07/16/2013 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of July t6, 2013 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Fred Chang and Councilmembers Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Carolyn Powers, Rob Putaansuu, and Cindy Lucarelli were present. Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Treasurer Allan Martin, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, City Attorney Greg Jacoby and Office Assistant II Jenine Floyd were also present. Absent: Councilmember Jim Colebank Briahna Taylor led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. 2014 Legislative Priorities Briahna Taylor, City's Lobbyist with Gordon Thomas Honeywell-GA, gave a brief overview of the legislative session and the two special sessions held; including stating there was new leadership in the Senate as well as a new Governor, which caused lengthy sessions. The City was able to receive $255,000 for the DeKalb Pier and $336,000 for the Bay Street Pedestrian Path from the Capital grant funding budget. The City will now need to begin preparing for the 2014 legislative session, which includes requesting additional funding for DeKalb Pier and engage in the development of a transportation revenue package. She said the decision to make the Bay Street Pedestrian Path their transportation funding priority is reprioritizing from where it was initially; saying the funding priority may be for Tremont Street or the Bethel Corridor. Public Works Director Dorsey stated he would like DeKalb Pier to be a priority for capital funding. Council Direction: City Lobbyist Taylor will put together a proposed 2014 legislative agenda for the council to review. 2. 2014 Budget Calendar City Treasurer Martin provided a 2014 budget calendar, and noted the following dates: • Tuesday, December 10, 2013, is adoption of the 2014 final budget; • The first Tuesday in October the preliminary budget is delivered to the Council and is available to the public; and • Tuesday, October 15, 2013, the budget revenue hearing will be held. He noted that some dates may change slightly due to the availability of committee members and this document will be posted on the City's website. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 3· Council Vacancy July 16, 2013, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 City Clerk Rinearson asked how the Council would like to fill the vacancy position of Councilmember Position 1. City Attorney Jacoby noted that effective this past July, the legislature changed the law regarding vacancies. In the past, if a vacant position was filled, the appointed person would have to run for election on the next ballot measure. The law was changed to state the person who fills the vacant position will remain until the term expires. Mayor Matthes reminded the Council that if the City becomes a City Manager form of government, all Councilmembers will have to rerun for election. · Council Direction: Council directed staff to notice August 2, 2013, as the applicant deadline for submittal of qualifications, and then set up a meeting with all Councilmembers for them to interview the applicants. They also asked the City Clerk to provide them with the questionnaire which was provided in the past for vacancy positions. 4· 2014 Goals/Budget Priorities Council and staff discussed the following goals for 2014: • Bethel Corridor Plan -interim improvements, redesign policy discussion/public process • Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway -right -of-way certification, bridge Segment No. 4 • Joint Waterfront Planning-begin public process • Sidewalks and street improvements -Pavement Management System (PMS), limited repaving • Tremont Corridor -continue to seek construction money • Sidney/Sedgwick-finish WellNo.10 design, waterjsewergap analysis • DeKalb Pier -Phase 2; funding and construction • Parks-finish Phase 1jor McCormick Woods Park; identify improvements to Paul Powers Park and public process • Identify and respond to opportunities for grants which support Council's goals and objectives • Promote business -catalog businesses and identifying efficiencies • Identify a facility /location for the police department • Website update: evaluate website improvements • Research use of technology to improve access to City documents and Council materials July 16, 2013, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of3 Council and staff discussed the following goals for 2015: • Bethel Corridor Plan -road redesign • Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway -Segment No. 3 • Sidewalks and street improvements-annual allocation for improvements • Tremont Corridor -begin construction • Sidney/Sedgwick -fund and construct Well No.10 • Website update -evaluate options to fully update website Council Direction: No direction was given staff. 5· Executive Session At 9:50 p.m., Mayor Matthes recessed the meeting for a 15 -minute executive session regarding acquisition of real estate in accordance with RCW 42.30.110. City Attorney Jacoby and Development Director Bond were invited to attend and the Mayor announced · that no action would be taken as a result of the executive session. At 10 :05 p.m., Mayor Matthes reconvened the Council back into regular session. At 10:05 p .m., Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting. ~ ~~(?~ Brandy Rinearson, CMC, City Clerk '''''"o11R'"r'''''' Timothy C. atthes, Mayor '''<:. ~ 0 ,,, ,,,, ~' •••••• 19d',,. .:'~~ .. ·o~PO~.f·.~ ~~·~v ~·:~\ :: •..... o•c:;)" = • SEAL · = : . . .. -. . -=(/)·~ .c:.• ! ~:;.,4·:-o ~-·J -;~·-~ "'fti··~ '-',~· •.~8ER '•·(.~~ ,, /') ...... ~~ ... "''lf,'F WA ~\A~~,,~ ,,,,,.,u,n:,\'