06/19/2012 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of June 19, 2012 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Childs and Councilmembers Fred Chang, John Clauson, Cindy Lucarelli, Jim Colebank, Carolyn Powers and Rob Putaansuu were present. Police Chief Alan Townsend, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Treasurer Allan Martin, Clerk Brandy Rinearson, Deputy Clerk Rhiannon Fernandez, and Attorney Greg Jac.oby were also present. Police Chief Townsend led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Discussion: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendation Councilmember Chang reported on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting on June 6, 2012, which reviewed eight applications for Lodging Tax cash carryover. The members wrote down on a sheet what they felt each applicant should be awarded and the committee members were not allowed to vote for themselves. There was discussion at the committee meeting on whether a for-profit, privately owned and operated organization was eligible under statute for the lodging tax. In response to Councilmember Colebank, Councilmember Chang said that the amounts were averaged from all of the submissions of the committee members for each applicant. City Attorney Jacoby said that only non-profits are eligible for the lodging tax, and recommended removing two applicants from the list. Councilmember Clauson requested a copy of the applications. Councilmember Putaansuu would like to know where the money is being spent before deciding to award it to any applicant. Councilmember Lucarelli remembered a previous Work Study Session where it was discussed that the carryover should be held over for extended foot ferry service and police coverage during events, and awarding some funds to the Cruz because they missed the application period during the first round. Councilmember Powers expressed that it was not fair to ask the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to go through the process if the Council already had an idea of what they wanted to do with the funds. City Attorney said that he had advised Councilmember Chang that the process would have to be reopened if the Cruz was to be considered. The Council can choose to follow the committee's recommendations, or can chose a different distribution of the funds. Council Direction: City Clerk Rinearson will email the Council all Lodging Tax applications Wednesday morning, and will route the LTAC minutes by Friday. City Attorney Jacoby will draft the staff report and resolution. The staff report will outline why only non-profits can receive the funding, and the resolution will provide two alternatives for the Council to consider: 1) Fund the Cruz and set aside the remaining balance for other approved projects, or 2) Adopt the committee's recommendation, removing the two for-profit applicants. June 19, 2012, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 2. Discussion: Council Travel/Training Policy City Attorney Jacoby gave a summary of the Pharris Memo. The Council should be guided by the following questions: • What public purpose, policy, objective, or official business is being served and is the expenditure rationally related to the public purpose of official business? • Is the expenditure reasonable in the amount and in its nature? • Is the expenditure authorized by a local policy, contract, or ordinance? • Is the local policy, contract, or ordinance consistent with state law? The Council reviewed the regularly attended meetings spreadsheet provided in the packet. Councilmember Childs would like to create a list of all of the events that the Council can be reimbursed for. Councilmember Clauson said it would not be possible to create an all-inclusive list, but that Councilmembers should send events they want included on the list to City Clerk Rinearson. City Attorney Jacoby and City Treasurer Martin could review the list and recommend to the Council what events and activities legitimately qualify. A budget will also have to be built around the list. Councilmember Clauson suggested when other events come up that are not on the list, it will have to be approved by Council. Councilmember Chang would like to be kept informed on the total amount of the travel budget. Councilmember Childs would like the Council's travel budget higher next year. Council Direction: The Councilmembers will send events and trainings that they would like to have included on the list to City Clerk Rinearson. City Attorney Jacoby and City Treasurer Martin will review the list to make sure the events and activities legitimately qualify for reimbursement. Then bring back to the July 17, 2012, Work Study Session for further discussion. In addition, City Clerk Rinearson will email monthly updates to the Council on their travel/training budget. 3· Discussion: Community Service Program Chief Townsend said that the Community Service Program needed to be changed to limit liability. He said the best alternative is a program that the City of Bremerton uses and it is through Kitsap Community Resources (KCR). If the City chooses to contract with them, KCR would staff the program, report hours to the Municipal Court, and would carry the liability. The workers will do the work that the City prescribes for them. The contract is $37,000, our program costs $75,000, but that is salary, benefits, and maintenance costs of a vehicle. The current community service worker in public works would take over maintenance and janitorial duties of this building. Public Works Director Dorsey said there would be an overall savings to the City by shifting the money from the ABM Janitorial contract to KCR and the salary of the janitor/handyman. June 19, 2012, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 4 Another option would be maintaining ABM services and shift the public works employee as a new hire as part of the Bethel budget. In response to Councilmember Clauson, Police Chief Townsend said that if we do not have a community service program, the offender would be incarcerated at $85 a day. There is an option to find outside work through non-profits, but that is not very successful. Public Works Director Dorsey added that if the program goes away, the work shifts to Public Works. In response to Councilmember Clauson, Public Works Director Dorsey said that he has spoken with the individual regarding the expectations of the new position, and he feels that he could do it if the scope of work was limited to City Hall, the Active Club, South Shed, and the shop. Councilmember Clauson would like the tasks specifically laid out of what is expected of this individual. Council Direction: The Council directed staff to move forward with negotiating fees for a contract with KCR, and come back to the Council and present the money savings, the contract, and the job description. 4· Update: 2012 Festival of Chimes & Lights In response to Councilmember Lucarelli, Public Works Director Dorsey said the Public Works staff will be able to help with setting up the tree and decorating it; however, the problem is transporting the tree to City Hall. We may have to hire somebody because we do not have a truck large enough to legally transport the tree. Council Direction: Public Works Director Dorsey will come back with options and pricing for transport. Councilmember Childs suggested contacting Evergreen Lumber, because they may consider donating the truck for this purpose. 5· Discussion: Town Hall Meetings Mayor Matthes would like to have one or two town hall meetings, and wanted to know if any Councilmembers would like to join in the meetings, or had any thoughts regarding them. The Mayor is considering the first meeting to be a listening session to allow citizens to tell him anything they want talk about. Councilmember Chang said it would be nice to have a topic for the meeting. Councilmember Childs said it would be good to talk about the vision for the City, and get their thoughts on how the City should move forward. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 6. Discussion: Re-Power Kitsap Clerk Rinearson recapped the presentation from the April 24, 2012, Council Meeting. They asked the Council to proclaim a week to Re-Power Kitsap or create a resolution in support of the project. June 19 , 2012, Work Study Session Minutes Page4 of 4 Councilmember Lucarelli felt that before moving forward in supporting the project, we should figure out if there is a grant to help off-set the high cost of the assessment. Councilmember Chang said most of the information at the presentation seemed outdated, where the expiration had already passed. He liked the idea of making a home energy efficient, but is unsure if there was a different deadline for Port Orchard. Council Direction: The Council decided not to take an official position based on the limited information received from the April 24, 2012, presentation. At 8 :37 p .m., Mayor Matthes recessed the meeting for a five minute Executive Session regarding potential litigation in accordance with RCW 42.30.11o(b). City Attorney Jacoby was invited to attend; and the Mayor announced that no action would be taken as a result of the Executive Session . Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, July 17, 2012 The meeting adjourned at 8:42p.m. ~~(P,,/jf~ Timothy C. Matt es, Mayor