02/19/2010 - Retreat - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Council Retreat -February 19, 2010 PRESENT: Mayor Coppola, Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, Carolyn Powers, and Mayor Pro-Tem Robert Putaansuu. ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Jacoby, City Clerk Kirkpatrick, and Deputy Clerk Rinearson. Public Works Director Dorsey was invited to the meeting and arrived with Development Director Weaver at 9:30a.m. Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at g:oo a.m. Short-Term and Long-Term Goals: City Attorney Jacoby advised the purpose of the meeting is to identify short-term and long- term goals. The Council determined the following to be their short-term and long-term goals: Short-Term Goals: Parking Garage -Phase I Design Revenue Sharing Agreement-Resolve Tremont Corridor -Shovel Ready Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway-Complete design; obtain easements Sidney and Sedgwick -Infrastructure Plan to be completed in 2010 Financial Plan-City-Wide Long-Term Goals: Bethel Annexation -in progress Library -Facility maintenance vs. new building Downtown Parking -General Annexation -Growth/Priorities Economic Revitalization -Encourage new business Bethel Avenue-Development and Planning Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway -Construction Parks -Acquisition, Funding, and Maintenance Tourism -Create a Plan/Combine with Economic Development Municipal/Public Facilities -Police, Municipal Court, and Library Neighborhood Revitalization-Police/Council outreach Sidewalks and Streets -Improvements The Council directed the City Clerk to add the following items to Work Study Session agendas as items for the Council to discuss and/or provide direction to staff: Add to Future Work Study Session Agendas: • Financial Plan -Development of reserve accounts and policies to increase productivity • Annexation Priorities -Review map boundaries and determine next logical step in annexation February 19,2010, Retreat Work Study Session Page 2 of3 • Economic Revitalization and Tourism -Review combining into one Council Committee • Parking Garage-Define next steps, i.e. refine conceptual design • Parks -Discuss whether to form a Parks Commission/Committee and funding solutions • Chain Parking -Revisit downtown parking time limits • Design Review Board -to create a "Turn of the Century" idea book for Council consideration • City Face Book/Fan Page -Policy discussion • Council Budget-Discuss increase in funding in 2011 for travel to Board meetings and AWC training programs Public Works Director Dorsey left the meeting at 10:01 a.m. Priorities for Planning Commission After a brief discussion, the Council directed Development Director Weaver to invite the Planning Commission to the March 16, 2010, Work Study Session to discuss their proposed goals. Design Review Board Development Directory Weaver indicated the Design Review Board would like to be tasked with a project. After a brief discussion, Council directed the Design Review Board to put together an idea book to better define the already established theme "Turn of the Century" for the Downtown Overlay District. The Following items were discussed by Council: • City Face Book/Fan Page. The Council directed that there would be no official City Face Book/Fan Page and further directed the City Clerk to research how other municipalities are managing the pages from a records management perspective. • Council Committees Budget. City Clerk noted that the Public Property Committee's breakfast meetings were not factored into the 2010 budget. The Council directed the City Clerk to add to a future work study session a discussion on increasing the Council's travel and training budget for 2011. • City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported on the codification costs for Titles 16 and 18, which was left out of the 2010 budget, which would result in a budget amendment once the final amount was known. The Mayor explained that staff did not understand the significance of not including codification costs into each department's budget, noting it was a learning curve and in the future these costs would become part of the annual budget. • The Mayor explained that as part of his Green Initiative he would like to do a pilot program that would provide six charging spots for electric vehicles throughout the City. The Council directed the Mayor to move forward with this project. • As part of the Mayor's Green Initiative to save paper it was suggested that the Council be issued laptops to review their Council packets electronically, which will save about 6 reams of paper each month. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to continue providing paper packets to the Council; to notify the public that as of April February 19 , 2010, Retreat Work Study Session Pa e 3 of3 13, 2010, staff will only provide hard copies of the agenda, minutes, ordinances and resolutions at the meetings; the public can either download the packet from the City's website or call the City Clerk's office for a hard copy of the packets. • Council supported the Mayor's idea to implement a City-wide Disaster Recovery Plan. • The Council directed the City Clerk to add to the regular meeting agenda under "Reports of Department Director's" updates on Tremont Corridor and Annexation Issues. At 12:12 p.m. Mayor Coppola adjourned the meeting.