02/16/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of February 16, 2010 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at TOO p.m. Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson (arrived at 7:02 p.m.), Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Rob Putaansuu, Mayor Pro-Tem was present. City Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, Development Director Weaver, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. Councilmember Powers was absent. 2. Presentation: P-Patch Councilmember Olin reported the Public Property Committee and the Mayor met with representatives from the Port Orchard Morning Rotary and the Washington State University (WSU)-Kitsap County Master Gardeners to discuss use of Central Park located on Dwight Street for a Community P-Patch. Mr. Wayne Cohen, President of the Port Orchard Morning Rotary explained that this project started in 2007, with the Kitsap County and more recently with the City. The Rotary has been setting aside funding to start a Community P-Patch either at Central Park or at the County's Park at Jackson and Lund. He noted that a similar project was started in Olalla, which grew approximately 2,900 pounds of food that was donated to South Kitsap Helpline. After a brief discussion, Council directed staff to work with the Port Orchard Morning Rotary, WSU-Kitsap County Extension, and the Master Gardener's Program to establish a P-Patch Community Garden at Central Park located on Dwight Street in Port Orchard. 3· Update: Annexations Development Director Weaver provided an update on the Bethel Annexation, noting that the City only received 57% of the 6o% needed petitions. City staff is working on a petition to annex approximately 16 parcels located by the Albertsons on Sedgwick Road. In response to Councilmember Clauson, Mayor Coppola indicated that the Revenue Sharing Agreement is high on the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council list; and he will contact Mary McClure, Executive Director for KRCC to begin working on scheduling the next round of discussions. 4· Discussion: Active Club Public Works Director Dorsey explained that the Public Property Committee had met and discussed the following issues relating to the Active Club building and/ or its users: February 16, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 o The Public Property Committee determined that it was the responsibility of Kitsap County Health District to enforce its requirements and policies concerning food handling and preparation at the Active Club building. Staff has posted signs indicating no cooking or food preparation is allowed on-site; however, organizations will be allowed to bring in foods prepared offsite. o The Public Property Committee recommended a "no pet" policy be established as it was determined that pets could pose potential health risks to users of the facility. Staff asked for clarification as to whether or not it was appropriate to create new signage, modify the User Agreement, and impose fines should pets be brought into the facility. o The Public Property Committee recommended the rental of the building be raised $2.00 per hour for the remainder of 2010; and raised another $2.00 an hour in 2011. This will help to offset operating costs of the facility. Alveta Travelstead belongs to the Wood Carving group who has donated tables and toiletry supplies as needed, including cleaning up dog feces; and stated she would like to see the building remain open for all the groups. Sue Marshall President of the Olympic Bird Fanciers asked the Council to reconsider the "no animal" policy. She explained that her group is very scrupulous for cleaning and that it would be difficult to hold training sessions without their birds on-site. Shawn Clickart voiced concerns that should the building be turned over to the Boys and Girls Club, that his group, NA, be given ample time to establish a new meeting location. Conriie Rodgers with the Quilters Club voiced her concern that if they are no longer able to meet at the Active Club building they wouldn't have any other place to do hand quilting which is becoming a lost art, noting it would be unfair to turn the facility over to one organization. Kendra Maichen belongs to the Kitsap Birth Club which promotes education and advocates for mothers with newborn babies including CPR and child abuse prevention. The Club does not charge for its services and she did not know where else they could meet. Robert Zolna stated that each group is an important part of the community, which may no longer exists if they cannot meet at the Active Club building. Ted Boss sympathized with the financial woes of the City, noting that as an Alcoholics Anonymous is to teach responsibility for their actions and if necessary they will find another meeting location. Steve Aamunson stated that his group, Alcoholics Anonymous has been responsible in its upkeep of the Active Club building and suggested the City revisit their contract with the Janitorial Service company, noting the City may not be getting what they are paying for. February 16, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of4 After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to bring forward a resolution regarding the "no pet" policy and facility fee increases to a future Work Study Session. 5· Discussion: Draft 20/40 City Response Letter Mayor Coppola reported he was finishing the letter to Puget Sound Regional Coordinating Council (PSRC) regarding the Vision 2040 Transportation Plan, which is due to go out at the end of the week. 6. Update: Tremont Widening Pubic Works Director Dorsey reported that the City was still waiting for funding and explained that in order to be shovel ready at the end of 2010 would be dependent upon securing the rights-of-way. 7· Discussion: Wave Broadband Contract Renewal After a brief discussion, Council directed City Attorney Jacoby to provide a comparison of what other jurisdictions are doing, including Kitsap County and to provide that information at the March 16, 2010, Work Study Session. 8. Discussion: McCormick Woods a. Stormwater Interlocal Agreement City Attorney Jacoby provided a brief update, noting the agreement was in its final draft form and included the recent annexations, transfers of the stormwater advance system, catch basins, stormwater ponds, easements and has been given to the County for their input. The City and County would meet to review the document shortly. b. Transportation Interlocal Agreement City Attorney Jacoby reported that this item has proven challenging and is not as far along as he had hoped. He has worked with staff to prepare a proposal regarding various road improvement projects and who will be responsible to ensure they are completed. Because the City did not collect money to pay for these road improvements, staff indicated the City may need to look at transportation impact fees, noting that some impact fees were paid to the County, however there are fees still owed by Gen 1. 9· Discussion: Fralick Public Works Director Dorsey explained that Mr. Fralick believed he owned a portion of the frontage at Dwight Street and Austin Street, which is the location where the County parks their February 16, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page4of4 Public Works vehicles; and that the stormwater overflow from this area was causing erosion and stability issues to the hillside directly behind his property. The Public Property Committee met and determined that Mr. Fralick recently sold this parcel and there was no longer a frontage or drainage issue. However, the issue of the County parking its vehicles on City right- of-way remains unresolved. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to bring forward an update on this issue to the March 16,2010, Work Study Session. 10. Discussion: Orchard Pointe Apartments Public Works Director Dorsey received a request from Orchard Point Apartments for the City to expand its low flow toilet rebate program to multi-family units, which would reduce water consumption for the entire City. The Council directed the Utilities Committee to determine how many rebates can be given on a case by case basis or an annual basis and to bring back to a future Work Study Session. 11. Discussion: Joint Work Study Session with Port of Bremerton Commissioners Mayor Coppola had met with Commissioner Mahan who expressed an interest in meeting with the City Council in a joint Work Study Session. The Council expressed an interest and asked staff to obtain a proposed agenda from the Port of Bremerton and to bring back at a future meeting for further discussion and/ or direction. 12. Discussion: Water Drip System Public Works Dorsey received a letter from the Port Orchard Bay Street Association asking for a City donation of $2,000 to tie-into the City's water drip system under the Marquee. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to reallocate $2,000 from the Port Orchard Marina bathroom to the Port Orchard Bay Street Association for the connection fees . 13.Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, March 16, 2010 At 8:48 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.