10/21/2014 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of October 21, 2014 Mayor Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Tim Matthes and Councilmembers Jeff Cartwright, John Clauson, Fred Chang, Bek Ashby, Cindy Lucarelli, Rob Putaansuu, and Jerry Childs were present. Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Treasurer Allan Martin, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and Office Assistant II J enine Floyd were also present. ·Mayor Matthes led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Presentation: KRCC-ART Committee Update Commissioner Gelder gave a brief update on KRCC-ART (Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council -Agency Review Team). Last December, a five member team was appointed as the Agency Review Team, who would look at the functions of the organizational structure of KRCC. This included representation from all jurisdictions in the County. The team went back to what was the original mission and purpose of KRCC, and reconfirming what was the importance of that type of governance. He also discussed the function, form and funding of the organization, and stated they are under a Management Services Contract; however it has also been announced that the contract with Mary McClure with McClure Consulting is expiring in December and they have no plans on the transition yet. After a brief discussion, it was noted the KRCC-ART Committee would recommend an interlocal agreement. This would not increase dues, but agencies would be required to pay a fee if funds are received. The cost is unknown at this time. Council Direction: Council directed staff to add this discussion to the October 28, 2014, Council meeting for consideration. 2. Discussion: Legislative Agenda Development Update Briahna Taylor with Gordon Thomas Honeywell discussed the list of the draft 2015 Legislative Priorities and asked the Council to provide feedback. The priorities included: • Capital Funding Request: DeKalb Pier Phase II • Transportation Funding: West Sound Alliance, which includes funding request for Tremont Widening • Supporting A WC on the following issues; Protect State-Shared Revenues; Local Distribution of Transportation Revenue; Public Works Assistance Account and Public Records Act Reform. In addition, Ms. Taylor provided the Council with what to expect in 2015: • West Sound Alliance -Regional Transportation Advocacy • Transportation Revenue Package • Operating Budget • Capital Budget • Ferry and Bridge Services October 21, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 Ms. Taylor indicated she will be attending a meeting with the Department of Transportation early in November with Public Works Director Dorsey and City Treasurer Martin regarding the Tremont Widening Project. She also discussed new revenue options and greater flexibility from the A WC Legislative Committee summary and recommendations: • Lift the 1% Property Tax Cap • Greater Authority and Flexibility for REET Council Direction: Council directed Ms. Taylor to add the following to their legislative priorities; REET flexibility, marijuana regulations, full RCO funding, and to monitor and report back on discussions regarding the 1% property tax cap. 3· Discussion: 2015 Budget & Revenue City Treasurer Allan Martin stated there is a slightly different format for the 2015 Preliminary Budget and Budget Worksheets than in the previous years. He gave a brief overview of the documents and how the information is displayed. This is also the first year for extended budgeting, which allows for greater detail and flexibility. In response to Councilmember Putaansuu, Mr. Martin agreed this is due to the new accounting software. 4· Discussion: Finance Committee Meeting Councilmember Clauson noted the Finance Committee had discussed meeting the 31st of October for budget discussions with the department directors; however, he is unable to attend that day. He would like to reschedule the meeting, as most of the Council would like to attend as well. Council and staff briefly discussed which days they would be able to meet. Council Direction: Council agreed to schedule the Finance Committee meeting to Wednesday, November 12, 2014, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall. 5· Update: Ad Hoc Committee on Hiring City Attorney Process Councilmember Cartwright stated the Ad Hoc Committee met three times and have put together a packet for City Attorney Recruitment Process. The outline details the following: October 21, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of4 • Reviewed current POMC 2.08.020 to identify job duties for recruitment • Requested and reviewed information from MRSC regarding internal v. contract and hiring process/procedures • Met with Carol Morris to gain a better understanding of expectations on a recruitment process • Requested and reviewed attorney billing information to assist in determining above needs • Required and reviewed additional information • Developed recommendations on internal v. contract • Developed recommendations on a recruitment process In addition, it is recommended that the ad hoc committee remain intact until the posting of the materials for the job announcement have been finalized. Once the job announcement is released, the ad hoc committee shall consider its work finished. Councilmember Ashby said she spoke to the city of Black Diamond, and they had posted their job last December and had to repost in January since they did not get enough applicants; they only had six. The city of Marysville had to do the same. In response to Public Works Director Dorsey, Councilmember Cartwright mentioned since the job will not be posted until January, it would be a 12 to 16 week process to hire a city attorney. Council briefly discussed having an in-house attorney versus a contracted attorney, but it was noted for budgeting and space purposes, it is not in the City's best interest to have an in-house attorney. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. Councilmember Childs left the meeting at 9:18p.m. 6. Discussion: 100 Melcher Property-City Owned Development Director Bond stated there is a mobile home partially located on a City parcel that is part of the old Ross Creek Sewer System. The City does not need to own this property, and there is not a lot of benefit of keeping it. We have an opportunity to sell the property to the mobile home park owner, get a street vacation, or request the mobile home be moved off of the City's property. The City would pay stormwater fees. In response to Councilmember Putaansuu, Development Director Bond noted if they do not want to buy the property, we could lease it, or tell them the mobile home has to be moved. October 21, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 4 of 4 In response to Councilmember Clauson, Development Director Bond noted there is a right-of-way adjacent to the lot. Council Direction: Council directed staff to move forward contacting the property owner about purchasing the property. At 9:30 p.m. Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting . ...........