03/16/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard
Council Meeting Minutes
Work Study Session of March 16, 2010
Mayor Lary Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Councilmembers Mayor Pro-
Tem Rob Putaansuu, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and
Carolyn Powers were present and constituted a quorum. City Clerk Kirkpatrick, Public
Works Director Dorsey, Treasurer Martin, Development Director Weaver, and City
Attorney Jacoby were also present.
1. Update: Spring/Fall Cleanup Dates.
Public Works Director Dorsey announced the Spring Cleanup dates would be June 7-11,
2010; and the Fall Cleanup dates would be October 4-8, 2010; that Public Works staff has
coordinated the dates with Waste Management; and new this year was the allowance for
multi-family units, which staff will monitor to see if changes in the program need to be
made for 2011.
2. Discussion: Planning Commission.
Planning Commission Chair BekAshby provided a brief overview of the Commissions' goals
for 2010, noting that they would be working on the McCormick Village Park Plan and
Shoreline Master Plan update. She reiterated that several Commissioners desired to have a
seat on the Design Review Board (DRB) in order to weigh-in on design standards in the
downtown area, noting the Commission had met with the DRB and they voiced no objection
to a Planning Commissioner serving on that Board. Planning Commission Chair Ashby
sought Council approval for the Commission to begin working on the Sidney-Sedgwick
Corridor to research design styles and build-out of the area. This work would be performed
by the Commissioners at their own cost and would not involve City staff support other than
the minutes from their meetings.
Mike Brown and Ron Rice voiced their support of the Planning Commission and City
staff efforts, noting at some point the City would need to provide financial support to help
develop the Sidney-Sedgwick area.
Pat Waters voiced support of design standards that were flexible to the developers and
urged the City to remain proactive in the process and to provide some financial support to
the area.
Council directed the Mayor and City Treasurer to speak with Senator Kilmer regarding a bill
he sponsored that was similar to tax increment funding and to provide that information to
the Council at its next meeting.
Work Study Session of March 16, 2010
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3· Discussion: Stormwater lnterlocal Agreement.
City Attorney Jacoby provided a brief report on the Interlocal Agreement, noting this is the
second of three ILA's being negotiated with Kitsap County resulting from the annexation of
McCormick Woods.
Council directed staff to bring forward the Interlocal Agreement with Kitsap County for
Stormwater to the March 23, 2010, regular meeting.
4· Discussion: Special Election for Library District.
Councilmember Putaansuu voiced his concerns that City residents are not part of the
Library District, which will prevent them from voting on the proposed library levy in
November; and he had asked the City Clerk to do some research as to whether or not a
ballot measure can be added to the primary ballot and what that cost would be. City Clerk
Kirkpatrick explained that the County Elections Supervisor was out of the office until
Wednesday, March 17, 2010, and that she was waiting for a response to the costs; and she
had the City Attorney reviewing whether or not a ballot measure can be added to the
Primary ballot. She advised that the Resolution for the Primary Election was due to the
County on May 10, 2010.
The Council directed the City Clerk to invite the County Assessor to provide the answers to
the following questions at the April Work Study Session:
• What is the current levy limit
• If the ballot measure passes in the Primary, how does that affect the rate being paid
by City residents for the Library
• Will those funds pass directly from the County to the Library District
• The City Clerk will determine election costs and if the measure can be added to the
Primary ballot.
5· Discussion: Active Club Resolution.
Public Works Director Dorsey provided a brief update on the Active Club building, noting
that staff and the Mayor had met with ABM' s representative regarding janitorial services at
the building. Several things came to light and it was agreed that the janitors would keep a
log of when facility users are in the building after their allotted time and if there are any
feathers, bird droppings or dog poop in the building for City staff to take appropriate action.
Mr. Dorsey explained that rather than doing this by resolution as it has been done in the
past, he favored codifying the Active Club building use, fees and regulations and provided a
draft ordinance for Council review.
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Council directed staff to bring forward an ordinance adding a new Chapter 2.24 "Active
Club Building" to the March 23, 2010, regular meeting.
6. Discussion: Blackjack Terrace Utility Extension Agreement.
City Attorney Jacoby explained that it had a been a few years since the Council has seen a
Utility Extension Agreement, noting the area in question was in the County, but within the
City's service area.
Council directed the Public Works Director and the City Attorney to bring the Utility
Extension Agreement forward at a future Council meeting.
7· Discussion: Draft Ordinance for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
City Clerk Kirkpatrick explained this was a housekeeping item that should be in the Code
for transparency to City residents; and that she was working with the Lodging Tax
Committee Chair, Councilmember Chang, on developing policy and procedures to better
streamline the allocation process.
The Council directed the Clerk to bring the Ordinance forward to the March 23, 2010,
regular meeting.
8. Discussion: Council's Email Accounts.
Councilmember Chang explained that he found the access to Council's email to be very hard
to access and recommended the Council's email either be forwarded to an email account set
up by each councilmember or to have one council email account with the City Clerk's office
forwarding those emails to the appropriate councilmember.
After a brief discussion, the Council directed the City Attorney to work with the City Clerk to
bring forward a solution to Council email accounts. Further, the City Clerk was directed to
do a cost analysis of paper, copier costs, and staff time to do Council meeting packets versus
purchase and to work with the City's IT Department to determine the costs to purchase
either laptops, notebooks, and/or monitor/mouse for Council, Mayor and staff to use
during Council meetings to help reduce paper costs.
9· Discussion: Parking Fee Increase -Downtown
Councilmember Clauson advised that the Finance Committee had recommended moving
forward with the purchase of two new parking meters, which would only accept credit/ debit
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After a brief discussion, the Council directed that the Police Chief and City Treasurer work
together to bring forward an ordinance authorizing the purchase of the parking meters and
to begin the request for proposal (RFP) process. The fees would be increased from $3 per
hour to $5 per hour.
10. Review: Meeting Noticing Requirements.
Councilmember Chang brought up the question as to whether it was a violation of the Open
Meetings Act to have a fourth Councilmember show up at a Committee meeting. City
Attorney Jacoby explained that when a Councilmember shows up at a Committee meeting it
is now considered a quorum and should have been noticed that way and it could be a
violation of the Open Meetings Act. Mr. Jacoby encouraged the Council to contact him with
their questions at any time concerning Open Meetings Act.
There being no further business, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:25p.m.