04/20/2010 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of April 20, 2010 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Rob Putaansuu, Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, Fred Olin, and Carolyn Powers were present. City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Police Chief Townsend, City Treasurer Martin, Assistant City Engineer Archer, Development Director Weaver, Deputy Clerk Rinearson, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. 2. Discussion: Library Ballot Measure Shannon Lewis with the Kitsap County Assessor's office, shared what annexing into the Library District would mean for the Library and City residents. For example, the City's levy rate is based on the amount it can collect each year, and currently the City is collecting $2.15 per $1,000. Should residents choose to annex into the Library District, the levy rate would be reduced by $0.32. In response to Councilmember Olin, City Clerk Kirkpatrick explained that Dolores Gilmore, Kitsap County Elections Administrator stated that upon the calling for a measure to be placed on the Primary ballot by the Kitsap County Commissioners, there would be very little election costs to the City. Susan Whitford and Jeff Brody with the Kitsap Regional Library (KRL), provided a preliminary overview of how the proposed levy funding would be distributed should the Library Levy Bond pass in November. Ms. Whitford explained that should the City annex into the Library District, it would become the Library's responsibility to find a building to house the Library in Port Orchard, versus the City being required to provide a building. However, she stated that wouldn't be in the best interest of the citizens and/or community. Councilmember Putaansuu stated the City is not a member of the Library District and our citizens do not have a say in how the levy would be spent, which is why he favored putting the question out to vote to the public. Should the citizens elect to annex into the Library District, they would then have a vote to pass or fail the proposed bond levy in November. City Attorney Jacoby explained that in order to move forward, the Kitsap Regional Libraty Board of Trustees would need to concur with the annexation. Their next meeting will be held on April 27, 2010, and recommended the Mayor write a letter asking them to support the Council's ordinance, which if approved will go to the County Commissioners for a Resolution calling for the question on the Primary ballot. The Council directed the Mayor to write a letter to Kitsap Regional Library Board of Trustees asking for their support; directed staff to bring forward an ordinance for approval at the April 27, 2010, meeting. April 20, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 3· Discussion: Low-Flow Toilet Rebate Program Councilmember Putaansuu reported a request was received to allow multi-family residences to be able to participate in the low-flow toilet rebate program; however Port Orchard Municipal Code does not currently allow rebates for multi-family units, only for single family residents. The Utility Committee reviewed the request and recommended amending Port Orchard Municipal Code to issue up to 250 multi-family rebates in one calendar year. The Council directed staff to bring an ordinance forward for Council's reVIew. 4· Discussion: Council Packet Cost Analysis City Clerk Kirkpatrick reported that the cost to produce one packet for each meeting in 2009 was $1,610.66; the number of packets to be produced for the Mayor and Council is $12,885.31. Council directed staff to research the cost to purchase laptops at a local electronics store and to provide cost for staff to provide support and service the laptops. 5. Discussion: Draft Ordinance Regarding RV Exemption Permits City Clerk Kirkpatrick stated the Public Properties Committee met and recommended that Port Orchard Municipal Code Section 10.18.040 and Section 10.18.050 be repealed, which would no longer allow RV parking exemption permits. Council directed staff to add this item to the April 27, 2010, agenda and to send a letter inviting the existing permit holders to the meeting. 6. Discussion: Boat Ramp Repair -Water Street Development Director Weaver stated that the Water Street boat ramp is need of repair, noting most of the damage has resulted from commercial use, even though Port Orchard Municipal Code prohibits commercial use at this facility. Mayor Coppola stated he had met with a commercial manufacturer who is currently using the boat ramp and they indicated they would be willing to help pay for some repairs, as well as per launch fee. Council directed the Mayor to pursue funding from the commercial manufacturer; and noted that Development Director Weaver will provide the Mayor with the total cost for the repairs to assist in further discussions. April 20, 2010, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 4 7· Discussion: Ball Field Leases City Attorney Jacoby provided Council with draft leases for South Kitsap Western Little League and South Kitsap Pee Wee Association. After a brief discussion the Council directed the City Attorney to make the following changes: • That fields 1 and 2 are both shared fields between the two organizations; and • Add to the South Kitsap Western Little League lease, "if necessary to avoid injury, South Kitsap Western Little League will remove the first and second base anchors at the end of baseball season". 8. Discussion: Port of Bremerton Waterfront Parking City Clerk Kirkpatrick is seeking direction from Council as the Port of Bremerton indicated they will not accept the Memorandum of Understanding as approved by the City Council. The Council directed that the City's position is as follows: • The City will reserve 8 parking stalls for 4-hour parking and in return the Port of Bremerton shall reserve 8 parking stalls for 4-hour parking. In addition, the Council directed staff that should the Port not move forward, the matter is moot and not to take any further action on this matter. 9· Discussion: Email Policy for Public Officials City Clerk Kirkpatrick provided a draft email policy for public officials to the Council. After a brief discussion, the Council directed staff to bring back, at a future date, a policy that clearly identified a Public Official's statutory requirements regarding email. 10. Discussion: Change to POMC 5.12 Business Licenses City Treasurer Martin provided an update on the last steps to implement the Master Business License program, which an ordinance will be brought forward amending Pott Orchard Municipal Code at the May 11, 2010, Council meeting. City Treasurer Mattin explained the changes are minor and reflect that the State will be issuing business licenses under their program. 11. Discussion: Change to Council Committee Councilmember Childs presented to the Council the idea of expanding the Tourism Committee to include Economic Development, which would enhance the Mayor's work. After a brief discussion, the Council directed that the Tourism Committee move forward with economic development and to provide updates of the Committee's progress. April 20, 2010, Wo rk Study Session Minutes Page 4 of 4 12. McCormick Village Park Committee Councilmember Olin stat ed the McCo rmick Woods Village Park meeting was well attended an d there is a good balance ·within the Committee; a nd he encouraged citizens to visit the City's website and to come to the meetings provide id eas and suggestions. 13. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, May 18, 2010 was adjourned .