11/04/2014 - Special - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Special Meeting of November 4, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Tim Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Pro-Tern Cindy Lucarelli and Councilmembers Bek Ashby, John Clauson, Jeff Cartwright, Fred Chang, and Jerry Childs were present and constituted a quorum. Development Director Bond, Associate Planner Andrews, and Office Assistant II Floyd were also present. Absent: Councilmember Putaansuu A. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Matthes led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZENS COMMENT No citizen comments. 3.APPROVALOFAGENDA Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Lucarelli seconded the motion approving the agenda as distributed. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 4· APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent agenda items. 5· PRESENTATION There were no presentations. 6. PUBLIC HEARING A. Public Hearing and Consideration of the 2014 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Development Director Bond presented the staff report, noting the Planning Commission has completed its review of nine proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments for 2014. Of the amendments that have been reviewed, 7 originated on the 2014 agenda approved by the City Council at its July 22, 2014, meeting with one of those applications having been subsequently withdrawn by the city Council at its October 28, 2014, meeting. The other two amendments were initiated by staff and have been reviewed and recommended by the Planning Minutes of November 4, 2014 Page 2 of7 Commission as a late addition to the 2014 docket. All'of the amendments have been reviewed by the Planning Commission in conjunction with Public Hearings held September 15 or October 20 respectively. The eight amendments before the City Council at this meeting along with the Planning Commission recommendation are the South Kitsap School District Amendment; the Living Hope Community Baptist Church Amendment; the Vogel Amendment; the Bethel Road LLC/Kvinsland Amendment; the Parks Plan Amendments; the Local Centers Amendment; the Transportation Plan Amendments; and the Capital Facilities Plan Amendment. Once the Mayor has opened the Public Hearing, he would like to call for testimony on each of the amendments, one by one, and before the testimony, he will give details on each. After each of the amendments, he would like Council discussion, and they can ask questions of staff, which will help him draft an ordinance which will be presented at the second meeting in November. Mayor Matthes opened the Public Hearing at 7:04p.m. Development Director Bond stated the South Kitsap School District Amendment is a request for Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments and Rezones for two sites, including the 57.29- acre future high school site on Feigley Road and a 2.58-acre portion of the Hoover Ave Campus Area, from R4.5 and R8 zoning and Residential low and medium comprehensive plan designations to Community Facilities zoning and Public and Community Spaces comprehensive plan designation. The Planning Commission and staff recommendation is to approve the amendments, and public testimony was received: written comments provided and oral testimony reflected in the Planning Commission minutes from September 15, 2014. No public comments testimony was heard. Development Director Bond stated the Living Hope Community Baptist Church Amendment is a request for a Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone of a site with an existing church facility from residential medium density to commercial/business professional I. The Planning Commission recommendation is to deny the application and staff recommendation is to approve the application, and public testimony was received: written testimony received and oral testimony reflected in the Planning Commission minutes from September 15, 2014. Joe Parkinson, pastor of the Living Hope Community Baptist Church, is asking the Council to vote in favor of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment change for their property. The church building was built in 1945, and what worked for a church in 1945 does not work today in regards to zoning and the building. Currently, they have 12 parking spaces. As they have grown, they are maxing out the use of the building. He would like the zoning changed, so the building can be repurposed in a way to be beneficial for everyone involved, and especially the community. Without any zoning changes, they would continue as a church, yet at they have grown, they have realized the impact of operating a church at that location. The designation would more likely result in a reduction of traffic, parking, and noise. Minutes of November 4, 2014 Page 3 of7 In response to Councilmember Childs, Mr. Parkinson mentioned they have discussed turning the church into a counseling center, or renting out some of the space to generate revenue for the church. Also, it is a possibility they could move out of the church. In response to Councilmember Lucarelli, Development Director Bond noted the Planning Commission denied the application because when they did the