09/28/2010 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of September 28, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Lary Coppola called the meeting to order at 7=00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tern Rob Putaansuu and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, and Carolyn Powers were present and constituted a quorum. City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Police Chief Townsend, Public Works Director Dorsey, Treasurer Mmtin, Development Director Weaver, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. Excused: Councilmember Fred Olin. A. Pledge of Allegiance Tom O'Brian led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZENS COMMENT There were no citizen comments. 3· APPROVALOFAGENDA Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion approving the Agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. CouncilmembeJ" Olin was absent. 4.APPROVALOFCONSENTAGENDA A. Approval of Claim Nos. 54259 through 54325 in the amount of $146,745.34 B. Approval of the September 14,2010, Council Meeting Minutes C. Approval of Contract No. 059-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Interagency Agreement ICAno85 for Interpreter Funding Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion approving the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. CouncilmembeJ" Olin was absent. 5· PRESENTATION A. Proclamation: Domestic Violence Awareness Mayor Coppola read the Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation into the record and noted that the City Clerk's office would mail the proclamation to Mr. Bob Silverstein, Minutes of September 28, 2010 Page 2 of7 Executive Director with Stop Dating Violence Foundation, who was unable to attend the meeting. 6. PUBLIC HEARING A. Annexation of Sidney Glen, File No. A-24-10, with Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Designations Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting the South Kitsap School District submitted a Petition for Annexation to annex one parcel of approximately 9.85 acres in size. The parcel is located at 500 SW Birch Road, which is situated at the southwest corner of the SW Birch Road and Sidney Road SW intersection. This property was incorporated into the City's Urban Growth Area by Kitsap County as part of the 10-year update of their Comprehensive Plan in December 2006. The parcel is currently designated Highway Tourist Commercial (10-30 DU/Ac) on the Kitsap County Land Use Map, and Public Facilities on the County Zoning Map. This annexation will extend the western City limit to adjoin this parcel with a Community Facilities-zoned parcel to the east, a Commercially-zoned property to the south, and UGA properties to the west and nmth that are zoned Highway Tourist/Commercial. Most of the parcels to the nmth, west, and south contain single-family residences on large lots. Ball fields and churches are the primary uses to the east. The parcel proposed for annexation contains the Sidney Glen Elementary School and is fully developed. The Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation was submitted on May 19, 2010, and reviewed by the Port Orchard City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting held on June 8, 2010. The Council voted to accept the Notice of Intent and directed the applicant to proceed with the Petition request. The complete Petition for Annexation was submitted August o6, 2010. RCW 35.13.177 allows the City to prepare comprehensive plan and zoning designations to become effective upon annexation of any area which might reasonably be expected to be annexed by the City at any future time. The December 9, 2008, adoption of the 2008 Port Orchard Comprehensive Update, Appendix A, designated future zoning and comprehensive land use designations for areas inside the urban growth boundary but outside incorporated City limits are determined by Kitsap County to be effective upon adoption. Mayor Coppola opened the Public Hearing, and there being no testimony, closed the Public Hearing at ?:09 p.m. 7· BUSINESS ITEMS A. Adoption of Ordinance No. 019-10, Approving the Annexation Request for Sidney Glen, File No. A-24-10 Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting a Public Hearing was conducted earlier this evening for the annexation of one parcel totaling approximately 9.85 Minutes of September 28, 2010 Page3 of? acres, and the associated right-of-way, located at 500 SW Birch Road, in the vicinity of the intersection of Sidney Road SW and SW Birch Road, within Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 1 East, W.M., Kitsap County, Washington, (Tax Parcel No. 032301-4-026-2007). With approval of this ordinance, the parcel will have interim City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan designation of Public and Community Spaces, and Community Facilities zoning, to become effective upon annexation. In response to Councilmember Putaansuu, Police Chief Townsend indicated that this annexation will allow the City to incorporate one school zone to coincide with Cedar Height Jr. High; and will hopefully be incorporated during the winter break or by the end of the school year. Councilmember Colebank MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 019-10, approving the Sidney Glen annexation request of Tax Parcel No. 032301-4-026-2007, totaling approximately 9.85 acres, and the associated public right-of-way, and the assumption of city indebtedness by the area to be annexed upon annexation. