RCW.36.93.18o) or by Kitsap County. RCW 35.13.125 requires the Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e ofn Council to determine whether it will accept, reject, or geographically modify the proposed annexation, whether it will require the simultaneous adoption of a comprehensive plan, and whether it will require the assumption of all or of any portion of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. The decision whether to "accept" the proposed annexation is entirely within the Council's discretion. By accepting a notice of intent to annex, the Council is not committing itself to annex if/when a sufficient petition is presented to it. The decision to accept merely allows the annexation to go forward procedurally and allows a petition to be circulated. The notice of intent was conducted on August 24, 2010 at the City Council regular meeting and was postponed to the September 14, 2010 meeting. City Council directed Department staff to conduct a survey of the property owners who may be included in the McCormick East annexation area. A survey was conducted and a positive response from more than the majority of property owners was expressed. Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the motion to amend by inserting the language, to require the simultaneous adoption of a comprehensive plan for the area to be annexed; and to require the assumption of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Upon vote, the main motion as amended passed with four affirmative votes and three dissenting votes. Councilmembers Clauson, Putaansuu, and Childs cast the dissenting votes. Councilmember Colebank MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to reconsider the vote of the main motion as amended. Upon vote, the motion passed with five affirmative votes and two dissenting votes. Councilmembers Chang and Olin cast the dissenting votes. The main motion as previously amended, moved, and seconded remained before the Council for consideration: Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the motion to allow the applicant to submit a revised Notice of Intent which geographically modifies the proposed McCormick East annexation to include the twelve parcels as listed in the staff report and identified on the McCormick East Annexation Alternative Map and to require the simultaneous adoption of a comprehensive plan for the area to be annexed; and to require the assumption of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Upon vote, the motion Failed with three affirmative votes and four dissenting votes. Councilmembers Childs, Clauson, Colebank, and Putaansuu cast the dissenting votes. Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e ofn Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the motion to allow the applicant to modify the Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation by expanding the geographic area to be annexed from the two parcels initially proposed to include Fire Station parcel as listed in the staff report and identified on the McCormick East Annexation Alternative Map; to require the simultaneous adoption of a comprehensive plan for the area to be annexed; and to require the assumption of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Upon vote, the motion passes with six affirmative votes and one dissenting vote. Councilmember Chang cast the dissenting vote. B. Adoption of Resolution No. 030-10, Amending Resolution No. 123-09, by Establishing a COLA Increase for Non-Union FLSA Not Exempt Employees Human Resource Coordinator Howard presented the staff report, noting at the August 27, 2010, Finance Committee meeting Staff was directed to proceed with a two percent (2%) COLA to match the union contracts for 2010 as recommended by the Finance Committee for FLSA Not Exempt employees. Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Clauson seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 030-10, amending Resolution No. 123-09, by establishing a COLA increase effective October 1, 2010, for non-union represented employees classified as FLSA Not Exempt. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. C. Adoption of Resolution No. 031-10, Amending Resolution No. 122-09, By Establishing a COLA Increase for Non-Union FLSA Executive Exempt Human Resource Coordinator Howard presented the staff report, noting at the August 27, 2010, Finance Committee meeting Staff was directed to proceed with a two percent (2%) COLA to match the union contracts for 2010 as recommended by the Finance Committee for FLSA Executive Exempt employees. Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 031-10, amending Resolution No. 122-09, by establishing a COLA increase effective October 1, 2010, for non-union represented employees classified as FLSA Executive Exempt. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. D. Approval of Resolution No. 032-10, Approving the Planning Department's Administrative Assistant Position to Full Time through 2010 Human Resource Coordinator Howard presented the staff report, noting on August 27, 2010, the Finance Committee met and recommended support of the Planning Department's Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e of 11 proposal to change the Planning Department's Administrative Assistant to full time. The proposal from the Planning Department, identifying the existing shoreline tasks performed by the position, utilized Department of Ecology 2010 Shoreline Grant Funding and resulted in no change to the 2010 Planning Budget for making the Administrative Assistant position full time for the remainder of 2010. The Planning and Engineering Department's existing resources were historically provided through a job share for this position, first reviewed by the Finance Committee on February 20, 2008 and approved by City Council in March 11, 2008. The HR Coordinator met with the Planning Depattment Administrative Assistant to ensure full understanding that this position would be supported by a portion of the Shoreline Master Grant to ensure full time status through the end of 2010; and further that there was no guarantee that this full time funding and/or status would remain in the 2011 budget until it was approved. In discussing this matter with Assistant City Attorney, Dave Luxenberg, the Planning Department Administrative Assistant has agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding that she will have full time status through the end of 2010 and that there was no guarantee that full time funding would be allocated in the 2011 budget. Councilmember Colebank MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion adopt Resolution No. 032-10, approving the Planning Department's Administrative Assistant position to full time with salary and benefits through the end of 2010, utilizing a portion of the DOE Shoreline Grant funds in the amount of $11,429.64; and further authorize the Mayor to execute a memorandum of understanding with the Administrative Assistant that full time funding may not be allocated as part of the 2011 budget. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. E. Approval of Contract No. 071-09, Extending Completion Date for the Mosquito Fleet Trail Bay Street Pedestrian Enhancement Project with N. L. Olson and Associates, Inc. Public Works Director Dorsey presented the status report, noting on October 27, 2009, the City of Port Orchard Public Works Department executed a contract with N.L. Olson and Associates, Inc. for the design of the Bay Street Pedestrian Enhancement Project. On March 9, 2010, the City of Port Orchard executed Supplement 1 to the contract extending the expiration date to September 30, 2010. The contract is for plans, specifications, cost estimate, and environmental permitting of a one-mile segment of pedestrian path adjacent to Sinclair Inlet. The design is currently 85% complete and a time extension is needed to the contract. The extension is necessary due to the time it is taking the Port of Bremerton and City Council to decide which alternative will be used for design around the Port of Bremetton property. At present the contract is due to expire on September 30, 2010, Staff is requesting a time extension to March 31, 2011, as this will allow Olson and Associates to finish design and permitting. Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e 6 ofn Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Olin seconded the motion to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 2 for Contract No. 071-09, thereby authorizing the Mayor to extend the contract with N.L. Olson and Associates, Inc. for design of the Mosquito Fleet Trail Bay Street Pedestrian Enhancement Project to March 31, 2011. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. F. Ratification of Mayor's Signature on Contract No. 056-10, for 2011 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Application with the Department of Ecology Assistant City Engineer Archer presented the staff report, noting in August of this year, the City had an opportunity from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) to submit funding applications for Stormwater Retrofit and Low Impact Development (LID) projects. Staff reviewed potential projects and decided to try to secure funding for the stormwater portion of the Cedar Heights Junior High Sidewalk Project. The grant application required a 25% match for this application. Staff revised the Engineer's Estimate, and separated stormwater into a separate funding schedule. The stormwater portion to is determined to be $180,000, of which $135,000 was requested in grant funding on the application. To meet the application deadline, Staff did not have sufficient time to seek approval of the Mayor's signature prior to submittal and are thus seeking to ratify the Mayor's signature on the application. The City's application was submitted to Ecology on August 30, 2010, for review and the City will know if it was successful on this attempt to secure funding by the end of the year. Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the motion authorize the Mayor's signature on the Cedar Heights Junior High Sidewalk Stormwater Retrofit Grant Application, Contract No. 056-10, for the Washington State Department of Ecology in the amount of $135,000. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. G. Approval of Contract No. 048-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute and Accept the Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant with the Department of Ecology Assistant City Engineer Archer presented the staff report, noting in June of this year, the City received a letter from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) offering funding for the City's municipal stormwater system. Council approved the Grant Acceptance Intent Notice on June 22 and Staff returned the notice to Ecology. The funding is a grant, with no match required, which the City may use to meet compliance with the City's Stormwater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. Staff is requesting to use the funding primarily for equipment so Public Works Staff may perform tasks to meet permit compliance. Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e of 11 Councilmember Olin MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to authorize the Mayor to execute Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant Agreement No. Guooo84, (City of Port Orchard Contract No. 048-10), between the Washington State Department of Ecology and the City of Port Orchard in the amount of $98,839. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. H. Approval of Contract No. 057-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Contract with Apply-A-Line for the 2010 Street Paint Striping Public Works Director Dorsey presented the staff report, noting on May 6, 2010, the City of Port Orchard Public Works Department issued Purchase Order No. 043-10 to the Kitsap County Depattment of Public Works for the City's annual street paint striping program. Kitsap County was unable to obtain the necessary paint supplies due to a national paint shortage. Therefore, as an alternative measure, the City has requested bids from companies listed on the 2010 Public Works Small Works Roster. By August 26, 2010 the City received two (2) bids as follows: Apply-A-Line, Inc. Stripe Rite, Inc. $28,512.93 (incl. tax) $57,232.20 (incl. tax) Staff has determined that Apply-A-Line is the lowest qualified bidder. Given the late date in the paint striping season, the City will attempt to have this work completed in 2010. If unable to do so due to weather conditions, this activity will be cancelled for 2010. Councilmember Chang MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion authorize the Mayor to execute Contract No. 057-10, with Apply-A- Line, Inc. for the 2010 Street Paint Striping in an amount not to exceed $29,000 (including sales tax) with the contract term beginning September 15, 2010 and ending October 15, 2010. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. I. Approval of Contract No. 058-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County Regarding Traffic Signal and Street Light Maintenance Public Works Director Dorsey presented the staff report, noting on September 15, 1998, the City of Port Orchard entered into an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the City of Bremerton for Traffic Signal and Street Light Maintenance at Intersections, with the effective date being January 1999. The City of Bremetton's Signal Shop has recently seen a drastic reduction in staff over the last 2 years and the City of Port Orchard Public Works Department has now solicited Kitsap County to perform these services. The current ILA Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e 8 ofn with the City of Bremerton specifies that "This Agreement shall automatically be renewed on a calendar year basis unless written notice of termination is given by either party by the preceding October 1 of any such year." In general, the City of Bremerton has recently charged $398.95 per signaljmonth and Kitsap County will be charging $280.76 per signaljmonth (billed quarterly.) Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to authorize the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement No. 058-10, between Kitsap County and the City of Port Orchard relating to an annual Traffic Signal and Street Light Maintenance at Intersections, commencing January 1, 2011, with an automatic renewal; unless written notice of termination is received prior to October 1, of any such year. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. J. Approval of Public Event Application: Waterfront Art Walk City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting each year several organizations request permission to close certain City streets; request the use of City parking lots; or use City Parks. Mallory Jackson with P01t Orchard Bay Street Association submitted an application for the Annual Art Walk event that will held at the downtown businesses along Bay Street and Harrison Avenue on Friday, September 17, 2010 and Friday, October 15, 2010. The event will include use of City right-of-way's. City Departments, as well as the Fire Depattment, will be reviewing the application and will submit their recommendations and/or comments. Councilmember Colebank MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to approve the public event application for an Art Walk event that will be held at the downtown business along Bay Street and Harrison Avenue on Friday, September 17, 2010 and Friday, October 15, 2010, based upon City Department and Fire Department approvals. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to excuse Councilmember Olin from the September 28, 2010, Council meeting. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 8. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizen comments. Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e of 11 9· COMMITIEE REPORTS Councilmember Colebank stated he and the Mayor attended the recent Kitsap Economic Development Alliance meeting. Councilmember Childs announced the Economic Development Tourism Committee meeting will be held Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 5:30p.m. at City Hall regarding the Festival of Chimes and Lights preparation; Guest Speakers included Kathy Cocus with Kitsap Economic Development Alliance and Sheila Cline who would be speaking regarding a fundraising opportunity for Chimes and Lights. Councilmember Olin repotted on the following Public Property Committee Meeting items: o Pictures of the new benches and picnic tables that were donated by the Rotary for the Clayton Park were provided and to look for an announcement regarding a ribbon cutting ceremony to honor and thank the South Kitsap Rotary; o Paul Powers Park has been cleaned up and the new fencing is in place; o A street vacation will be coming forward at the September 28, 2010, Council meeting; o Met with the Kitsap Regional Library to review their contract. The KRL will provide a proposal of what they can assist the City in for maintenance of the existing building at the October meeting; and o Reviewed a request from the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) regarding placement of a monument at the waterfront. This matter will be brought forward to the September 21, 2010, work study session. 10. MAYOR'S REPORT The Mayor Coppola reported on the following: o Attended the Port of Bremerton's Commissioner Work Study meeting regarding the proposed parking garage, of which they passed a resolution showing their support ; o Met with Hans Dunshee Thomas, Chair of the House Capitol Budget Committee, at the offices of Gordon Thomas Honeywell regarding how to better present the Parking Garage proposal to the legislatures; o Attended Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council Executive Committee regarding the County-wide Planning Policy moving forward and the upcoming Board Retreat; o Attended the 911 Ceremony put on by the VFW with local first responders; o Began work on the 2011 Budget and met with the City Clerk regarding the Council, Mayor, HR, and Administrative Services budget; o Will meet with other Department Directors regarding the 2011 Budget next week; o Met with the Kitsap County Bar Association regarding their proposed parking passes; Minutes of September 14, 2010 Pa e 10 ofn • Attended the Port Orchard Chamber Luncheon where Bill Stewatt with Kitsap Economic Development Alliance was the speaker; • Attended the Board Kitsap Economic Development Alliance meeting; • Addressed the joint meeting of the Port Orchard and Bremetton Chamber meeting along with Mayor Lent of Bremerton and gave the State of the City speech; • Attended a conference call with the City Clerk and Qwest regarding City phones; • Met with former Port Angeles Mayor and Karen Rodger, Former AWC President regarding establishing relationships with legislatures and help find funding for the proposed parking garage; • Attended the Kitsap County Association of Realtors Luncheon where Congressman Dicks was a speaker; • Attended the Kitsap County Housing Authority Finance Committee meeting; • Met with consultant who is working with the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council on the feasibility of establishing a self-insured group among cities, counties, and other taxing authorities to look at health care benefits; and • Attended the First Lutheran Church Celebration, along with Councilmembers Olin and Colebank. 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT DIRECfORS Public Works Director Dorsey provided an update on the Tremont Widening indicating the constructability review and utility design have been submitted to Berger Abam and pushing to get the PSE&E 100% before the end of the year and noted 11 of the right-of-way acquisitions have been settled and 19 are in negotiation; Bay Street Seawall change order regarding change of conditional will be brought forward to the September 28, 2010 Council meeting; and the Kitsap County-wide Earthquake Drill will be held on September 22, 2010. Development Director Weaver reported on the annexation of the Sydney-Glen Elementary School, which will help to ensure school zone lights and speeds are consistent in the area; and noted the Planning Department received a grant from the Department of Commerce in the amount of $97,000 to conduct a transfer and development right planning study. City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported that the annual Association of Washington Cities' District meeting will be held on October 28, 2010, in Bremerton and she will provide additional information as it becomes available; and that a street vacation will be coming forward at the September 28, 2010, Council meeting to set the date and time of the Public Hearing. At 8:51p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the meeting after a five-minute recess. Minutes of September 14, 2010 Page 11 of 11 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:51 p.m. Mayor Coppola recessed the meeting for a 30-minute executive session regarding potential litigation in accordance with RCW 42.30.110(B). City Attorney Jacoby, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Chief Alan Townsend, and Public Works Director Dorsey were invited to attend and the Mayor announced that no action would be taken as a result of the executive session. At 9:21p.m. Mayor reconvened Council back into regular session. 13. ADJOURNMENT At :21 p.m. May r Coppola adjourned the meeting. / /