09/21/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of September 21, 2010 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers Fred Chang, Carolyn Powers, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, and Fred Olin was present. City Treasurer Allan Martin, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Development Director James Weaver, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. Absent: Mayor Pro-Tem Rob Putaansuu Presentation: KEDA Budget and Performance Plan Bill Stewart, President of Kitsap Economic Development Alliance, was ill and unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Peter Thurman asked the Council to reconsider the policy of requiring garbage service to every resident, as he is and has been responsible for ensuring his waste is disposed of properly. He provided the Council with a letter outlining his request. Council Direction: At this time no direction was given to staff. Presentation: Gordon Thomas Honeywell Regarding Governmental Affairs Cindy Zehnder, Vice President and Briahna Taylor, Governmental Affairs Consultant with Gordon Thomas Honeywell provided an overview of their services in relation to Lobbying efforts at the State level. Council Direction: The Mayor was directed to interview other lobbying firms that specialize in municipal government issues. Council Review of Goals and Objectives Parking Garage -Phase I Design: Mayor Coppola provided an update indicating the conceptual design is complete; and the City continues to seek alternative funding options. Public Works Director Dorsey indicated that the Geotechnical is compete and the next logical step would be to have a schematic design, which will incorporate the new proposed properties; and to designate $1oo,ooo into the 2011 budget for appraisal and acquisitions. Council Direction: Staff was directed to put this item on the October 19, 2010, Work Study Session agenda for further discussion of the parking garage design concept. Revenue Sharing Agreement: Mayor Coppola provided an update on the Revenue Sharing Agreement with Kitsap County indicating that the issue is still unresolved. The City is looking to continue to withdrawal from the agreement as originally stated. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. September 21, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 Tremont Corridor -Shovel Ready: Public Works Director Dorsey reported the project would not be "shovel ready" until2011; however all the permitting and 100% of the PS&E should be completed by the end of this year, with the final acquisitions completed in mid-2011. Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway -Complete design; obtain casements: Public Works Director Dorsey reported the project is currently on hold until the City and the Port of Bremerton come to a consensus on keeping access to the waterfront park area design cost effective. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Sedgwick and Sidney -Infrastructure Plan to be completed in 2010: Mark Dorsey provided an update indicating that the Sewer Comprehensive plan has been approved by DOE; the Water System Plan should be completed next month; and working on the Transportation Plan, which will be completed in 2011. In addition, Mr. Dorsey put into his supplemental budget the funds to have the Joint Planning Area (JPA) do a total prep face map and a water/sewer/storm road pre design. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Financial Plan -City Wide: City Treasurer Martin provided the following: • Provided to the Finance Committee at their July meeting what the anticipated ending balances for 2010 would be; • The Interlocal agreement for the property tax, sales tax, Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Authority, and the McCormick Village Park funds are all being set aside to take into account any issues that may arise; • Identified additional revenues in 2010, with the intent that we would project any cash flow earlier in the year than in the past; • Reviewed the Arterial Street Fund 102, which is the matching funds for the grant regarding the Tremont project and ensuring the reimbursements to the fund are timely; • Continued to plan for the Storm Drainage Utility Fund; • Continued to plan for the Municipal Facility Fund 302 (REET Money) for potential projects that could be funded from this fund; and projected an ending balance of $1.8 million; • Met with the Mayor regarding 2011 budget priorities; • Provided the Finance Committee with an outline of "Where the City Dollar Goes"; and • Drafted a policy for a Reserve Fund for the City, of which he will be bringing forward to a future Finance Committee meeting for discussion. Councilmember Clauson indicated he would like to see a line item that incorporated an annual street fund for repaving City streets, as has been done in the past. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Discussion: Long-Term Goals and Objectives Council direction: Staff would add discussion on the City's long-term goals and objectives to the October 19, 2010, Work Study Session agenda. September 21, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 4 Discussion: Veteran's Memorial Development Director Weaver indicated that the Veteran's of Foreign Wars (VFW) submitted a permit request to install a memorial on the City's right-of-way in the grassy area between the Port's bathrooms and Foot Ferry terminal. Staff acknowledged that this request reduced the height to 4 feet; however the wall length increased to 28 feet, and was still located over the City's sewer line. Council Direction: The Mayor will write a letter to the VFW indicating that the City is in support of the project; however the City is in the midst of discussing the redevelopment of the waterfront and have not made any decisions of what that will entail. Update: Parking and Kitsap County Administration Building Public Works Director Dorsey provided an update regarding the Kitsap County Bar Association seeking parking permits, from the City, to park by the County Administration Building; noting that the County has agreed to work with the Kitsap County Bars Association to provide sufficient parking. Council Direction: Staff is to hold pursuing parking permits until the discussion and/or decision of the moving of the Police Department is complete. Discussion: City Telephone Service City Clerk Kirkpatrick provided a spread sheet indicating the cost and savings to the City should the City sign a 3-year contract with Qwest. Council Directions: Staff was directed to provide the number of phones, including faxes, to Councilmember Clauson who would obtain staff with an approximate figure to move the City to VOIP. The Mayor asked staff to also pursue the option of a one-year contract, with option to renew in one-year increments not to exceed three years. Update: McCormick Division Three Development Director Weaver indicated because of the SEPA noticing requirements, this item could be moved to the October 19, 2010, Work Study Session agenda for discussion of the Hearing Examiner's decision. Council Direction: Staff was directed to add this item to the October 19, 2010, Work Study Session agenda. Discussion: Facility's Upgrade Costs Public Works Director Dorsey provided a breakdown of the costs to make the necessmy repairs to City Hall and the Port Orchard Library, noting that these costs were broken down by projects and had been included in the 2011 budget as a supplemental. September 21, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 4 of 4 Councilmember Olin stated the Public Property Committee will be meeting with Library representatives to discuss the repairs/maintenance and they had indicated that they are looking into other sources to help with the funding of the library repairs. Councilmember Powers indicated that she would like the list to include an upgrade to the existing recording system for the Council Chambers. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Discussion: Liquor Initiatives City Attorney Jacoby stated that there are two initiatives on the November ballot regarding liquor taxes of which the City receives approximately $140,000, a year as its share. Should e ithe r initiative pass, the City stands to lose those funds; however, the City could r eco up some of the losses as part of the retail sales tax. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Discussion: Homelessness Requirements City Attorney Jacoby provided an overview of the state's statute pertammg to religious organizations sponsoring a "Tent City" on their private property and what conditions the City could impose such as health and sanitation. Council Direction: The Mayor and staff would work on drafting an ordinance addressing health and sanitation issues. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, October 19, 2010