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Olin was absent. B. Adoption of Resolution No. 033-10, Fixing the Date of Public Hearing on a Petition to Vacate a Portion of City Right-Of-Way of the Alley Commonly Known as Plat of Pottery Hill Addition to Sidney City Clerk Kirkpatrick presented the staff report, noting the applicants Jason and Alicia Hill, submitted a request to vacate a portion of City right-of-way in the Alley commonly known as Plat of Pottety Hill Addition to Sidney. RCW 25.79 states that the City needs to adopt a resolution setting the date and time of a Public Hearing to vacate the City's right-of- way. The City Engineer and Public Property Committee have reviewed the request submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Hill and recommend review by the Council. Upon adoption of the resolution, staff will post proper notice of the date and time of the hearing and provide notice to adjacent property owners. After a brief discussion, Council directed staff to determine if the entire alleyway should be vacated, and if so, work with the applicants to determine if they would be willing to vacate the entire ally and what that cost would be; should the applicants' not want to vacate the entire alley, is the original requested vacation accessible and useable to the City. Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 033-10, setting the Public Hearing for November 9, 2010, to occur during the regular Council meeting, on a petition to vacate a portion of City's right-of-way in the Alley commonly known as Plat of Pottery Hill Addition to Sidney as submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hill. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Olin was absent. Minutes of September 28, 2010 Page 4 of7 C. Approval of Contract No. o6o-10, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute lnterlocal Agreement with Kitsap Public Utility District No. 1 for USGS - Kitsap Peninsula Groundwater Model Public Works Director Dorsey presented the staff report, noting in order to properly manage municipal water systems, and in patticular manage the approval process associated with water right applications for said water systems, the need for comprehensive groundwater modeling is now considered necessary. The City of Bainbridge Island has just completed their USGS Groundwater Model and the Pierce County USGS Groundwater Model is currently underway. The City of Port Orchard, as a member of WaterPak (Water Purveyors Association of Kitsap), has been invited to participate in the USGS Groundwater Model for the Kitsap Peninsula. This program, pattially funded by USGS, will provide a comprehensive analysis of the ground water systems of the Kitsap Peninsula. Kitsap PUD No. 1 shall be responsible for coordinating with the USGS and Participants in the preparation of the ground water model and administration of the agreement with USGS. As a participant, the City of Port Orchard will be required to agree to fund a share of the project, with payments made to Kitsap PUD No. 1. While the exact amount of the Participants contribution will not be known until all Participants have been identified, in no event shall the City of Port Orchard's share exceed $10,ooo per year for a term of s-years. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the motion to approve Contract No. 060-10, authorizing the Mayor to execute an lnterlocal Agreement between Public Utility District No.1 of Kitsap County and the City of Port Orchard relating to the USGS Kitsap Peninsula Groundwater Model with the City of Port Orchard's share as a Participant in an amount not to exceed $1o,ooo per year for a s-year term, as approved by the City Attorney, commencing in January 2011. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Olin was absent. 8. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizen comments. 9· COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Clauson seconded the motion to excuse Councilmember Colebank from the October 12, 2010, City Council meeting. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Olin was absent. Councilmember Childs provided a spreadsheet indicating the total amount of donations received from various organizations and citizens regarding the City's Christmas decorations Minutes of September 28, 2010 Page 5 of7 and wreaths; noting the Committee has raised approximately 90% of the wreaths cost and 6o% of the decoration cost; and the next Economic Development Tourism Committee will be held on October 13, 2010, at 5:30p.m. at City Hall. Councilmember Putaansuu reported the Sewer Advisory Committee draft budget will be brought forward next month for approval. Councilmember Clauson reported the Finance Committee met and discussed the parking meter of timing and placements, noting the Committee recommended not putting in meters at the west end of the parking lot down at the waterfront in order to keep those open for monthly merchant parking and sho1t-term, free parking. He provided an updated on the Finance Committee's budget meeting noting the supplemental budget would be ready on October 8, 2010; Council will discuss the revenue sharing portion of the budget on October 19, 2010, at the Work Study Session; will meet on November 5, 2010, with department directors to discuss their budgets, and hoped to bring to the Council a balanced budget at the November 16, 2010, work study session; with the final Public Hearing on December 6, 2010, and adoption of the 2011 Budget on December 14, 2010. Councilmember Colebank attended the Sewer Advisory Committee meeting regarding the power consumption of the blower, which he noted will drop 78%, plus they will get more air which accumulates to 1300 cubic feet per minute and that the old blower was 125 horse power, while the new one is 35 horse power and more efficient. 10. MAYOR'S REPORT The Mayor Coppola reported on the following: • Moderated a Candidate forum for the 23rd, 26th and 35th Legislative District Candidate Fair; • Met with a property owner and developer regarding a proposed development on Pottery Avenue; • Had lunch with retired City Treasurer Kris Tompkins; • Met with representative of Gordon, Thomas Honeywell prior to the Work Study Session and have checked their references of which, they are highly recommend; and will continue to interview other lobbying firms; • Attended the ground breaking of the Housing Kitsap Brownfield Clean-up on Mitchell Avenue; • Met with Delilah Rene regarding some business expansions she is considering within the City; • Met with property owners ofland on Bethel Avenue who would like to sell the land to the City to help with a possible police station, Boys and Girls Club and a trail head for the Black Jack Creek Trail; • Attended the Holt Chiropractic Clinic ribbon cutting; Minutes of September 28, 2010 Page 6 of7 • Attended the Central Park ribbon cutting honoring the South Kitsap Rotary Club's donation of the bench and picnic tables; • Met with the Representative Seaquist and the City Clerk and Treasurer regarding the City's legislative agenda; • Spoke at the Senior Action Committee meeting; • Attended the Housing Kitsap finance sub-committee meeting; • Met with Puget Sound Energy and other local governments with representatives from ECOtality, and Nissan regarding Puget Sound Energy's plan for electric vehicle charging stations and what will be needed for code amendments and infrastructures; and • Meet with department directors regarding their budgets. 11. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS City Treasurer Martin provided an update on the following: • Received the budget documents from the department directors and have met with Mayor Coppola of which, currently the budget is out of balance by $249,000; Mr. Martin will work with the department directors over the next few weeks and make sure it's balanced before going to the Finance Committee; • Sales tax revenue is lower in September compared to the previous months, but still over the Treasurer's projected estimates; • Continue to monitor the cash flow for the 201 fund for the Tremont property acquisitions; working with the credit card services to extend accepting credit card payments for Planning and Building Department; • The Public Hearing for the 2011 revenue sources is scheduled for October 26, 2010, regular meeting; and • Met with the Mayor, Representative Seaquist and City Clerk Kirkpatrick regarding how the state can provide relief to Washington cities. Public Works Dorsey reported he had met with Puget Sound Energy regarding the finalization of the design for the two charging stations. Development Director Weaver provided an update on annexation, indicating that the next notice of intent to annex into the City is the remainder of Berry Lake, which will resolve the issue of the County sharing Sidney and will extend to the entire western boundary of our Urban Growth Area. City Attorney Jacoby indicated that he will be responding to Norm Olson's letter that was sent to the Council regarding the Tremont Medical Center, to be consistent with the Council's direction as a result of last month's executive session. Minutes of September 28, 2010 Page 7 of7 City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported the 2010 A WC Regional meeting will be held on Thursdya, October 28, 2010, in Bremerton and asked Councilmembers to contact her office should they wish to attend; noted the annual Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council dinner will be held on December 16, 2010, at Amy's on the Bay Restaurant in Pott Orchard; and encouraged the Council and public to attend the Candidates Forum that is being co- sponsored by the Port Orchard and Bremerton Chamber of Commerce on October 14, 2010, and to register with the Chamber for the event. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no furth T business, Mayor Coppola adjourned the meetin