05/27/2014 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of May 27, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Tim Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Pro-Tern Cindy Lucarelli and Councilmembers Bek Ashby, Jeff Cartwright, Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, and Rob Putaansuu were present and constituted a quorum. City Clerk Rinearson, Public Works Director Dorsey, City Treasurer Martin, Deputy City Clerk Fernandez, and City Attorney Jacoby were also present. Absent: Councilmember John Clauson A. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Matthes led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Matthes announced that the citizen's comments became too personal last week, and he will instruct staff to turn the microphones off and not continue with comments if it happens again tonight. 2. CITIZENS COMMENT Mr. Randy Jones said that people had told him there was not a state shoreline's management permit. If it is shown to him that the City can build out over the water, then he stands corrected. So far, the game department said it was not cleared with WDFW. He put in a public records request today for those documents. He continued to discuss that where he lives, over the water with access to his boat, is lifestyle that he does not want to give up. He does not like having the possibility of losing his home hanging over his head. Other homeowners are losing sleep at night; it is a big deal to them. Mr. Frank Rusk said where they live on Bay Street is a way of life. They want to continue living in their home on the water. Mrs. Nicole Vaught discussed the confirmation of the appointment of Mr. Whittleton to the Planning Commission, which was on the May 13 Council meeting. She thanked the majority of the City Council for approving the appointment. She felt Councilmember Childs made misstatements and misrepresentations of Mr. Whittleton during that discussion. She said that Mr. Whittleton was a speaker of the opposition of Proposition 1. She stated that the comments from Mr. John Holmes in the online version of the Port Orchard Independent were also defamatory, by adding that he had lied on Prop 1. She questioned if Mr. Childs was the driving force behind Prop 1 and if he know who Mr. John Holmes was. She wondered if Mr. Childs was Mr. Holmes. She said Mr. Childs showed a very disturbing side of his character at the May 13 meeting, which is incompatible with his position as a City Minutes of May 27,2014 Page 2 of13 Councilman. He was insulting a citizen by questioning his skill and ability, because he helped to defeat a pet project, or is it simply because he never wanted to work with the Mayor. She does not remember seeing such soul searching when he approved Mrs. Coppola's appointment to the position, while her husband was still Mayor, or Ms. Lucarelli approving Mrs. Coppola staying on the Planning Commission even though she moved out of the City. She felt an apology should be given to Mr. Whittleton and asked for a resignation. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Cartwright seconded the motion approving the Agenda. Councilmember Ashby MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the motion to add Business Item 7F Discussion of Matching Funds for KRCC Phase 2 Multimodal Transportation Plan. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the motion to add Consent Agenda Item 4E Excusing Councilmember Clauson from tonight's meeting. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Lucarelli MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the motion to move Consent Agenda Item 4C to Business Item 7G. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Upon vote, the main motion, as amended passed unanimously. 4· APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Check Nos. 61879 through 61944 in the amount of $233,240.96 B. Approval of May 13, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes C. AuthoFizing the May-oF to Exeeute ContFaet No. 055 14 •ttith Paee EngineeFs, Ine. and ContFaet No. 056 14 vt'ith BHC Consultants, and Chang 0FdeF No. 1 to ContFaet No. 033 14 with Katy Isaksen & Associates fop the 2014 Financial Cap l\nalysis fop VlateF and 8e'IICF D. Approval of Public Event Applications: -Annual SKHS Mock DUI Event Festival by the Bay/Cruz E. Excusal of Councilmember Clauson from the May 27, 2014, Council Meeting Councilmember Cartwright MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the motion approving the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 5· PRESENTATION No presentations were given. 6. PUBLIC HEARING No public hearings were held. 7· BUSINESS ITEMS Minutes of May 27,2014 Page 3 of13 A. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 007-14, Adopting the Amendments to the 2014 Budget City Treasurer Martin presented the staff report, noting the City Budget is written to capture revenue and expense over the fiscal year. During the year changes to the Budget in both revenue and expenditures need to be recognized by Budget Amendment. This Budget Amendment Ordinance recognizes amendments approved by Council action during the first half of the year. The Budget Amendment Ordinance reflects the following: 1. $6,956 from Current Expense Fund 001 to Cumulative Reserve for Equipment Replacement Fund No. 303 for future acquisition of a new vehicle. 