09/16/2014 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of September 16, 2014 1. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Tim Matthes and Councilmembers Jeff Cartwright, John Clauson, Fred Chang, Bek Ashby, Cindy Lucarelli, Rob Putaansuu, and Jerry Childs were present. Development Director Nick Bond, City Treasurer Allan Martin, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and Office Assistant II J enine Floyd were also present. Mayor Matthes led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Presentation & Discussion: Lodging Tax Committee Recommendations Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) member Frank Graziani, with the Saints Car Club, discussed the hotel/motel funding allocations with the Council. He noted the process this year is a little different. Each committee member was asked to turn in paperwork indicating the amount they thought each recipient should receive; then they averaged the total amounts. He said they were able to keep $12,000 for reserve. In addition, they were able to recommend amounts for all recipients. In response to Councilmember Putaansuu; Councilmember Chang stated Visit Kitsap did not indicate what they would do with their funding. Councilmember Chang briefly discussed the total hotel/motel funding, and how it was distributed. In response to Councilmember Ashby, City Clerk Rinearson said the numbers recommended by the Committee cannot be changed. The Council can accept, or not accept, the numbers. They can go one by one, and accept the funding recommended, but if the funding amount is not accepted, the recipient will receive no funding. In response to Councilmember Lucarelli, Mr. Graziani, Councilmember Chang and Councilmember Ashby explained the differences between Explore Port Orchard, Port Orchard Bay Street Association, and the Chamber of Commerce. Councilmember Childs would like to know what these organizations spent their money on last year. We are trying to evaluate if this is a good use of citizens money, and to do that, we need to know what they are doing with their money. He would also like more information on foot ferry ridership. Councilmeniber Ashby would like to see Visit Kitsap funded fully. As far as the foot ferry is concerned, the additional $s,ooo allocated to them for marketing is excessive, and would like to see some of that allocated to Visit Kitsap. September 16, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of3 City Clerk Rinearson reiterated if the Council choose to reject the recommended amounts, it would go back before the committee, who would then bring the Council another recommendation. Councilmember Lucarelli appreciates the work the committee does each year. Council Direction: Councilmembers requested staff to provide what each organization receives for reimbursement each year through their receipts and checks; and to add this to the next Council meeting agenda for approval. 3· Update: City Legal Services Mayor Matthes provided the Council with an engagement letter from Foster Pepper for interim City legal services, which would be used until another law firm is selected. They would only be used if a major lawsuit is filed against the City. There would be no retainer; we would only pay for services used. In addition, he provided documents from Carol Morris with Morris Law, who would be used for interim day to day legal services for the City. He asked the Council to provide any comments or questions to him by the end of the week. Council and staff briefly discussed retainer amounts and services from the two entities. Council Direction: Council asked City Treasurer Martin to provide the hours used by the former City Attorney since the first of the year; month by month. 4· Discussion: Mixed Use Zone Changes Development Director Bond stated an analysis was run on 640 Bay Street to determine development scenarios for the property, so we had an idea of what was possible for the property. They are just finishing up the asbestos abatement and should be finished by Friday. The demolition could begin next week. Currently, this is a Mixed Use Zone, which causes some concern for residential density. He discussed height, lot coverage, minimum unit size, and parking requirements for this location. He asked the Council, for this particular location, how many units would make a viable project, and is this something we need to study further and come up with other proposals. In response to Councilmember Putaansuu, Development Director Bond stated there are structural issues with the regulations, and the mixed use zone can be applied to other parts of the City. Council and staff discussed zoning, clarification on what is currently allowed in the Downtown Overlay District (DOD), and possible considerations for the property. September 16, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of3 In response to Councilmember Ashby, Development Director Bond noted this is not a Comprehensive Plan change; this would be an amendment to the development regulations. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 5· Discussion: Park Rules Development Director Bond stated we have no adopted park rules. He spoke to the police about how they enforce park rules, and they said they can only enforce things backed by the RCW. They cannot enforce park hours, or what can, or cannot be done in a park. He provided a draft park ordinance which references all activities, hours and animals within City parks that could be enforced. Also, Public Works Director Dorsey has ordered temporary signs to put up at public parks, but if we want these to be enforced, we will need a code adopted. Councilmember Childs is not in favor of the proposed regulations, since behavior and activity in City parks has not been problematic enough for law enforcement. Councilmember Putaansuu said there are components of this which are needed for enforcement, but he still has some concerns. Councilmember Cartwright believes these rules are in case someone does something in a park which will need enforcement, because at this time, there is nothing law enforcement can do. Councilmembers continued to discuss the proposed park rules, and how they would relate to the different city parks. Development Director Bond stated there are enough concerns to seek additional comments and bring it back to Public Properties for discussion. Council Direction: Council directed staff to have the Police department review the proposed park rules and regulations. At 8 :20p.m ., Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting .