01/21/2014 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of January 21, 2014 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Mayor Matthes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tern Cindy Lucarelli and Councilmembers Jeff Cartwright, Bek Ashby, Rob Putaansuu, John Clauson, Fred Chang and Jerry Childs were present. Community Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Treasurer Allan Martin, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, City Attorney Greg Jacoby and Office Assistant II Jenine Floyd were also present. Councilmember Bek Ashby led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Discussion: 2013 Re-Cap Mayor Matthes gave a brief update on the City's 2013 projects, the Water Street Boat Launch; completion of the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Segment No's 2 and 5; Well No. 9 nearing completion; McCormick Woods STEP Conversion; completion of the Cedar Heights Junior High School Sidewalks; completion of the Sidney Street End Compass Rose; installed new playground equipment at the Active Club; completed the public works carport; completed Phase 1 of the DeKalb Street Pier; repair of planter across from the DeKalb Pier; improvements to VanZee Park; safety improvements to Bethel Avenue and continued repairs to City sidewalks and streets. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 2. Discussion: South Kitsap Water Reclamation Facility Public Works Director Mark Dorsey stated the contract between the City and West Sound Utility District for Wastewater Treatment Facility Management and Operations expires this year. The City has been working with the Utility District to address the agreement. Councilmember Putaansuu stated the Sewer Advisory Committee and the Utility District have met several times over the past year, and have provided the Council with a draft agreement of twenty-five years; with an option of either side asking for review of the terms and conditions of the contract every five years. Councilmember Clauson feels the intent of the original agreement was to encompass the whole project, meaning the marina pump station, force main, and the construction of the treatment plant, and the new agreement should continue to do so; however, Councilmember Putaansuu noted there is no paperwork or documents to support the marina pump station being the responsibility of the treatment plant. Councilmember Clauson .. stated he has some concerns with the operation and maintenance agreement versus ownership, and provided a brief explanation of when January 21, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 4 and why the plant was developed. He also noted the marina pump station and force main are all key components to connect the City to the sewer plant, as West Sound already had a force main connecting its citizens to the treatment plant. In regards to ownership, he is concerned of the life left of the pump station. Council and staff discussed the operations and maintenance agreement of the facility, and also who should be responsible for ownership of the force main and marina pump station. Council Direction: Council directed staff to remove sections which discuss ownership and have just an operational agreement, and then take the revised agreement back to West Sound Utility District for their approval; and for the Utility Committee to continue to work with WSUD on ownership. 3· Discussion: Elected Officials Email Policy City Clerk Rinearson noted back in 2010, there was discussion to see if Council wanted an elected official's email policy. With the increase of public records request of Council emails, staff would like an elected official's email policy to protect the City and Councilmembers from potential litigation. City Attorney Jacoby noted with the recent court case with Bainbridge Island, a judge ruled if somebody uses their personal computer to store City documents, or use their personal email to send City related information; the court has the right to compel you to turn over your hard drive. There is a really easy solution, which is to copy your City email address if you are using your personal email for City business. Council and staff briefly discussed issues with City email address, using phone devises and problems with security risks and firewalls. Council Direction: Council directed staff to look into a sample email policy, and to also find out information and prices on setting up a separate server for Council emails. 4· Discussion: Council Committee Assignments/Retreat Date City Clerk Rinearson noted the Council will need to choose a retreat date, and to also discuss Council Committees. Councilmember Clauson noted the retreat date should be early in the budget process for staff to incorporate Council's goals in to departmental budget process. Councilmember's Ashby and Cartwright mentioned they would like the retreat to have specific discussions and to review more things in depth. January 21, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page3 of4 Council discussed dates for the retreat and agreed to have the retreat in June. They will discuss 2015 goals, and to relook at the 2014 goals. Staff will be required to attend. In addition, Council discussed which committee's and outside agencies they would like to serve on. The Council discussed the following committees and who will service on them: Finance: Councilmember Childs, Clauson and Putaansuu; Public Property: Councilmembers Ashby, Cartwright and Lucarelli; Economic Development & Tourism: Councilmembers Ashby, Chang and Cartwright; Lodging Tax Advisory (LTAC): Councilmember Chang; Utilities Committee: Councilmembers Lucarelli, Clauson and Putaansuu; Sewer Advisory (SAC): Councilmembers Lucarelli, Clauson and Putaansuu; Festival of Chimes and Lights: Councilmembers Lucarelli and Childs; Joint Waterfront-Ad Hoc: Councilmembers Clauson and Childs; Kitsap Public Health District: Councilmember Clauson as an alternative; Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council: Councilmember Ashby as a rep, and Councilmember Cartwright as an alternative; Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council Transpol: Councilmember Ashby as a rep, and Councilmember Cartwright as an alternative; Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board: Councilmember Ashby as an alternative; Puget Sound Regional Council Transpol: Councilmember Ashby as a rep; Puget Sound Regional Council Growth Management Policy Board: Councilmember Chang as a rep; Kitsap Economic Development Alliance and KADA: Councilmember Childs as a rep; Kitsap Transit: Councilmember Putaansuu; Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization: Councilmember Ashby and Councilmember Cartwright as an alternative; Kitsap Regional Coordinating CouncilA.R.T.: Councilmember Putaansuu. Council Direction: Council directed staff to schedule the Council Retreat during June's work study session; and to create a new Resolution outlining the Council Committee assignments. 5· Discussion: Blackjack Creek Greenbelt Zoning Council Direction: Council directed staff to place this item on February's work study session agenda. 6. Discussion: Mid-Block Crosswalk Policy Council Direction: Council directed staff to place this item on February's work study session agenda. January 21, 2014, Work Study Session Minutes Page 4 of 4 7· Discussion: Tree Cutting/Pruning Sign Relocation Council Direction: Council directed staff to place this item on February's work study session agenda. At 9:20p.m., Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting. ~ ~L~d~ Brandy Rinearson, CMC, City Clerk ''""""''' Timothy C. atthes, Mayor ,,, 0 T 0 111 ,,,, o()n Rc1~,, , .... ~ ' • • • • • • , 7 .... ,, ~~ ';·o~?OA,.q)-•.:1{~ ::1-.....•u ~o.<='~ ~r':::•~ • '; -........ 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