01/19/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of January 19, 2010 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembers Carolyn Powers, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu, Mayor Pro-Tem was present. City Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attomey Jacoby were also present. 2. Update: Kitsap County Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan Dean Boening with Kitsap County provided a brief update on the County's Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Boening handed out a disc with instructions for Councilmembers to review and make comments to his office no later than February 26, 2010. 3· Discussion: 2010 Census Partnership Eric Davenport with the Census Bureau provided a brief presentation regarding the 2010 Census, noting that the census was important, safe, and easy to do. The Census Bureau will be sending out the short form to citizens to complete as of Apri11, 2010. He noted the Federal funding derived from Census information was substantial to communities across the Nation. 4· Discussion: Sidney Museuam and Art Association Jud Turner on behalf of the Sidney Museum and Art Association (SMAA) requested the Council take formal action to remove the SMAA from the conceptual design created by Art Anderson and Associates, noting the document is preventing the Museum from obtaining membership and being designated as a historical site. After a brief discussion, the Council directed the Development Director to present a resolution excluding the Sidney Museum and Art Association from the Downtown Parking Garage conceptual design for the February 9, 2010 meeting. Further, the resolution should state that the City's position may change at any time on this matter. 5· Discussion: Spring Brook Web Based Payments -Credit Cards City Treasurer Martin provided a brief update on the City moving towards allowing credit card payment through its current financial software program Springbrook. Currently, utility customers are being afforded the opportunity to automatically deduct the utility payment from their personal accounts. The credit cards are another convenience for the City's utility customers. After a brief discussion, the Council directed City Treasurer Martin to bring forward the resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute contract with Springbrook for credit card payments for utility billing. 6. Presentation: lnterfund Loan City Treasurer Martin provided a brief report relating to the need for an Interfund Loan during 2010. After a brief discussion, the Council directed City Treasurer Martin to bring forward a resolution authorizing an Interfund Loan from the Cumulative Reserve for Municipal Facilities Fund to the Current Expense Fund in an amount not to exceed $soo,ooo. Further the resolution should include a clause for January 19, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 the City Treasurer to report to the Council when the funds are drawn, as well as when the funds have been repaid; and provide for an expiration date. After a five-minute break, Mayor Coppola reconvened the meeting at 8:48 p.m. 7· Update: Public Event Application Process The City Clerk provided a brief report on updating the Public Event process, specifically as it related to merchant parking. After a brief discussion, the Council referred the matter back to the Downtown Business Ad Hoc Committee; and in the meantime, there would be no changes to the application process. 8. Discussion: Council Committees After a brief discussion, the Council directed City Clerk Kirkpatrick to bring forth a resolution at the January 26, 2010, meeting with the following members serving on the following Committees: Finance Comffiittee: Chair: John Clauson, Members: Rob Putaansuu and Jerry Childs Public Property: Chair: Fred Olin; Members Carolyn Powers and Fred Chang Tourism: Chair: Jerry Childs; Members Jim Colebank and Fred Chang (also serving as LTAC Chair) Utility: Chair: Rob Putaansuu; Members John Clauson and Fred Olin; Jim Colebank as the alternate Sewer Advisory Committee: Rob Putaansuu, John Clauson and Fred Olin; Jim Colebank as the alternate KRCC: Carolyn Powers and Jim Colebank as the alternate KRCC Transpol: Carolyn Powers and Jim Colebank KEDA: Jim Colebank PSRC: Jim Colebank Kitsap Housing Authority: Rob Putaansuu Kitsap County Health: John Clauson 9· Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver provided a brief report on school impact fees, noting Tom O'Brien with South Kitsap School District was present to answer any questions. After a brief discussion, the Council directed Development Director Weaver to bring forth school impact fees at the same rate as Kitsap County for public hearing and adoption at the February 9, 2010, Council meeting. 10. Discussion: Council Meeting Videos Mayor Coppola advised that he had been contacted by Kitsap Sun and the Port Orchard Independent about posting the meeting videos on their websites at no cost to the City, which could include both the regular meeting and the work study session. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to post taped regular and work study sessions to not only the City's website, but also on the Kitsap Sun and Port Orchard Independent's websites as well. January 19,2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of3 11. Update: Waste Management Contract Renewal Public Works Director Dorsey reported that the current contract with Waste Management was up for renewal and inquired whether or not the Council wanted to hold a public hearing to see if citizen's had any issues with the current contractor. After a brief discussion, the Council directed Public Works Director Dorsey to bring matter forward for public hearing at the February 9, 2010 meeting. 12. Discussion: Policy on Inner City Communication City Attorney Jacoby explained that due to the increase of email it may be prudent to establish a policy on inner City communications in order to keep from inadvertently releasing information without the original sender's approval. After a brief discussion, general consensus was that each Councilmember would check with the sender prior to forwarding on any emails to those outside of the organization; and further directed City Clerk Kirkpatrick to determine what policies other Cities may have on this issue. City Attorney Jacoby reminded Councilmembers there would be a twenty-minute meeting regarding labor negations following the conclusion of the January 26, 2010, meeting. 13. Discussion: Business Professional Land Use Code Due to time, the Council directed this item be placed on the January 26, 2010, as a business item for further discussion. 14. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, February 16, 2010