08/20/2013 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of August 20, 2013 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tern Fred Chang and Councilmembers Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Carolyn Powers and Rob Putaansuu were present. Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Treasurer Allan Martin, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, City Attorney Greg Jacoby and Office Assistant II Jenine Floyd were also present. Absent: Councilmember Cindy Lucarelli Commissioner Charlotte Garrido led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Presentation: South Kitsap Recreational Facility Study Commissioner Charlotte Garrido provided a brief presentation on the study results for a South Kitsap Recreational Facility. Over the past few months, the City of Port Orchard, Kitsap County, and a citizen Taskforce, developed a survey to find out people's perspectives on what is currently available to South Kitsap residents, what is not, what are the barriers and what are their comfort levels on paying for such a facility. In April 2013, the survey asked residents preferences for recreational, fitness and arts/ cultural needs. 531 people responded to the survey online or through paper copies. Some of the results provided are: • 92% of the people responding believe a community center is needed in South Kitsap. • Nearly half (41%) of respondents are between the ages of 36-50. • Swimming is clearly the favored indoor activity. • Over 45% of respondents are not sure of what facilities currently exist. • Nearly half of the respondents pay $41 or more per month at current facilities. • Close to 400 respondents favor grants, donations and user fees to help construct and operate a new community center. • Over half of respondents would be willing to help raise funds for a new facility. With the preliminary information available, the City and County will focus efforts on the next steps and public presentations. The Taskforce members will be presenting to local service organizations and agencies to explore and develop partnerships for locating a facility in South Kitsap. She further mentioned she feels strongly about public facilities, and encourages a City/County partnership. August 20, 2013, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 5 In response to Councilmember Chang, she stated there is something on the County's website, informing people what is currently available, and maybe it should be embellished ~pon, and made to be more inviting. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 2. Discussion: Public Art Location Study Development Director Bond stated City Intern Scott Bonjukian was asked to study and prepare a report identifying possible public art locations throughout the City. Scott presented his report at the most recent Public Properties Committee meeting, and at that meeting, the committee recommended the issue be discussed at a Council work study session. The report was emailed to all Council members and they were asked to identify their top 6-8 public art locations in preparation for the discussion. Staff would like to narrow the list of options from the 36 presented in the report to 10-14 preferred locations so that a final draft report can be issued. Once a revised draft report is issued, the report could be presented to the public and varying degrees of public input or participation could be sought. The City's recently received public art donation lead to extensive discussions on public art placement in Port Orchard at both Council study sessions and at Public Properties Committee meetings. Council discussed possible locations which included the Bay Street Pedestrian Path, Central Park, City Hall, Downtown Waterfront, Etta Turner Park, and Givens Field, and noted the ideal locations would be highly visible to the public. Councilmember Putaansuu mentioned that any piece of art which is placed near a playground should become part of the 'playground' as kids might try to play and climb on the structure. Council Direction: Council directed staff to finalize the art location document, including matching the piece of art to the location, and to present the document to the Planning Commission to ask for public comment. 3· Discussion: Council Vacancy City Clerk Rinearson reported the Council needs to meet with the remammg three candidates to appoint a Councilmember to the vacant position number 1, no later than October 31, 2013. The appointment must be made within 90 days of the vacancy. On August 9, 2013, Council interviewed 10 applicants expressing an interest in the Council vacancy position. On August 12, 2013, Council narrowed down the candidates to three. The three candidates, Kim Punt, Jeffrey Cartwright and Trish Tierney, were in attendance at the meeting, and discussed meeting times with the Council. August 20, 2013, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of 5 After a brief discussion, Council agreed to meet 30 minutes before the scheduled appointments to discuss what they will ask the candidates, and also to meet afterwards in Executive Session to discuss the qualifications of the candidates. City Attorney Jacoby reminded the Council they can meet in Executive Session to discuss, but will need to make a decision in an open public meeting. Council Direction: Council directed staff to schedule the interviews for Friday, August 23, 2013. Kim Punt scheduled for 2:30 p.m., Jeffrey Cartwright at 3:00 p.m., and Trish Tierney at 3:30 p.m. The interviews will be held in the Council Conference room. 4· Discussion: Transportation Improvement Board-Tremont Grant Development Director Bond reported he and Public Works Director Dorsey have been working on a TIB application for funding of the Tremont Corridor. One of the funding requests is a letter of commitment from the Council, stating they are willing to fund the City's match for the grant application. This amount is a little under four million dollars. Public Works Director Dorsey thanked Mr. Bond for his work on the grant application and gave a brief description of the grant process and the entities involved. Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the motion to direct staff to provide a letter of support, stating the Council is obligated to financially constrain the project. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 5· Discussion: Social Media Policy City Clerk Rinearson noted some departments have expressed an interest in creating a City Facebook or Twitter account to inform the public of City business. It would be in the City's best interest to first adopt a policy defining individual and departmental responsibilities before the use of City Social Media sites. At the October 16, 2012, Ms. Rinearson showed a presentation on Social media. Council directed staff to create a Social Media Policy before determining if the City is ready to move into the era of Social Media. City Clerk Rinearson showed different social media websites, including the City of Tacoma ·and Kitsap County. She noted you can opt to not have two way communications and you can also disable comments. She also mentioned anything on the City's social media website will be the same information from the City's website. Public Works Director Dorsey noted from a staff perspective, the one way conversation would be the appropriate way to go. August 20, 2013, Work Study Session Minutes Page4of 5 Council Direction: Council directed the City Clerk Rinearson to revise the Social Media policy to state there will only be a one way conversation and no discussion boards. 6. Discussion: SR166/DeKalb Street Planter Public Works Director Dorsey reported that near the DeKalb Pier, there is a wooden planter box which is rotting and becoming an eyesore and a safety issue. He believes this was built by local business owners, but it was built in the City's right-of-way. The railroad ties need to be removed and replaced with Windsor stone. The City could remove and replace the planter box, which would run about $5,300; and the alternative would be to have Progressive Landscape do the work for about $3,300, which includes materials and labor. Council Direction: Council directed staff to contact Progressive Landscapes, LLC to replace the planter box in 2013. 7· Discussion: McCormick Developers Agreement Development Director Bond noted GEM1, LLC approached the City in May requesting a discussion of their vested subdivision approval. The agreement seeks to ensure continuity in development standards as a result of the City's annexation of the McCormick Woods Master Planned Community and the remaining approved, but unconstructed phases of the project. A Public Hearing has been scheduled on the proposed agreement for August 27, 2013. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 8. Discussion: Paul Powers Park Rental Request Development Director Bond reported the Public Properties Committee has recommended that a request to use Paul Powers Park from the Kitsap Peninsula Junior College Football Club be brought to study session for discussion. This organization has requested the use of the park for practice beginning as soon as possible and running until it is too dark to conduct late afternoon practice; sometime in early November. Council discussed a fee for usage, provision for toilets and trash receptacles, and liability insurance requirements. They are requesting use of the park Monday through Friday in the afternoon hours. Public Works Director Dorsey briefly informed the Council of repairs to the park scheduled for 2014. Council Direction: Council directed staff to provide an agreement at the next City Council meeting and to also find out insurance amounts. August 20, 2013, Work Study Session Minutes Page 5 of 5 9· Discussion: Bay Street Mid-Block Crosswalk Request Development Director Bond reported the City has received two requests from businesses for the installation of a mid-block crosswalk on Bay Street. The public properties committee discussed the request and recommended that it be brought to study session for full discussion with the City Council. The City lacks a formal process for processing crosswalk requests. In the absence of such a policy, these requests should be considered on a case by case basis by the City Council. Public Works Director Dorsey said we have to work on where to place the crosswalk since we do not want people crossing the street into a parking lot. There would be pieces to the policy we would need to adhere to which include a traffic study and sight distance. In addition, he asks if the City should even allow mid-block crosswalk. Councilmember Putaansuu stated we are trying to create a pedestrian friendly downtown, but certain things need to be taken into consideration. · Council direction: Council directed staff to create a policy regarding crosswalk requests, including mid-block crosswalks. At 8:47p.m., Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting. ~a A~ Brandy Rinearson, CMC, City Clerk