09/20/2011 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of September 20, 2011 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem John Clauson and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, Fred Olin, Carolyn Powers, Rob Putaansuu, and Jim Colebank and was present. Police Chief Alan Townsend, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. 2. Discussion: Fluoride-Ballot Issue Public Works Director Dorsey provided the Council a le.tter from Mrs. Whittleton expressing her concerns of fluoride being in the City's water system. Currently, the McCormick Woods system doesn't have fluoride and won't be able to as they are part of the City of Bremerton's intertie system, whose citizens voted to not have fluoride; whereas the City's water system does use fluoride. After a brief discussion, Council inquired if the City has any grant obligations prohibiting them from removing fluoride from the City's water system; and to create a survey to find out if citizens were interested in removing fluoride from the water system. Council Direction: Council directed Staff to determine if the City was obligated to add fluoride into the water system as a requirement of an existing grant; and if not, to do a survey for inclusion in to the utility billing to ask citizens if they preferred fluoride in the City's water system; and to bring those results to the October 18, 2011, Work Study Session for further discussion. 3· Discussion: Water Rate, Usage, and Helping Hands City Treasurer Martin reported on incorporating a "Helping Hands" program to assist low income residential residents with their utility bill, noting Staff would continue working with Kitsap Community Resources (KCR) on an official proposal, which would be based on their staffing fees. KCR's program was set up for "one-time only" use and puts the citizen on a budget program plan through KCR. The City's existing accounting system was able to support a similar program for monthly billing and/ or a budget program for utility customers. In response to Public Works Director Dorsey, the Council came to a consensus that the best option for a utility rate increase, with the least impact on utility customers, was to incorporate Option D, which would be an increase of $4 per month in 2012, 2014, and 2016. Council Direction: Council directed Staff to provide the costs of the "Helping Hands" program through Kitsap Community Resources and bring the proposal to the Utilities Committee for their recommendation to the Council; and to move forward with Option D for the water rate utility increase with the so% reduction for residential use of less than 3,000 gallons. 4· Discussion: Legislative Agenda City Lobbyist Briahna Taylor provided the Council with a proposed legislative agenda as follows: • Requesting transportation funds to improve Tremont Street, which is the Gateway to the City; September 20, 2011, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 2 • Pursuing legislation to allow the Kitsap County Public Facility District to complete new projects; • Pursuing a greater flexibility in satisfying notification requirements; • Supporting legislative proposals providing cost reimbursement, requiring mandatory meet and confer, and other reforms headed up by other agencies; and • Relocating the Harbor Lines along the City's shore with the Department of Natural Resources. Council Direction: No direction was given to Staff. 5· Discussion: LTAC Recommendation Council Direction: Council directed Staff to move this discussion item to the October 18, 2011, Work Study Session. 6. Discussion: Amendment to POMC 10.12 Parking Public Works Director Dorsey stated the proposed ordinance reflected what was currently in place and the ordinance would match what Staff already has and codification would provide transparency to citizens and provide the police officers the ability to enforce . Council Direction: Council directed staff to bring the parking ordinance forward to the October 11, 2011, meeting with one modification to change the downtown parking ending time to s:oo p.m. 7· Discussion: 2012 Policy Changes Due to Budget Considerations Mayor Coppola elaborated on the email that was sent to the Council regarding proposed budget cuts; and assured the Council that he was reviewing all options to cut costs going into the 2012 budget. Council Direction: No direction was given to Staff. 8. Discussion: Council AV System Public Works Director Dorsey provided the Council with two estimates for audio/visual equipment upgrades in the Council Chambers. After a brief discussion, the Council requested a cost estimate to upgrade the quality of the cameras and/ or recording equipment. Council Direction: Council directed Staff to determine the costs to upgrade the cameras and/or recording equipment and to provide a contract for approval at the October 11, 2011, Council meeting. 9· Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, October 18, 2011