08/19/2014 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of August 19, 2014 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Tim Matthes and Councilmembers Jeff Cartwright, John Clauson, Fred Chang, Bek Ashby, Rob Putaansuu, and Jerry Childs were present. Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Assistant City Engineer Andrea Archer-Parsons, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, City Attorney Greg Jacoby and Office Assistant II Jenine Floyd were also present. Absent: Councilmember Cindy Lucarelli Mayor Matthes led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Discussion: Stormwater Gap Analysis/Rate Increase Assistant City Engineer Archer-Parsons stated there is a rate increase that came about from the GAP analysis, and Council requested her to create a short list of Capital projects, which included Ruby Creek Crossing/Shoulder Stabilization; Arnold Creek Box Culvert; Prospect Alley Drainage & Outfall; Sidney Parkway /Waterfront Parking Outfall; and Port Street Drainage Improvement. All these are in the downtown location, and are the most viable to do with the revenue coming in, should the rate increase move forward. In response to Councilmember Putaansuu, Ms. Archer-Parsons noted if the Council was to implement the full increase indicated by the GAP analysis; it would take about 2 years to bring in over $soo,ooo. Council and staff discussed the different projects, impacts on downtown, and grant possibilities. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 2. Discussion: Stormwater B&B Rates Assistant City Engineer Archer-Parsons stated there are currently three known Bed and Breakfast (B&B) businesses within City limits, and they had been assessed as residential rates. While determining where the rate structures would go, matching what the code states, it was found these businesses would need to be reassessed as a commercial business. Two of the businesses would see little to no change, but one would see a larger increase. This was brought to the Utilities Committee, who then requested a poll of other jurisdictions to see how they handle their B&B storm water rates. In response to Councilmember Childs, Public Works Director Dorsey noted the accepted average for a single family residence for impervious surface is 3,000 square feet. August 19, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2ofs In response to Councilmember Ashby, Ms. Archer-Parsons noted one B&B is less than 3,000 square feet, one is less than 6,ooo square feet and they will add one impervious surface unit to their bill, and the other one has around 15,000 square feet. Councilmember Putaansuu stated the code says to treat this as commercial, so we should follow the code. Council Direction: Council directed staff to follow what the Port Orchard Municipal Code states, and charge B&B's as commercial businesses. 3· Discussion: Public Vending at Court House and Other Locations City Clerk Rinearson noted the Clerk's office received an application from the Pink-a- Nator to have a food truck take up two stalls by the County building. This was brought to Public Properties, who recommended giving a go day trial to see how it works. The Director of Administrative Services at the County sent an email voicing her concerns about how it will impact the operations of the county facilities, including impeding public access to the Courthouse by reducing the availability of already limited parking, as was as a safe place for patrons to access the truck and eat their food once purchased. Councilmember Putaansuu reminded the Council that a citizen commented the other night about going to the County to drop her ballot off and there was no place to park. Michelle, the owner of the Pink-a-Nator food truck, pointed out where she would like to park, which includes in front of the Administrative building, by the Court House, and farther down by the jury parking lot, near Sidney and Division. Mayor Matthes noted he spoke to Commissioner Garrido who would have appreciated more notice and more information than what she has received. It is important for the operation of their business. She does not want a decision made without being able to weigh in. Councilmember Clauson is more concerned about the access for the citizens. We have already given up a couple stalls for dropping off ballots. Councilmember Cartwright noted they spoke in depth of the impact of the parking versus the convenience of having a food service truck there, and would it impact having other businesses who would like to do that. They spoke about designating a spot for vendors who want to do this, as well as finding an off-street parking like where the current hot dog vendor is located at. Councilmember Putaansuu stated there are two areas underutilized by the County. One area is on Dwight Street in front of the Admin building, and the other is the gravel lot on the backside of the jail. August 19, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 5 In response to Councilmember Clauson, Michelle stated her truck is 10x18, which is why she is requesting two parking stalls. Council and staff briefly discussed utilizing parking on Cline Avenue, near the corner of Division Street. Council Direction: Council would like to hear back from the County and the County Commissioners on the Pink-a-Nator using the parking stalls. Staff will contact the County, and ask them about parking on the corner of Cline and Division and to see if there are any other concerns. 4· Discussion: Public Records Request Code Update and Adoption of a Policy City Clerk Rinearson reported some information needs to be clarified in the Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) regarding public records requests. She also provided a draft Public Records Processing Policy, which has been routed to all the department directors as well as the City Attorney. She noted section 5.12 of the policy states each department should not dedicate any more than twenty percent of their time responding to a single request. This comes out to about 8 hours a week. Also, sections 5.8 and 5.9 define what is a routine and non-routine request. In response to City Attorney Jacoby, City Clerk Rinearson stated this is the process the staff would follow when they receive a request. If the Council receives a request, it should be routed to her. City Clerk Rinearson mentioned this will go back before Council for consideration at a later meeting. In response to Councilmember Chang, City Clerk Rinearson stated that it is not required for someone to request records in writing; they can verbally request documents. In response to Councilmember Clauson, City Clerk Rinearson stated employees from each department have been trained on public records requests. Council and staff briefly discussed refresher courses and updates on employee personnel manuals, policies, and public records requests. Council Direction: Council advised the City Clerk to change the wording 'Executive Branch' to the 'City' in the policies; change 'Elected Officials' and 'All Departments' to 'All City Employees and Elected Officials.' August 19, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page4ofs 5· Discussion: Public Event Coordinator/Economic Development Plan Councilmember Ashby reported at the Economic Development & Tourism Committee, it was noted the City does not have a policy on the administration of our public events. Some of the items discussed were to have a point of contact for the use of the City's logo; establish and maintain demographic information; media kit; event calendar maintenance; create a point of contact for regional marketing and non profits; and develop a way to market Port Orchard for future events. Also, the City needs a public event coordinator, and these tasks would fall under their duties. Councilmember Cartwright mentioned they did talk about funding the position from lodging tax, or the general fund. Councilmember Ashby said the thought was once the media kit is developed, it just needs to be maintained after that. She was initially thinking about 4 hours a week. They would come up with the policy, and the Clerk's office will come up with the 'how' and the means. Councilmember Childs said he worked on the City of Seattle's Special Events Committee. A representative of every department was on the committee, and the committee handled everything. No event could happen without being brought forth to that committee. The City of Port Orchard could also have something like this. Councilmember Putaansuu said we do need a policy, and it would be a logical thing to fund this type of position through lodging tax, which is for funding tourism and events. Councilmember Clauson noted that this is a valuable thing, but where does it fit in the priority of everything the City needs? The Retreat might be an appropriate time to discuss this. A policy is great thing, but we need to realize it takes time to implement and process. Council briefly discussed lodging tax funding, the need for a policy and an events coordinator for the City. Council Direction: Council directed staff to add discussion of a policy and a Public Events Coordinator to the Council Retreat. 6. Discussion: Tremont Funding Update Council and staff discussed funding for Tremont widening, noting funding had been extremely challenging to get, and the clock is ticking. If we would be able to stop the clock, and do this in bite size pieces, it might be easier. If we cannot get the rules changed, we are August 19, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 5 of 5 stuck on this path, which is trying to find someone to fund this project; otherwise, the City will need to repay $3.6 million. We should consider contacting our state legislators. Council Direction: Councilmember Clauson will contact the offices of Congressman Derek Kilmer and Senator Patty Murray, and check their availability on attending a meeting regarding funding for the Tremont widening project. At 8:51p.m. Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting. 0~~(1~ Timothy C. atthes, Mayor