2. $30,000 from Cumulative Reserve for Equipment Replacement Fund No. 303 for a 15 passenger 2014 Chevrolet Express Van. 3. $7,500 from Street Fund 002 for signal reserve contract payment to Kitsap County. 4· $18,ooo from Street Capital Projects Fund No. 304 for Universal Field Services. 5· $1,593 from Street Fund No. 002, $2,371 from Water Sewer Fund 401 (Water), $2,371 from Water Sewer Fund 401 (Sewer), and $1,062 from Storm Drainage Fund 421, $7,397 to Current Expense Fund 001 to properly allocate work station cost between the various Funds using the City's Indirect Cost Allocation plan. 6. $13,200 from Water/Sewer Fund No. 401 for hydrological professional services. 7· $82,200 for additional expenses for McCormick Village Park improvements. First from proceeds of timber sales Current Expense Fund No. 001 $31,800 and the remaining $50,400 from the McCormick Woods Park Restricted account Impact Fee Fund No. 111 funds to be transferred to Cumulative Reserve for Municipal Facilities Fund No. 302. 8. $2,000 adjustment between the Municipal Court budget (mise) to Information Technology budget (supplies) for acquisition of an additional part-time employee work station. Mayor Matthes opened the floor for any public comment, and there being no comment, closed the public comment period at 7:16p.m. Minutes of May 27, 2014 Page4of13 Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Lucarelli seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 007-14, amending the 2014 Budget for the City of Port Orchard. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. B. Adoption of Resolution No. 013-14, Stating the City Council's Intent as to Use of the Additional Natural Gas Excise Tax Revenue City Attorney Jacoby presented the staff report, noting during the City Council's discussions pertaining to the first reading of Ordinance No. 010-14, granting a new franchise to Cascade Natural Gas (CNG), several councilmembers expressed a reluctance to increase the excise tax rate the City collects from the gross earnings CNG receives from the sale of natural gas in the City, unless the additional revenue was directed to a specific need of the City. After further discussion, a consensus of the Council agreed that sidewalk and street maintenance and repair is a valuable but frequently underfunded expense. Staff was directed to prepare a resolution stating the City Council's intent to budget additional natural gas excise tax revenue for sidewalk and street maintenance and repair. Councilmember Cartwright MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the motion to adopt Resolution 013-14, stating the City Council's intent to budget the natural gas excise tax revenue in excess of 2%, collected pursuant to the franchise agreement with Cascade Natural Gas, for sidewalk and street maintenance and repair expenses. In response to Councilmember Chang, City Attorney Jacoby said these revenues would be a supplement to the street repairs and maintenance. Councilmember Chang would like to add the word supplement to the proposed resolution. Councilmember Chang MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to revise the resolution to state " ... the City Council hereby states its intent to budget said additional revenue for the purpose of supplementing the annual sidewalk and street maintenance and repair." Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Upon vote, the main motion, as amended passed unanimously. C. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 010-14, Establishing a Franchise Agreement with Cascade Natural Gas City Attorney Jacoby presented the staff report, noting the City entered into a franchise agreement with Cascade Natural Gas Corporation in 1962, allowing Cascade to provide natural gas and natural gas services to the citizens of Port Orchard using City owned right- of-ways. The franchise agreement expires in July of 2014. A new franchise agreement was prepared and approved for first reading at the May 13th Council meeting. At Council's Minutes of May 27,2014 Page 5 of13 request, the agreement has been modified to include a step-up in excise tax revenue for the City, which is currently set at 2%. Beginning January 1, 2015 the excise tax will increase to 4% and then to 6% beginning January 1, 2017. The balance of the agreement is unchanged from the version that was presented for the first reading. The franchise agreement is necessary because Cascade must use City owned right-of-ways to provide natural gas and natural gas services. By statute, franchise agreements require two readings. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Ashby seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 010-14, thereby establishing a new franchise agreement with Cascade Natural Gas Corporation. Councilmember Childs said this has a lot of merit, but he is unwilling to vote for it. He is never in favor of raising taxes. Councilmember Chang said he is not ready to support this, he would like to allow more time for public comment. Councilmember Lucarelli agreed. Councilmember Putaansuu said this is the second reading, and it has been discussed at Work Study. No one has come forward. He is all for listening, but nobody has spoke against it. Councilmember Cartwright agreed with Councilmember Putaansuu. He said this has been discussed since the budget development last year. It has been discussed in the open at least four times and he has not heard one comment. Councilmember Ashby asked if the vote were extended for public comment, what additional outreach would the Council recommend the City do? Councilmember Lucarelli would like to present to the public the information about the upcoming rate increases that we are proposing, including stormwater, and the gap analysis that will be done for water and sewer. All of those things keep adding up. Looking at it by itself, it is not a big deal, but the stormwater rates may more than double in the next three to four years. Councilmember Ashby clarified that Councilmember Lucarelli is proposing delaying this agreement for some time, because the other items will not be ready to take to the public for a while. Public Works Director Dorsey said the water/sewer gap analysis is being worked on, which will lead to a 2015 water/sewer comprehensive plan update, which will then lead to those conversations. The storm gap analysis will lead to a 2015 potential budget item. It is really 2015 that the City will have the conversation about what transportation, storm, water/sewer combined are. If the Council wants to do them all together, they will be done in 2015 for the 2016 Comprehensive Plan adoption. Minutes of May 27, 2014 Page 6 of13 City Attorney Jacoby said one option to consider is to continue this item to the first or second meeting in June, and direct staff to notice a public hearing so that notice would be published in the paper. He also noted by statute a franchise agreement requires five votes to be approved. Councilmember Cartwright said the Council needs to come to the June 24 meeting prepared to vote. He does not want to have to keep extending the old agreement in order to make a decision on something that has been discussed for the past six months. Councilmember Chang wants a notice sent out by a postcard mailer or in the gas bills. City Attorney Jacoby said the City does not do billing for Cascade Natural Gas and that City uses the publishing of notices to the public in the newspaper as a means of communication. City Treasurer Martin said the City of Port Orchard does not know who the gas customers' are and if we did, he suspects it would cost approximately $2,200. Councilmember Putaansuu said the Council has been elected to make these difficult decisions and manage the City's government. They as a body have the responsibility to ·manage the City's affairs and to reach out to their constituents. The cost to the City to do business is going up. If the City does not increase these fees, we end up providing less and less services to the citizens, and kicking the can down the road to the next generation. The Council has gone above and beyond here by stating how the money is going to be spent in the future. He is okay with postponing this, but the Council has to do their due diligence and reach out to folks to get feedback, and invite people to testify. He would like to get this done on the 24~h and not extend this. Councilmember Cartwright does not know of anyone who will come and testify in favor of raising the gas tax. If testimony is received, it will be against raising the fee. Is that going to change the Council's mind after discussing the needs for the increased revenue and how it is going to be dedicated to fund the pavement management system, streets, and sidewalks. The Council has been elected to do the right thing, and they have spent months discussing if this was the right thing. It is not being raised just to raise it, it will goes to the streets. Councilmember Lucarelli said they do not have to raise it. Councilmember Cartwright replied then the Council needs to find additional money to do more than we can with our bare minimum streets. The City does not have the money to do a pavement management system. Without that, we have no chance to apply for grants to do anything more than the bare minimum pothole replacements. It has taken three years to scrounge up some money to get some improvements done on Bethel. This is a way to help try to get ourselves out of the hole. Minutes of May 27, 2014 Page 70f13 Councilmember Childs said he hopes the citizens come out and express their opinions, and he hopes it is meaningful. If they do not show up, he will probably vote for this. He would like the Council to be a little more solid in the way they pay for additional unbudgeted items. Councilmember Ashby recommended moving the discussion to the June 24 meeting, and to do the typical noticing that is done for all other public hearings. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Childs seconded the motion to continue Business Item 7C to June 24 and direct staff to notice a public hearing prior to the second reading on June 24. Councilmember Chang asked if there were funds available to advertise a notice with the Kitsap Sun as well as the Port Orchard Independent. He would prefer a direct mailer to gas company customers. City Attorney Jacoby said he could ask Cascade Natural Gas to post the notice on their website. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. D. Approval of a Public Sidewalk Use Agreement for Bay Street Bistro City Clerk Rinearson presented the staff report, noting Mr. John Strassinger, owner of Bay Street Bistro, has asked permission from the City to use a portion of City's sidewalk in front of his restaurant to place tables and chairs for patrons use. The purpose is to allow dining outside. He would like to do this annually from April to October. The City has sought the advice from A WC and the City Attorney and they approve the use with certain conditions, and those conditions are outlined in the agreement provided to Council and signed by the owner of the restaurant seeking approval. The item was discussed at the Public Properties Committee meeting on May 12, 2014, and the committee recommended this item be presented to the full Council for approval. City Departments have reviewed the application and have submitted their recommendations and/ or comments, which have been provided in the agenda packet. Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Lucarelli seconded the motion to approve the Use of Sidewalk Agreement for Bay Street Bistro, allowing them to use the City's right-of-way adjacent to their business, as presented. Councilmember Putaansuu expressed concern about the $1o fee. He wants to encourage businesses to use the sidewalk and promote their business downtown. He has concerns whether that money would have to be passed onto the State, it is the State right-of-way, and even if we didn't, what would we spend in staff time accounting for $10. Minutes of May 27, 2014 Page 8 of13 Councilmember Ashby said the $10 fee offered because that is the vendor fee that is charged to the hot dog vendor. They felt the fees should be uniform. Councilmember Putaansuu can understand that, but the hot dog vendor does not have a storefront that he is already paying taxes on. He sees that as that merchant space outside of their business. And they have ADA requirements they have to meet. He wishes more businesses would do this. In response to Councilmember Cartwright, Public Works Director Dorsey said the right-of- way is state right-of-way. We can use that right-of-way, but any revenues collected from a lease agreement would have to be given to the state. If you want to create an agreement to let them use it without a fee, the state will not get involved. In response to Councilmember Chang, Public Works Director said the committee agreed on two types of use agreements/sidewalk permits that would guarantee the distinction between a vendor bringing merchandise out on the sidewalk versus a restaurant providing seating, and a guarantee that a minimum four-foot sidewalk space would be established. Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the motion to remove the $10 fee from consideration and make it based on the use agreement. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. Upon vote, the main motion, as amended passed unanimously. E. Discussion: City Flag Policy Ordinance City Clerk Rinearson presented the staff report, noting the City has adopted an official flag, which contains an emblem of Port Orchard City Hall set on a blue background. The City Council has discussed whether to adopt a set of formal policies for use of its official flag. At the February 25, 2014, City Council meeting, staff was asked to prepare a draft Ordinance adopting an official policy for the use of the Port Orchard City Flag. At the April 15, 2014, Work Study Session, staff was directed to revise the draft Ordinance to remove references to any logo and ensure the Ordinance only references the City Flag. A copy of a revised draft Ordinance is presented for discussion. Staff is seeking confirmation that the attached stripped down Ordinance is what the City Council had in mind -or whether an Ordinance is even required. Discussion was held regarding the history of the flag, the progression of changes made to the draft ordinance, copyright protection, selling the flag or making free miniature flags available for promotion, lending out the City's flag, and first amendment rights related to the flag and how the public can use it. Minutes of May 27,2014 Page 9 of13 Council came to a consensus and expressed supporting the draft ordinance as written; and directed staff to put this item on the June 10th Council meeting, under consent for approval. F. Discussion of Matching Funds to KRCC Multimodal Phase 2 Transportation Councilmember Ashby said KRCC asked each jurisdiction today at their meeting to support Phase 2 of the Multi-Modal Transportation Plan. They are seeking funding through the county-wide portion of federal STP funding. This plan is being presented on June 5th to the TransTac Committee. The City's portion of the match would be $1,374. If the funding were awarded, the match would be programmed into the 2015 budget cycle. KRCC is asking for a commitment from each jurisdiction before June 5, 2014. Public Works Director Dorsey said Phase 1 does not get you near the deliverable; you need Phase 2 to finish the project to have a useable document. Councilmember Ashby MOVED and Councilmember Lucarelli seconded the motion that the City of Port Orchard agrees to participate in the matching funds for the Phase 2 Multimodal Transportation Plan in the amount of $1,374 to be added to the 2015 budget. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. G. Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Contract No. 055-14 with Pace Engineers, Inc. and Contract No. 056-14 with BHC Consultants, and Chang Order No. 1 to Contract No. 033-14 with Katy Isaksen & Associates for the 2014 Financial Gap Analysis for Water and Sewer Public Works Director Dorsey presented the staff report, noting on March 25, 2014 the City Council authorized the Mayor to execute Contract No. 033-14, with Katy Isaksen & Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $59,700 for the 2014 Financial Gap Analysis for Water and Sewer. The Isaksen proposal included the work product of two (2) sub- consultants, being PACE Engineers and BHC Consultants. It has come to the attention of Finance Department staff that Katy Isaksen & Associates, Inc. intended to have PACE and BHC independently bill the City for their services outlined within the Isaksen proposal. As the Finance Department is unable to support this billing procedure, two (2) additional Professional Services Agreements are needed to rectify the matter, along with the issuance of Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 033-14, thereby reducing the amount not to exceed to $37,900. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute Contract No. 055-14 with PACE Engineers in an amount not to exceed $11,000 and Contract No. 056-14 with BHC Consultants in an amount not to exceed $10, Boo, and Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 033-14 for the 2014 Financial Gap Analysis for Water and Sewer. In response to Councilmember Lucarelli, Public Works Director Dorsey said Katy Isaksen does rate studies for firms. She needs support of the authors of our water/ sewer plan. In her Minutes of May 27,2014 Page 10 of13 original proposal, she had included PACE Engineers to look through the capital improvement plan, reprioritize, and take projects out that have already been approved, so that there was a clear understanding of what our capital improvement plan looks like today and in 2015. Katy Isaksen is the author of the document, but BHC and PACE are the water/sewer respective experts for our utility. When we originally issued the contract, it is very common to have a sub-consultants working for the consultant. Isaksen is unable to send out bills and invoicing, so the City is paying the invoices for the amount that was included in the original proposal. Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Ashby seconded the motion to authorize the Mayor to execute Contract No. 055-14 with PACE Engineers in an amount not to exceed $11,000, and Contract No. 056-14 with BHC Consultants in an amount not to exceed $10, Soo, and Chang Order No. 1 to Contract No. 033-14 for the 2014 Financial Gap Analysis for Water and Sewer. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 8. COMMITIEE REPORTS Councilmember Childs reported the minutes are out for the last Finance Committee Meeting. Councilmember Ashby said the next ED/Tourism Committee meeting is scheduled for June 9th at City Hall. She reported the steering committee for the wayfinding system had an initial meeting last week. Councilmember Putaansuu reported the next Utility Committee meeting is June 20th. At the last meeting, they discussed Well10 development along Maple Street and how the line is dangerously close to the embankment. They do not want to make an improvement and have it wash out. They will need to buy a house at the top of the hill. The owners seem receptive. Councilmember Cartwright reported the next Public Property committee is scheduled for June 9th at City Hall. Councilmember Ashby reported that she attended the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council meeting today. Meeting highlights included West Sound transportation priorities; Housing Advisory Team recommendations; Agency Review Team update; SKIA received money from the supplemental fund; Bainbridge Island received $2MM from regional funds in a partnership with Washington State Ferries; housing policy plans; and a letter being sent to our congressional representatives regarding the congressional reauthorization of the Federal Highway Trust Fund. Councilmember Chang gave a report on the Washington Fair Housing Conference. He said it dealt mainly with housing discrimination, CDBG, emergency grants, rehabilitating areas, Minutes of May 27,2014 Page 11 of13 assisting with start up businesses. Councilmember Lucarelli noted that they said Seattle is the fastest growing place for minorities in the work place. Councilmember Childs gave a report on the Kitsap Economic Development Alliance's quarterly board meeting, where they discussed economic development, and how entities and communities can work together. 9. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Matthes thanked Development Director Bond on his work on Vision Port Orchard. Mayor Matthes reported that Port Orchard had a successful Memorial weekend with numerous events throughout the downtown area. Mayor Matthes announced the God Bless America concert and Point of Light Awards Ceremony honoring local veterans will be Sunday, June 8th, 6:oop.m. at Christ the Rock Community Church. 10. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS In response to Councilmember Ashby, Public Works Director Dorsey said he hopes to have a discussion with Council during one of the June meetings to discuss the findings from the preliminary contract work done for the five homes over the water on Bay Street. City Treasurer Martin announced the next Finance Committee meeting is June 6, 2014, at 7:30 a.m. at the Family Pancake House. City Clerk Rinearson announced AWC is unable to do the required OPMA/PDR training in June, but they can do it on July 15th during the Work Study session. She reported that Public Works received two safety grants from AWC for the Van Zee parking lot light improvements, and making the ADA-compliant v-grooves to get water off the sidewalks on Bay Street. 11. CITIZENS COMMENTS Ms. Gerry Harmon said since she does come to the study sessions, and has not talked about the gas increase, she did not think there was a chance in making a difference in that issue. That was her opinion. She recalled the woman who had testified about the recycling cost. Most of the Council has made salaries that these little increments do not affect their way of living a lot. The woman did not have a way out because she has been lumped into the whole community. She does not think the Council thinks about how it affects those people with low incomes. Exceptions need to be granted for special circumstances. She said even though these things are not going to be happening until 2015, there is a perception in the community that by the time this information is presented to the public, the Council already has their minds made up. People need to know what is coming down the line and how it is going to affect their quality of life. The Council has to start thinking about what is happening in the future and let the public know. Minutes of May 27, 2014 Page 12 of13 Mayor Matthes said that staff is in negotiations with Waste Management to see what can be done to accommodate people who needs limited garbage service. He also said stormwater is a big deal, and it is not something the City takes lightly. The City has done the absolute minimum every year for the last several on stormwater and the City cannot continue to do that. The item that Councilmember Lucarelli was talking about is just the beginning of things we are going to have to do to take care of mandates from the State for stormwater. He wants the public to realize it is coming. The City cannot say what the amounts are, because they have not figured it out. He said as soon as the City has a good guesstimate, they would let the public know. Councilmember Cartwright says the Council does hear the public . It was her comment that got him to change his mind about which project to do first with the UW students. Councilmember Putaansuu said regarding the stormwater analysis, the Utility Committee saw the report a week before the rest of the Council saw it. They are not hiding information, it was the first time the Council had seen the information and the Utility Committee saw it a week beforehand. They hire these consultants; they know the result is these utilities are being underfunded. He has a good idea what these consultants are going to say when we engage them. The City will not have all of the informational pieces until the end of 2015. Councilmember Lucarelli said that was the whole point of bringing up the natural gas excise tax, to allow people to weigh in on that. Some Councilmembers do not feel comfortable raising the tax. The question is how many increases everyone can handle. That is her motivation. Mrs. Elissa Whittleton stated for the record when the gas increase was initially discussed, she and her husband did voice their opinions on the matter. Their initial reaction was at the time it was brought up, it seemed like an arbitrary increase to have it match the rates of the electricity fees . She had brought up that she believed the electric rates were higher to encourage people to use natural gas. She can understand where the City wants to use the proposed increase revenues. Councilmember Childs commented regarding the public comment that was made earlier and he wanted to make a clarification. The concern was he voted against Mr. Whittleton and that he was insulted. When he ran for election this last time, 38 percent of the people voted against him and he does not take it as an insult. He considered it their privilege to determine how they wanted to vote. In terms of confirming the Planning Commission appointments, the Council does not rubber stamp the appointments . It was not his intention to insult Mr. Whittleton, and if that is how it was taken, he apologized. It was his intention to exercise his voting privilege. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION No executive session was held. 13. ADJOURNMENT At 9 :03p.m ., Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting. Minutes of May 27, 2014 Page 13 of13