plan for the County campus, it was decided that one side of Sidney would be business professional, and the other side would be residential. Associate Planner Andrews mentioned they cannot recreate what the review process was long ago, as some of these did not come through Community Development for review when new tenants have moved it. Their process has changed a lot in the past 7 or 8 years, and they require different things when businesses move in. Gil Michael has been on the Planning Commission for 19 years. They have had numerous conversations throughout the years about the dividing line of the County facilities. Several years ago, they created the professional business district. They had many meetings on where the boundaries were, and also where and why certain parcels were zoned. It was decided that the dividing line would be Sidney. He appreciates what the church is trying to do, but the City has a set of goals, and separating the business professional district by Kendall, limits the growth of the County facility. He supports the continued retention of the property by the church. One of the things they heard from the Planning Commission meeting is this request is because they possibly want to sell the property. He hesitates to name it business professional so it enhances the sale of the property. He is asking the Council to maintain the present zoning. Steve Miller is a union representative. He understands the dividing line and the reasons behind it, but there are in fact other businesses that have offices on that side of the street. There is an issue of what is fair, and what is equitable. As far as us having a plan to make this marketable, we have no plans right now to do that, we are just looking for flexibility and different options. Development Director Bond stated the Vogel Amendment is a request for a comprehensive plan map amendment and rezone to change the designation on a portion of property from Greenbelt to Commercial. The Planning Commission made a recommendation for a modified approval, and staff recommendation is to deny the application, and public testimony was received: written testimony received and oral testimony reflected in the Planning Commission minutes from September 15, 2014. Gil Michael stated in 2002 staff proposed a policy to revise the greenbelt designation of certain parcels along Blackjack Creek. The parcels we are talking about are along SE Lund Avenue. At that time, he felt the revision was unfair as it took developable land that could be used in the future for someone to develop the property into the concurrent zoning on either side of the existing parcels. One hundred percent of the people that testified do not Minutes of November 4, 2014 Page 4 of7 want commercial, and the Planning Commission agreed. Two years ago, Council put this off until this year and all it would take would be a reevaluation of this process to get the attorney to provide the standards of a new application, he asks the Council to bring this forth next year. Development Director Bond noted The Bethel Road LLC/Kvinsland Amendment is a request for a Comprehensive Plan map amendment and rezone to adjust the split zoning delineation on a property, which is partially zoned greenbelt and partially zoned commercial to more accurately follow the top of slope line. The Planning Commission recommendation is to deny, staff recommendation is to deny and there was no public testimony received. No public testimony was heard. Development Director Bond noted the Parks Plan Amendments is a request for several amendments to the Parks Plan, as submitted by the Mayor, concerning designating South Park for use as a dog park, Lundberg Park for use as a barrier free ADA accessible park, and to correct a naming discrepancy concerning Clayton Park (Central Park). The Planning Commission recommendation it to approve the Clayton Park and South Park amendments and deny the Lundberg Park Amendment. Staff recommendation is to approve, and public testimony was received reflected in the minutes from September 15, 2014. George Warrington asked the Council to change the name of the community park 'South Park' located at 4940 Bethel Road SE, to 'H&T Tripp Park' after the family who donated the park to the City. It is typical that public use properties retain the name of the donor. Mayor Matthes said South Park is not the actual name of the park; it is just a descriptive name. Development Director Bond noted if the Council would like to have the name change consideration, they could sponsor the amendment and send to the Planning Commission for review. KT Arthur is very involved with the dog community. She would like to encourage every forward motion we could for getting a dog park. Development Director Bond noted the Local Centers Amendment is a request for a text amendment to the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to identify Centers of Local Importance consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies Element E and Appendix F. Planning Commission and staff recommendation is to approve, and no public testimony was received. By taking action on this, we can forward on to KRCC the centers that have been identified in the local plan. No public testimony was heard. Minutes