10/19/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of October 19, 2010 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Rob Putaansuu and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Carolyn Powers, Jerry Childs, Jim Colebank, and Fred Olin was present. City Treasurer Allan Martin, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Development Director James Weaver, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. Absent: Councilmember Clauson 2. Update: Kitsap Economic Development Alliance (KEDA) Bill Stewart of KEDA provided a brief update of the following: • Participation in the organization has never been higher, despite a smaller budget; • Starting to see movement in the business recruitment as the market place and environment improves making it easier to compete; • Have the ability to accommodate smaller operations within the Port Orchard area; • Helping to find new customers to keep current businesses; • There were 15 Port Orchard businesses reported that selling to the Navy who attended training/procurement assistance; • 29 Port Orchard businesses provided research, information, or referrals; • There were 7 business training events hosted; • Will continue the legislative push for community empowerment zone designation; • Will offer businesses in Port Orchard training on "Selling-to-Government"; • Will provide the community economic and business profiles for external marketing; • Will expanded business opportunities research for Port Orchard employers; and • Going into 2011, KEDA will be facing a budget cut from the federal government, which supplies the majority of their funding. Mayor Coppola reported to the Council that he was working with other jurisdictions regarding an option to increase KEDA's funding in which each jurisdiction in Kitsap County would increase its business license fee an additional $5, which in turn would fund KED A's annual operations. 3· Discussion: Sign Code Councilmember Chang explained that he was not a part of the Council when the sign code was last updated, noting his primaty concern had to do with A-board signage along the sidewalks on Bay Street. Council Direction: This matter is remanded to the Planning Commissions' 2011 docket for review and recommendation. 4· Discussion: McCormick Division Three Development Director Weaver provided an update on the McCormick Division Three, indicating this will be brought forward at the November 9, 2010, meeting for Council to approve. If October 19, 2010, Work Study Ses sio n Minutes Page 2 of 2 approved, this wi ll extend the e ntire north part of McCormick Woods and Ol d Clifton and west of the pa rk into the City limits. Council Direction: No direction was given to s taff at t his time . 5 · Update: 2011 Budget and Revenue City Treasure r Martin provided a handout that ex pl ained hi s proj ected 2011 reve nue for the City, noting the top two r evenues r eceived by the City are sa les tax, wh ich generates 40.1 % of the City's revenue; and property tax, which ge n e r at es 30.5%. The projected revenue for 2011 is $8,389,882. Co uncil Directi o n : No directi on was give n to staff at this time. 6. Discussion: Parking Garage The di scussion regarding the Parking Garage h as been m oved to t h e Novemb er 16 , 2010, Work Study Session. 7· Disc ussion: Long-Term Goals and Objectives Council member Putaansuu requested the Council co me to a consensus on wh ich direction to pursue r egarding the Bay Street Pedestrian Path project by the end of t h e yea r. Mayor Coppola i nd icated he wo uld talk with the Port of Bremerton's CEO, Cary Bozeman, regarding their s upport for t h e City's Pedestria n Pathway project. Council Direction: The Counci l directed staff t o p lace this item on the January Retreat agenda. 8. Executive Session: Labor Negotiations Pursuant to RCW 42.30 .110(d) The Executive Session was cancell ed at Mayo r Coppo la's r equest. 9· Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, Nove mber 16, 2010 !? I i