of November 4, 2014 Page 5 of7 Development Director Bond noted the Transportation Plan Amendments are a request to adopt the 2011 Transportation Plan Update and the 6-Year TIP by reference adding the plans to Appendix G of the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission and staff recommendation is to approve and no public testimony was received. No public testimony was heard. Development Director Bond noted the Capital Facilities Plan Amendment is a request to add the purchase of the 640 Bay Street Property to the Capital Facilities Plan as an Administrative Facility (Vacant Property Reserved for Future Economic Development) which is adopted by reference into the City's Comprehensive Plan Appendix G. The Planning Commission and staff recommendation is to approve and no public testimony was received. No public testimony was heard. There being no further testimony, Mayor Matthes closed the Public Hearing at 7:53 p.m. In response to Mayor Matthes, Development Director Bond stated he would like the Council to discuss these amendments, as he needs to write an ordinance on the findings, which he will bring forward the end of November. Council and staff continued to discuss each of the proposed comprehensive plan amendments and gave Development Director Bond their recommendations. Mayor Matthes stated he had a letter he forgot to read during public testimony and therefore, re-opened the Public Hearing at 8:09 p.m. Mayor Matthes read a letter into record from Alyssa Whittleton regarding the Parks Plan Amendments. Mayor Matthes closed the Public Hearing at 8:10p.m. Councilmember Cartwright suggested reopening the public hearing to ask if anyone had any comments regarding the letter. Mayor Matthes reopened the Public Hearing, and there being no testimony, closed the Public Hearing at 8:10p.m. Council and staff continued discussing the proposed comprehensive plan amendments, and gave Development Director Bond their recommendations. Minutes of November 4, 2014 Page 6 of7 Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Clauson seconded the motion excusing Councilmember Putaansuu from the meeting. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously. 7· BUSINESS ITEMS A. Discussion: Wayfinding Signs and Logo Alternatives Development Director Bond presented the staff report, noting the City Council funded a project in its 2014 budget for the development of a system of wayfinding signs and the development of a City logo to be tied into this system. The Mayor assembled a committee of citizens to advise the consultants as they worked on developing the logo and wayfinding sign system. For the past five months, this committee has met about once a month to review concepts and to synthesize them down to three alternatives. In order to complete the project, one of the three alternatives will need to be selected so that a wayfinding system plan can be created, including the development ·of bid ready specifications. The presentation from October 28th was intended as an introduction to the process of how the logo and sign concepts were developed. Council will now need to decide how it wants to go about selecting the preferred alternative. This could involve a public process or it could be decided directly by the City Council. Councilmember Lucarelli thought the work that was done was very nice, but it does not fit Port Orchard. When she looks at it, she thinks international airport or new shopping area; she does not see historic in this. The color palate looks like they were used on a gloomy, cloudy, dismal day. She does not see Port Orchard as this gray, cloudy, dark place. In response to Councilmember Childs, Development Director Bond noted this is potentially getting ahead of ourselves. The thought is this will need to be reworked, or some other alternative. Per the contract, the consultant worked with the committee to come up with the alternatives, and coming up with more alternatives is not in the contract. Councilmember Ashby said in serving on the committee, they came up with the three final options, and they went through many variations and pages. She personally likes all of them. They do say Port Orchard. She sees them as marine and mariner. She thought a reasonable public involvement would be to put them on a social platform and asking people to list which ones they like, or don't like. In response to Councilmember Childs, Development Director Bond stated there was $40,000 for designing the entire system. From that we were going to have bid ready documents. We have spent about half of the contract amount so far. In response to Councilmember Cartwright, Development Director Bond noted the Wayfinding Committee consisted of the Mayor, Mark Dorsey, Councilmember Ashby, Chris Stansbery, Trish Tierney, Amy Miller, Gary Johnson, and himself. Minutes of November 4, 2014 Pa e 7 of7 Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Cartwright seconded the motion moving this to a work study. Upon vote, the motion passed with four affirmative votes and hvo dissenting votes. Councilmembers Ashby and Chang cast the dissenting votes. 13. ADJOURNMENT At 8:43 p.m., Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting. ·~~:LAM-'~£ Wltltitte& Timothy C. M tthes, Mayor